Who is Nelly Korda's boyfriend? Everything we know about Andreas Athanasiou (2024)

Kelle Repass

Nelly Korda is one of the most successful LPGA golfers playing right now. She's reached as high as the top-ranked golfer on the World Rankings and won several tournaments. According to the latest rankings, she's still the top-ranked player in the LPGA. She holds a slight lead over Lydia Ko right now.

She is an incredibly famous golfer, and ordinarily, that would make her the most famous person in a given relationship. However, her boyfriend is arguably more famous than her.

Andreas Athanasiou is a professional hockey player. Here's what you need to know about him.

All we know about Nelly Korda's boyfriend, Andreas Athanasiou

The two announced their relationship on Instagram and have reportedly been dating. The post was shared almost three years ago, so the two have built a long relationship.

On November 13, 2013, the hockey player was signed to his first team. He joined the Detroit Red Wings with a three-year entry-level deal.

He spent time in the minors, setting records and playing well. By 2015, the Red Wings felt like he was ready to come up to the big leagues.

He debuted on November 8, 2015, almost two years after his initial contract. His second career game saw him net his first career goal. He would bounce back and forth between Detroit and their minor league team for the next few years, though.

During the 2019–2020 season, Korda's boyfriend recorded 10 goals and 14 assists in 46 games with the Red Wings. Unfortunately, he also owned a league-worst plus/minus at -45. It wasn't exactly a stellar year for the hockey player.

At the 2020 trade deadline, Athanasiou was shipped to the Edmonton Oilers in exchange for another player, Sam Gagner, and second-round draft picks in 2020 and 2021. He would only play nine games before the season was paused for the COVID-19 pandemic. In those games, he recorded one goal and one assist.

Following the season, he was not offered a contract and became a free agent. Korda's boyfriend eventually signed with the Los Angeles Kings in free agency that offseason.

It was for one year and only worth $1.2 million, though. Following that season, Los Angeles liked him enough to bring him back for another year. This time the contract was worth $2.7 million.

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However, after that season, he would not remain in Los Angeles. He signed a one-year deal with the Chicago Blackhawks worth $3 million. Next summer, he will presumably be a free agent again, which may mean that he and Korda will have to relocate.

The hockey star was a member of a gold medal-winning Ontario team at the World U-17 Hockey Challenge in 2011.

He was one of five players for the Ontario team that had five or more points in the five-game-long tournament. He recorded two goals and three assists.

As far as anyone can tell, Korda and Athanasiou do not have any engagement or marriage plans at this time.

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Who is Nelly Korda's boyfriend? Everything we know about Andreas Athanasiou (2024)
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