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Welcome to U-Con 2016!Convention Information

Marriott Ann Arbor Ypsilanti Eagle Crest, 1275 S Huron Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, Phone: (734) 487-0600

All attendees may park for free in the hotel’s parking lot adjacent to the building. Registra-tion is located near the main entrance of the Eagle Crest Conference Center.

U-Con Contact InfoU-Con Staff can be found at Registration in the Eagle Crest Conference Center during Regis-

tration hours. Stop by if you need anything or to see whether any new events have been added. After the convention, U-Con Staff can be reached using the following contact methods:

Mail: U-Con Gaming Club; P.O. Box 130242; Ann Arbor, MI 48131-0242

E-mail: [emailprotected]


Phone (voice message): 734-707-UCON

Hotel map is on center fold.

PricesOn-Site Weekend Badge: ..........................$30

On-Site 1-Day Badge (Fri, Sun): ................ $15

On-Site 1-Day Badge (Sat): ........................ $25

Child Badge (Ages 7-12): ..............................$10

Event Tickets: ........................ priced by event

Generic Tickets: ......................................... $1.50

Event Ribbons: ................................................ $15


U-Con Logo bags ........................................... $12

Shirt (M, L, XL) ...............................................$20

Shirt (2X, 3X, 4X) ........................................... $22

Please note that a badge is required to play in events.

Show HoursFriday, November 20

Registration ....................................... 8am-10pm

Scheduled Events ..............................9am-4am

Exhibitor Hall ......................................2pm-8pm

Saturday, November 21

Registration ....................................... 8am-10pm

Scheduled Events ..............................9am-4am

Exhibitor Hall .................................... 10am-8pm

Sunday, November 22

Registration ............................ 8:30am-6:30pm

Scheduled Events ............................. 9am-6pm

Exhibitor Hall .....................................10am-2pm

Food ServiceFood service is available near registration during the hours listed. Money spent at the stand goes directly to U-Con to help defray our costs, but this is not true of purchases made at the hotel restaurant and bar.

Breakfast ...................................... 8:30am-10am

Lunch .............................................. 11:00am-2pm

Snack .....................................................3pm-4pm

Dinner (Fri/Sat only) ........................5pm-8pm

Late snack (Fri/Sat only) ...........11:30pm-1am

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U-Con Conduct PolicyU-Con is dedicated to providing a safe con-vention experience for everyone. These rules apply to all attendees, as well as U-Con Staff and Volunteers.

SanctionsAttendees violating these rules may face sanc-tions up to and including expulsion from the convention without a refund, and/or being banned from future U-Con events, at the sole discretion of the U-Con organizers.

Reporting ViolationsViolations of these policies may be reported to any U-Con Volunteer or Staff member. In the case of violations of the Harassment or Gen-eral Misbehavior policies, or violations of other policies where safety has been placed at risk, Volunteers and Staff members are required to promptly escalate reports to the President and/or Con Chair for resolution.

Categories of MisconductHarassmentDo not engage in harassment of attendees, U-Con Staff or Volunteers, hotel personnel, or anyone else at U-Con in any form. Harassment includes (but is not limited to) offensive verbal comments related to characteristics including gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, veteran status, or religion; de-liberate intimidation; stalking or following; ha-rassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Par-ticipants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Even if you do not believe that your behavior is harass-ment, if the recipient does, you need to stop.

Badge SwappingDo not steal from the convention by allowing others to use your convention badge. We will confiscate badges from anyone we catch shar-ing or swapping badges, and they will be asked to leave the convention. U-Con is a not-for-profit organization run by volunteers; we break even over time, but cannot tolerate theft.

SmokingSmoking is illegal in the function space. Ask your gamemaster for a smoke break if you need one, and then go to a designated smoking area outside the facility.

WeaponsDo not bring real weapons onto the premises. Some weapon props are allowed as provided in the costume rules.

CostumesCostumes must be tasteful and cover appropri-ate areas of the body. What is illegal outside the convention is still illegal inside the conven-tion. Keep it PG-13! Props should be carried

and posed with in a way that does not inconve-nience or injure other attendees. Metal weap-ons, real firearms, or props loaded with high velocity projectiles are not permitted. Realis-tic weapon props may be approved or peace-bonded at discretion of staff. If you are uncer-tain, please inquire at the registration desk.

General MisbehaviorDo not engage in behavior which endangers the health or well-being of others, their property, or the relationship of U-Con to its host site. Please remember that you are in a public space, and you should treat con personnel, fellow attend-ees, bystanders, their belongings, and the facil-ity in which U-Con is held with respect.

Children and MinorsChildren 12 and under must have a caregiver on-site at all times, and children 6 and under must be accompanied at all times. Children 12 and under may participate in events at the discretion of the gamemaster. Please refer to the age guidelines provided with each event entry and consult directly with the gamemas-ter regarding participation. Depending on the age and maturity of the child, some GMs may allow caregivers to leave the child at their own risk, but this must be explicitly arranged with the GM prior to or at the start of the event. If no such arrangements are made or if the child is 6 or under, the caregiver must stay with the child during the event. All minors (17 and under) must have emergency contact information on the back of their con badge.

Neither U-Con, nor any U-Con volunteer, gamemaster, staff member, or attendee other than the parent or guardian is responsible for children who attend. Parents who separate themselves from their children at the con do so at their own risk. The full version of the policy on children and minors at U-Con is available at on-site registration or on our website:

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Organized Play


Guests Of HonorJohn Wick - Game designer and author who has designed over two dozen games including Legend of the Five Rings, 7th Sea, Orkworld, Cat: A Little Game about Little Heroes, Houses of the Blooded, The Aegis Project and Wield. He is a Freemason, ritual magician and prestidigitator. He has climbed Kilimanjaro, died three times and knows the secret name of Baba Yaga. In his spare time, he solves crimes for the FBI, CIA and NSA and is a Discordian Double Agent acting to overthrow the Bavarian Illuminati, the True Masters of the World. He also wrote this brief biography of his accomplishments and will swear to its authenticity on a stack of Bibles.

Christopher Badell - Designer and co-creator of the hit cooperative card game Sentinels of the Multiverse, as well as the co-owner of Greater Than Games, LLC. Over the last few years, his story-telling game creation style and attention to both thematics and mechanics in games has made a mark on the tabletop gaming industry. Even with a variety of games in production, his first love is co-op games, to the point that he views the gaming industry as one big cooperative game!

Stacy Dellorfano - Founder of ConTessa, an organization devoted to bringing more women-led events to tabletop roleplaying game conventions. For her efforts with ConTessa, she was awarded a gold ENnie in 2015, and nominated for the Diana Jones Award in 2016. In addition to working on ConTessa, Stacy is the project manager for the 3rd printing of Swords & Wizardry (created by an all-woman crew of artists), and she is the author of ‘Zaya’s Promise’, an old-school adventure for Swords & Wizardry set to come out with the 3rd printing. When she’s not doing all of that, she maintains her own blog called Frivology, where she talks all things gaming and baking.

Darren Watts - Former President of Hero Games and Indie Press Revolution. He was the primary writer on such titles as Champions Universe, Millennium City, Vibora Bay, UNTIL, Hidden Lands, and (along with Jason Walters) the notorious Lucha Hero. Now out of the owning things business, he’s been free-lancing for games like Masks (Magpie Games), Narosia (Legendsmiths) and Doctor Who (Cubicle 7 Games.) He’s currently setting up a Kickstarter for Golden Age Champions, the Champions supplement for punching Nazis in the face. At U-Con, Darren will offer a preview of Golden Age Champions!

Industry Insiders/Special GuestsBrendan LeSalle has been writing and pub-lishing in the game industry since 2002. He has written for Goodman Games, Fat Dragon Games, Troll Lord’s Games, Savage Mojo, Pan-dahead Publishing, and Hand Made Games. He has many adventures and source books, includ-ing the award winning Age of Cthulhu: A Dream of Japan. His most recent adventure is Xcrawl: Anaheim Crawl. He is the creator of Xcrawl, which recently returned in the new Maximum Xcrawl edition. He lives in Salem, MA, with his wife, dog, and cat.

Jonathan Gilmour is a Board Game Designer from NW Ohio. His credits include: Co-design-er of Dead of Winter: A Crosssroads Game, and Vault Wars. His greatest weaknesses are writing bios, and the color green. He loves long walks on the beach and playtesting games. Sometimes at the same time. His favorite color is orange, so please let him have that as a player

color. His favorite games are Cosmic Encounter, Nations, and Hanabi. His least favorite game is “The What Game Should We Play” game. He and his wife have four children, with the goal of having a built-in game group any time they want it.

Bill Webb is the founder of Frog God Games, one of the largest 3rd party publishers in the gaming industry, which produces books for Pathfinder, 5th Edition, and their own home brew rules, Swords and Wizardry. Some well-known titles include The Slumbering Tsar Saga, The Sword of Air, Rappan Athuk Complete, Tome of Horrors Complete and Razor Coast. Known worldwide for his difficult adventures, high mortality rate in games and his penchant for literally making it all up as it goes along. Bill is a huge proponent of children and women in gaming. Perhaps his best moments have been “when the kids outsmarted me again.”

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Michael Surbrook first entered the publish-ing world with the release of Kazei 5 for HERO System 4th Edition. He followed that up by writ-ing Ninja Hero for HERO System 5th Edition and Asian Bestiaries volumes I and II. He also wrote Kazei 5 for HERO System 6th Edition, contrib-uted to HERO System Martial Arts, wrote Here Be Dragons for D3 Adventures, and contributed to several Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader books for Fantasy Flight Games. Recently he’s written Fantasy Hero Complete for HERO Games and Larger Than Life for High Rock Press. Currently he’s working on a number of projects, includ-ing an updated version of Aaron Allston’s Strike Force campaign book.

Leonard Balsera is an award-winning game designer, writer, and developer, having worked

on such properties as Spirit of the Century and The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game. He is the lead designer of Fate Core. He’s also written The Esoterrorists: Profane Miracles and Ashen Stars: Terra Nova.

Marc Tassin is the creator of the Aetaltis fan-tasy campaign setting and the founder of Me-chanical Muse. He’s written game material for both Shadowrun and Dragon Magazine, and his short fiction has appeared in a number of anthologies from DAW Books. When he’s not dreaming up new worlds, Marc runs the Gen Con Writer’s Symposium, one of the largest and fastest growing professional events in the world for writers of speculative fiction.

ExhibitorsCJS Games, D. Quirk Works, Thunderhead Gaming, Pacesetter Games & Simulations, Level 8 Craftling, Zodiac Empires, Antiquarian Boardgames, Mystik Waboose, Committee for

Unconventional Ministry, The Open Gaming Store, Pandemonium Games, Speed!, Ancient Artillery, Destiny Games, and Evolution Games.

How Do I Play?To play in games or participate in other events, you must have both a badge valid for the day of the event and a ticket for the event. Event ticket costs vary by event, so see the event entry later in the book. Generic tickets of equivalent cost may be substituted for event

tickets as long as there are open seats for an event. A Play Games All Weekend (PGAW) ribbon allows access to events as if you had ge-neric tickets. If there is a particular game you want to play, buy the event ticket. If you will play anything, the PGAW ribbon is a good deal.

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Organized Play


Show HighlightsU-Con Games Library. Drop by during our hours and try out some games. Access to the library is included with your convention badge!

Charity Auction. An annual event! Bring your old, unwanted games and we’ll help you find a new home for them. Or, you can bid on games that others are selling. Part of the sale price goes to the seller and part goes to a local charity. Register your lots at between 11am-1pm (event 5502) and the bidding starts at 1pm (event 5767).

Featured Events. Check our website for up-to-date featured event listings, including many chances to inter-act and learn from our special guests, a Senti-nels look-a-like costume contest Fri 11pm (event 5822), play as a spaceship crew in Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator (all weekend), our Rio Grande Sanctioned Dominion Tournament, Paint and Take, and a Movie Gathering.

Cosplay. Costuming/Cosplay is completely welcome at U-Con! You can do as little or as much as you like. We’re here to game first, but dressing up for gaming can be even more fun!

Scheduled Events. The remaining sections of the U-Con Gaming Convention Guide list all the events scheduled this weekend. Events are arranged by category of game and time sched-ule. Please note that roleplaying is divided into

Roleplaying and Organized Play categories, with the latter mainly used for sanctioned RPG groups. Be sure to check out the special events section too.

Green Cones. Are you looking for a game with an opening? Look for the green cones! GMs with open spots will use the green cones to show that they have openings. Use your Play Games All Weekend ribbon or generics to

quickly join. Once the game starts, please put the cone back so others can use them.

Games on Demand serves as a showcase for some of the most exciting small press roleplay-ing games available. You can drop in and play interesting games throughout the show. We’ll help you match your interests to a GM who is ready to run just the right game. Seats are filled first come first serve.

Prize Support. Thanks to generous donations from many fine companies, U-Con offers prizes to support independent gamemasters running events at U-Con. If you receive a prize token, please ask at Registration how to redeem it. Additionally, some events are supported by play-to-win prizes from Envoy. Please see the Envoy table in the board game room for more information.

Ahoy, swashbuckling Pirates!Assemble, valiant Superheroes!

Join us for our 4th annual Scavenger Hunt:The Curious Cape-and-Cutlass Crusade

Saturday, November 12

10 am – 10 pm. Free with your Badge!For information, go to Registration.

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SPECIAL EVENTSFRIDAy5963 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Fri 1p-2p Artemis simulates a spaceship bridge by networking several computers together. The Captain, Helm, Weapons, Engineering, Science & Coms officers will need to work together to defend their quadrant! NO RIBBONS. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6007 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Fri 2p-3p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5768 7th Sea: Tips and Tricks For A Successful Game Auditorium 1 Fri 3p-4p Learn directly from the creator on how to run successful adventures in the world of 7th Sea! (Ages 13+). GM: John Wick. 40 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6008 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Fri 3p-4p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6009 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Fri 4p-5p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6010 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Fri 5p-6p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6011 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Fri 6p-7p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5611 OSR: Old School Game Design Panel Conference E Table 4 Fri 6p-8p Join the OSR Track's Guests as we discuss OSR Games Design and Aesthetic! From Zines to polished games, we will talk about it. Audience participation encouraged! The DSR Podcast will be recording! (Ages 7+). GM: Ryan Thompson. 80 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5533 Tékumel: Joyful Sitting Among Friends Seminar 5 Fri 6p-8p This is the annual welcome gathering for the Tékumel Track. Join us to find

out about the weekend's Tékumel events, or the Tékumel setting in general, and meet other fans of the setting. (Ages 13+). GM: George Hammond. 30 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6012 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Fri 7p-8p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6013 Artemis: Lucky Seven Run Seminar 1 Fri 8p-9p An advanced scenario for the Artemis Starship Bridge Simulator. Can you and your fellow officers defend the quadrant from the attacking armada? Players should already be familiar with at least one Artemis bridge station. NO RIBBONS. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $4.50

5745 Dawn of Worlds: Fantasy Worldbuilding Workshop Auditorium 1 Fri 8p-12a We'll be using the Dawn of Worlds rule set to create a completely new Fantasy campaign setting. GM's, Get some new ideas for creating your own immersive and believable fantasy campaign setting. (Ages 13+). GM: Dirk Collins. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6014 Artemis: Lucky Seven Run Seminar 1 Fri 9p-10p See Special Events Fri 8p 6013. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $4.50

6015 Artemis: Lucky Seven Run Seminar 1 Fri 10p-11p See Special Events Fri 8p 6013. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $4.50

6016 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Fri 11p-12a See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5822 Happy Hour Mixer & Sentinels Look-a-like Costume Contest View Bar Fri 11p-1a Eat! Drink! Be merry! Exhibit Sentinels of the Multiverse costumes! (Adults 18+). GM: U-Con Staff. 30 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

SATURDAy5617 ConTessa GM's Breakfast Hotel Restaurant Sat 8a-9a Grab some breakfast, and join Stacy and other women for a casual social event. All women are welcome! Come by

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and meet some other women and find out what we're all about! (Ages 7+). GM: Stacy Dellorfano. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6017 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 10a-11a See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6018 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 11a-12p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5502 Auction: Item Submission Auditorium 1 Sat 11a-1p No ticket needed. The auction itself running from 1pm to 3pm. We charge $1.00 or 10% of the winning bid, whichever is higher, per item sold. See auction event at 1pm for additional details. GM: U-Con Staff. 30 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6019 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 12p-1p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6020 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 1p-2p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5767 Auction Auditorium 1 Sat 1p-3p No ticket needed. Registration of items from 11am to 1pm. We charge $1.00 or 10% of the winning bid, whichever is higher, per item sold. Accounts will be allowed to anyone who states that they will attend the entire auction. No checks will be accepted. No photocopied materials will be sold. U-Con will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. No inspections of lots prior to or during the sale. All sales are final. GM: U-Con Staff. 30 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5830 Bill Webb Book Signing Exhibitor Hall Sat 1p-2p Join us at the Open Gaming Store booth in the exhibitor hall and have your books signed by author and President of Frog God Games, Bill Webb! (Ages 7+). GM: Bill Webb. 50 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5592 Prototype Workshop Seminar 4 Sat 1p-3p Are you interested in designing board games? Do you have a design you would like some help with, or get a professional's thoughts about? If so, stop by and have a chat with Jonathan Gilmour, Designer on such games as Dead of

Winter, Vault Wars, and Heroes and Tricks. (Ages 7+). GM: Jonathan Gilmour. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6021 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 2p-3p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6022 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 3p-4p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6023 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 4p-5p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6024 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 5p-6p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6025 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 6p-7p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5187 Seminar: Writing for RPGs Seminar 4 Sat 6p-7p Learn what it takes to write for your favorite role-playing games. Learn how to find job opportunities, what companies look for in a writer, and what it takes to achieve real success. With Guests John Wick, Darren Watts, and Marc Tassin. Hosted by Shane Harsch. (Ages 13+). GM: U-Con Staff. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6026 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 7p-8p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5248 The Smithee Primaries Auditorium 1 Sat 7p-12a The Smith-ka-teers invite you to once again exercise your voting rights and help us narrow down our field of bad movie clips to only the best of them. (Mature 18+). GM: Smith-ka-teers. 300 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6027 Artemis: Lucky Seven Run Seminar 1 Sat 8p-9p See Special Events Fri 8p 6013. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $4.50

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6002 Traders of Valhalla: Preview of Game While Feasting Ballroom Table 204 Sat 8p-11p Traders of Valhalla is an adventure for brave Vikings daring to seek fortune in distant lands, but their treasure is in danger on the high seas. Vikings trade for riches across their known world. (Ages 13+). GM: Valerie Hampton. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

6028 Artemis: Lucky Seven Run Seminar 1 Sat 9p-10p See Special Events Fri 8p 6013. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $4.50

6029 Artemis: Lucky Seven Run Seminar 1 Sat 10p-11p See Special Events Fri 8p 6013. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $4.50

6030 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sat 11p-12a See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5823 Happy Hour Mixer View Bar Sat 11p-1a Join some Guests of Honor and staff for drinks at the bar! (Adults 18+). GM: U-Con Staff. 30 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

SUNDAy5773 7th Sea: Breakfast with John Wick Hotel Restaurant Sun 8a-9a Want to learn about 7th Sea directly from the creator? Join John Wick for breakfast and hear tales of game development, running campaigns, and how he hosted a very successful Kickstarter! (Note: everyone pays for their own breakfast.) (Ages 7+). GM: John Wick. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6031 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sun 10a-11a See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6032 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sun 11a-12p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6033 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sun 12p-1p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5695 Seminar: Running in the Golden Age of Comics Board Room Sun 12p-1p What are the key elements to running a genre-rich Golden Age game? What key stylistic elements should you include or avoid? Join Darren Watts, author of the upcoming Golden Age of Champions to discover his secrets (well, maybe not ALL of his secrets). (Ages 13+). GM: Darren Watts. 16 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

6034 Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator Seminar 1 Sun 1p-2p See Special Events Fri 1p 5963. (Ages 7+). GM: Daniel Smith. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

6006 Attendee Feedback Session / Volunteer Appreciation Social Atrium Sun 2p-3p 1st half hr: Share your con impressions with the staff, especially if you'd like to volunteer! 2nd half hr FOR VOLUNTEERS ONLY please: The Staff invites Volunteers to come by for snacks, to thank you for all your hard work. (Ages 13+). GM: U-Con Staff. 30 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

BOARD AND CARD GAMESFRIDAy5340 (Prototype) Battle Box: The Greek Gods Ballroom Table 103 Fri 10a-12p Struggle for control of the largest army of Gods, Heroes, and Monsters! In this battlefield game, players use spells, abilities, and elements to defeat their opponents. Based on Triple Triad (FFVIII) (Ages 7+). GM: Chris Andersen. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5564 Ascension X: War of Shadows Ballroom Table 413 Fri 10a-2p Come enjoy the 10th

expansion of this excellent deckbuilding game. Experience the new Day/Night mechanic and cards with dual costs of both Runes and Power. It's also quite easy for beginners to learn! (Ages 13+). GM: Randolph Williams. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5575 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 310 Fri 10a-11a At the bottom of the ocean, no one will hear you scream! (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5242 Cerberus Engine: DC COMICS DECK-BUILDING GAME Ballroom Table 421 Fri




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10a-11a Play as Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, Green Lantern, or Cyborg. The Justice League is ready for action! (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5293 Cthuhlu Wars Ballroom Table 302 Fri 10a-1p Cthulhu Wars is the epic game of world domination with beautifully painted, huge figures. Complexity comes each faction playing completely differently than all the others. (Ages 13+). GM: David Reynolds. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5831 Evolution Climate Ballroom Table 305 Fri 10a-12p Climate expansion to Evolution by NorthStar! Creatures must evolve to survive extreme heat or cold, as well as food scarcity, and predators. It's a mix of familiar traits and new, with better balance. (Ages 7+). GM: Dave Morris. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5240 Game Prototype: Invisible Hands Playtest Ballroom Table 411 Fri 10a-1p The tongue-in-cheek game of conspiratorial world conquest! Infiltrate regions of the globe, stage wars like puppet shows, trade favors with the other secret masters, and dominate world civilization. (Ages 13+). GM: David A. Spitzley. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5527 Isle of Skye Ballroom Table 209 Fri 10a-1p In the tile-laying game Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King, players are chieftains of famous clans and want to build their kingdoms to score as many points as possible. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5667 Mansions of Madness Conference C Table 2 Fri 10a-2p Mansions of madness is a game of horror and mystery where players take the role of investigators attempting to solve a mystery while hoping to survive with your minds still intact. Experience the Lovecraftian horror, now with detailed plastic minis! GM: Aaron Connell (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

6040 Murano Ballroom Table 212 Fri 10a-12p Play by moving gondolas in the glass-making Italian island of Murano. (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5329 Pandemic Ballroom Table 208 Fri 10a-12p Several diseases have broken out all over the world! Players are disease-fighting specialists

whose mission is to treat hotspots while researching cures for the 4 plagues before they get out of hand. (Ages 7+). GM: Marcia Pettit. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5281 Roll For It! Ballroom Table 201 Fri 10a-12p Take turns rolling dice and matching cards trying to score 40 points. The rules are simple-Roll It! Match It! Score It! But look out, other players may steal the card you're shooting for! (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5677 Saloon Tycoon Ballroom Table 415 Fri 10a-12p It's the wild west and it's time to get this small saloon of yours built! Players add floors to their saloon causing their buildings to rise in the effort to woo citizens to your saloon. (Ages 13+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5700 San Juan/ Puerto Rico Ballroom Table 205 Fri 10a-2p Be the Mayor in settling a fine new colony in the New World. Uses the card game San Juan to teach Puerto Rico which follows. (Ages 13+). GM: James H Richards. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5780 Star Trek: Five year Mission Ballroom Table 202 Fri 10a-12p Choose the classic Star Trek Enterprise NCC-1701 or the Star Trek: The Next Generation NCC-1701-D. ALERT! You and your fellow crewmates must cooperate to resolve dangerous situations that threaten to destroy your ship. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5178 Tales of the Arabian Nights: Aladdin Sane Ballroom Table 207 Fri 10a-2p Back by popular demand, the classic storytelling game of Arabian myth and legend! The emphasis is on storytelling, not winning or losing. Earn Fame & Story points in your quests. Adventure waits! (Ages 13+). GM: Stewart Tame. 5 seats / No XP / Complex / $3.00

5601 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 311 Fri 11a-12p You and your teammates control a state-of-the-art submarine. Try to locate an enemy submarine and blow it out of the water before they can do the same to you. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5576 Castles of Mad King Ludwig Ballroom Table 309 Fri 11a-1p In the tile-laying game Castles of Mad King Ludwig, players are tasked

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with building an amazing, extravagant castle for King Ludwig II of Bavaria, one room at a time. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6044 Letter Tycoon Ballroom Table 211 Fri 11a-12p Players take turns forming a word using a seven-card hand and a three-card community card pool, scoring money and stock rewards based on their word. (Ages 7+). GM: Karen Holah. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5619 Russian Railroads Ballroom Table 210 Fri 11a-2p In Russian Railroads, players are industrialists, competing to build industrial capacity and the largest and most advanced railway networks through strategic worker placement. (Ages 13+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5530 Sushi Go Ballroom Table 222 Fri 11a-12p Card game where you pick a card and pass your hand while trying to build sushi for points. (Ages 13+). GM: Jeannette Quirk. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5481 The Pursuit of Happiness Ballroom Table 422 Fri 11a-1p Take your character from childhood to death, all while trying to have the happiest life. You can take on projects, get a job, have a relationship, or buy your way! (Ages 13+). GM: Joshua Koenemann. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5554 Airlines: Europe Ballroom Table 424-425 Fri 12p-2p Use your influence skillfully and your cash wisely in this game of aviation development. Compete for favorable routes and government subsidies as you marshal your investments. (Ages 13+). GM: Cheryl Orosz. 10 seats / Some XP / Average / $1.50

5674 Bohnanza Ballroom Table 420 Fri 12p-1p Live the exciting life of a bean farmer! Trade, plant, and harvest beans to acquire the most gold. Do you have what it takes to farm beans? (Ages 7+). GM: Samantha Orosz. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5602 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 310 Fri 12p-1p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50


Fri 12p-1p Join the Fellowship and play as Frodo, Samwise, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, or Boromir on your quest to destroy the legendary One Ring. (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6037 Cover your Assets Ballroom Table 212 Fri 12p-1p Players compete to collect items to become a millionaire. (Ages 7+). GM: Karen Holah. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5781 Flash Point: Fire Rescue Ballroom Table 202 Fri 12p-2p Don the protective suits that will keep you alive, gather your equipment and rush to the scene of a blazing inferno. You must work as a team because the fire is raging, the building is threatening to collapse, and lives are in danger. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5679 Junk Art Ballroom Table 414 Fri 12p-1p In this stacking dexterity game, players play 3 of 12 different stacking games with unique wooden pieces, trying to avoid things falling over. Will one of your creations stand up as Junk Art? (Ages 7+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5282 Looney Labs Trio: Aquarius, Fluxx, Loonacy Ballroom Table 201 Fri 12p-2p Come learn how to play 3 Looney Labs Games. Family Fluxx, Aquarius and Loonacy! (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5369 Puffing Billy: 1861 Ballroom Table 316 Fri 12p-3p Category 3. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5367 Puffing Billy: Iron Dragon/Lunar Rails/Martian Rails Ballroom Table 317 Fri 12p-3p Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5370 Puffing Billy: Ticket to Ride #1 Ballroom Table 315 Fri 12p-3p Category 1. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5368 Puffing Billy: Union Pacific #1 Ballroom Table 314 Fri 12p-3p Category 4. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5560 Roll for the Galaxy Ballroom Table 418-419 Fri 12p-2p A dice game of building space empires. Your dice are your populace, whom

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you direct to develop new techs, settle worlds, and ship goods. Who best manages his workers and builds the best empire wins! (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Orosz. 10 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5520 Royals Ballroom Table 410 Fri 12p-2p Buy influence and rule over the great noble houses of 17th century Europe. "Apparently it's like Thurn & Taxes, but I haven't played that, so I think it's like RISK+Game of Thrones." -Dana Nelson. (Ages 13+). GM: Dana Nelson. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5341 (Prototype) Battle Box: The Greek Gods Ballroom Table 103 Fri 1p-3p Struggle for control of the largest army of Gods, Heroes, and Monsters! Uses the basic interactions established in Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII with multiple improvements. This is a prototype with original artwork and will eventually be on KickStarter. (Ages 7+). GM: Chris Andersen. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6038 The Downfall of Pompeii Ballroom Table 212 Fri 1p-2p Players compete to collect items to become a millionaire. (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5276 Battlestar Galactica Ballroom Table 302 Fri 2p-7p The last human warship leads a rag tag fleet of survivors to find a new home amongst the stars. But the Cylon battle fleet is in hot pursuit. Worse, some Cylons are already hidden amongst us. (Ages 13+). GM: Vic Lesperance. 5 seats / No XP / Complex / $3.00

5485 Carson City Ballroom Table 409 Fri 2p-4p It's the old west, and you're one of the early, influential settlers of Carson City. You'll enlist the help of patrons and build the city. Things are gonna get rough though, so you're gonna need guns. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Caldwell. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5811 Castle Panic Ballroom Table 312 Fri 2p-4p Can you work with your friends to defend your Castle against the horde, or will the Monsters tear down your Walls and destroy the precious Castle Towers? You will all win or lose together, but in the end only one player will be declared the Master Slayer! (Ages 7+). GM: Josh Finley. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5356 Champions of Midgard Ballroom Table 306 Fri 2p-4p Champions of Midgard is a Viking worker placement game with dice combat.

Taking on the roles of competing Viking leaders, players hunt trolls and slay mythical Norse beasts in a quest for glory! (Ages 13+). GM: Trevor Pryhorocki. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6045 Circular Reasoning Ballroom Table 211 Fri 2p-3p This board consists of a goal in the center and three concentric tracks of 16 spaces each. Each track has a gate to the next level, but the gates rotate around the board according to the number of tokens found in each level. (Ages 7+). GM: Karen Holah. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5332 Compounded: Chemical Chaos Ballroom Table 208 Fri 2p-4p Compounded is a game about building the most chemical compounds through careful management of elements, a fair bit of social play and trading, and just a bit of luck. (Ages 13+). GM: Marcia Pettit. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6075 Demos Ballroom Table 214 Fri 2p-6p Learn to play games like Fuse, Gravwell or Clank (Ages 13+). GM: Renegade Games. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5621 Edo Ballroom Table 209 Fri 2p-5p In Edo, players represent daimyo in mid-second millennium Japan who are trying to serve their shogun by using their samurai to construct castles, markets and houses in Tokyo and surrounding areas. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5757 Envoy Open Play Ballroom Table 217-219 Fri 2p-6p Play to Win! Walk up and play a game sponsored by Envoy from Double Exposure. Drop in whenever and play for as long as you like. $1.50 for every two hours of games! (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara (Envoy). 30 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5241 Game Prototype: Invisible Hands Playtest Ballroom Table 411 Fri 2p-5p The tongue-in-cheek game of conspiratorial world conquest! Infiltrate regions of the globe, stage wars like puppet shows, trade favors with the other secret masters, and dominate world civilization. (Ages 13+). GM: David A. Spitzley. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5594 Millennium Blades Ballroom Table 308 Fri 2p-5p Trade wisely, play the market, and work together with friends to become the Millennium

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Blades World Champion. (Ages 13+). GM: Jason Sonk. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5531 Ninja Dice Ballroom Table 222 Fri 2p-3p Break, sneak or fight into a neighboring house and try to steal the treasure. Beware, the other players can attempt to block you! (Ages 13+). GM: Jeannette Quirk. 5 seats / Some XP / Average / $1.50

5506 North Dakota Rummy Ballroom Table 415 Fri 2p-4p North Dakota Rummy is a fun, 7-round variant of Rummy where you can "buy" cards from the discard pile. (Ages 13+). GM: Rhonda Berg. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5578 Orléans Ballroom Table 309 Fri 2p-4p During the medieval goings-on around Orléans, you must assemble a following of farmers, merchants, knights, monks, etc. to gain supremacy through trade, construction and science in medieval France. This is a bag building game with many paths to victory. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6039 Saboteur Ballroom Table 212 Fri 2p-3p Dwarves mine for gold - until a strange happening shows there is a saboteur. Can you deduce who it is? (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5815 Sentinels of the Multiverse: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 301 Fri 2p-4p Play Sentinels with the creator of the game, Christopher Badell! (Ages 13+). GM: Christopher Badell. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5691 Stockpile Ballroom Table 206 Fri 2p-4p Stockpile is an economic board game that combines the traditional stockholding strategy of buy low and sell high with several fun mechanisms to create a fast-paced, engaging and interactive experience. (Ages 13+). GM: Jason Rivas (Oakland County Gamers). 5 seats / Some XP / Simple / $1.50

5681 The Networks Ballroom Table 414 Fri 2p-4p Ever wanted to run a TV station? In The Networks, you take over a local access station and buy shows, stars, & recruit ads for your line-up. Can you schedule shows and cancel them when they are done? (Ages 13+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5573 The Witches: Competitive Mode Ballroom Table 416 Fri 2p-4p Play a trainee

witch from Pratchett's Discworld, solving problems large and small. In Competitive Mode, you'll use all the tricks in your bag to be the best witch around, but don't start cackling! (Ages 13+). GM: Holly McGuinness. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5475 Valeria: Card Kingdoms Ballroom Table 417 Fri 2p-4p Valeria: Card Kingdoms is a tableau-building game for 1-5 players You and your fellow Dukes must recruit citizens and buy domains to build up your kingdoms (Ages 13+). GM: Tim Ealy (Oakland County Gamers). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5283 Bang! Ballroom Table 201 Fri 3p-5p Who among the gunmen is a Deputy, ready to sacrifice himself for the Sheriff? And who is a merciless Outlaw, willing to kill him? If you want to find out, just draw (your cards) (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5603 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 311 Fri 3p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5244 Cerberus Engine: Street Fighter Deck-Building Game Ballroom Table 421 Fri 3p-4p Fourteen playable characters. Each Street Fighter character has a unique special ability that will open up different strategies to the player. Follow that strategy or break away with a plan of your own. (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5731 Elder Sign Ballroom Table 203 Fri 3p-5p Elder Sign is a fast-paced, cooperative dice game of supernatural intrigue for one to eight players. Players race against time to stave off the imminent return of the Ancient One. (Ages 13+). GM: Becky Reamy (Amorphous Blob). 8 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5714 Fleet Action / Squadron Strike: Military Card Games Ballroom Table 303 Fri 3p-5p Come play a couple prototype games with Jon. The first, Fleet Action, is a WW2 based naval game of fleet deployment. The second, Squadron Strike, is a sci-fi based game of flamboyant fighter jocks. (Ages 13+). GM: Jon Pehrson. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5421 Istanbul + Expansion Ballroom Table 412 Fri 3p-5p You lead a group a merchant & 4 assistants through the bazaar. The assistants do

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all the work, thus you must plan ahead carefully to avoid being left with no assistants & thus unable to do anything (Ages 13+). GM: Jason Miller. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6041 Oh My Goods! Ballroom Table 212 Fri 3p-4p Only if you make clever use of your production chains will you have the most victory points at the end of the game. (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5373 Puffing Billy: 1830 #1 Ballroom Table 316 Fri 3p-6p Category 3. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5371 Puffing Billy: British Rails/Aussie Rails Ballroom Table 317 Fri 3p-6p Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5374 Puffing Billy: Express #1 Ballroom Table 315 Fri 3p-6p Category 7. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5372 Puffing Billy: Rails of New England #1 Ballroom Table 314 Fri 3p-6p Category 8. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5555 Splendor Ballroom Table 424-425 Fri 3p-5p Become a gem merchant of the Renaissance, buying gem mines, transportation, and shops. Attract the favor of nobles and acquire impressive investments to gain victory points and win the game. (Ages 13+). GM: Cheryl Orosz. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5513 Street Kings Ballroom Table 204 Fri 3p-5p Welcome to the world of underground racing. With the help of your crew, cars, upgrades, and skills, you'll race to gain credits and fame and become the Street King. (Ages 7+). GM: Blair Reamy (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5565 T.I.M.E Stories: The Marcy Case Ballroom Table 420 Fri 3p-7p N.T. 1992. A mysterious epidemic strikes a peaceful American city. Save young Marcy. Save the future. Enjoy this acclaimed "decksploration" co-op. Some mature themes and content. No spoilers from me! (Ages 13+). GM: Randolph Williams. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5782 Trekking the National Parks Ballroom Table 202 Fri 3p-5p Compete for points by

visiting national parks, claiming park cards, and collecting bonus stones. Travel the country and trek the trails that define our nation's most valuable public resource in this spirited family board game. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5622 Between Two Cities Ballroom Table 210 Fri 4p-5p Work with your neighbors to redesign two different cities. Score them on livability. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5605 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 310 Fri 4p-5p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6042 Costa Rica Ballroom Table 212 Fri 4p-5p Varied dangers await in the jungle of Costa Rica, but there are rewards for collecting rare and exotic animals to save them from poachers. (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5577 Dead of Winter: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 313 Fri 4p-6p One of the biggest hits of 2014, Dead of Winter has become one of the best "co-op with a traitor" games off all time. Here's your chance to play with one of the designers who helped show that sometimes your fellow survivors can be worse than zombie. (Ages 13+). GM: Jonathan Gilmour. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5484 Graenland Ballroom Table 305 Fri 4p-6p Come learn and play this game of settling Nordic villages, by famed designer Vlaada Chvátil. Rules taught. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Caldwell. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5579 Terra Mystica Ballroom Table 309 Fri 4p-6p Strategic planning game themed on terraforming. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 5 seats / Some XP / Complex / $1.50

5824 Terracosm: an Unpublished Prototype Ballroom Table 422 Fri 4p-6p Eat your opponents creatures, and don't let yours starve. This is an unpublished but highly play-tested prototype. (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Arnold. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5482 The Networks Ballroom Table 423 Fri 4p-6p You begin the game as an owner of a public television network, with some less than stellar

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shows. Produce new shows, add stars, and get ads for revenue, the goal is to be able to pull in as many viewers as possible. (Ages 13+). GM: Joshua Koenemann. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5354 Tyrants of the Underdark Ballroom Table 413 Fri 4p-6p Tyrants of the Underdark is a competitive board game in which you play as a drow house recruiting monsters, cultists, and demons to aid you in controlling locations such as Menzoberranzan. (Ages 13+). GM: Trevor Pryhorocki. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5732 7 Wonders Ballroom Table 203 Fri 5p-7p Lead of one of the 7 great cities of the Ancient World. Gather resources, develop commercial routes, and show your military supremacy. Build your city, erect an architectural wonder to transcend time. (Ages 13+). GM: Becky Reamy (Amorphous Blob). 7 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5333 Above and Below Ballroom Table 205 Fri 5p-7p A mashup of town-building and storytelling where you compete to build the best village above and below ground. Send your villagers to explore the caves, harvest resources, and construct houses. Each villager has unique skills and abilities, and you must decide how to best use them. (Ages 13+). GM: Nick Huston (Oakland County Gamers). 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6060 Agricola Ballroom Table 211 Fri 5p-7p You're a farmer in a wooden shack with your spouse and little else. On a turn, you get to take only two actions, one for you and one for the spouse, from all the possibilities you'll find on a farm: collecting clay, wood, or stone; building fences; and so on. (Ages 7+). GM: Wyatt Wilfong. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5604 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 311 Fri 5p-6p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5534 Flick 'em Up!: Stallion Canyon Ballroom Table 411 Fri 5p-6p In the disc-flicking game Flick 'em Up!, you can become an outlaw and rob banks, free prisoners... or you could become the Sheriff and try to protect the people of your city from these bandits! (Ages 7+). GM: Eric McGlohon. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5311 Glory to Rome Ballroom Table 306-307 Fri 5p-7p Glory to Rome is a card-based city building and resource management game. Each card may act as a building, a client, a raw material, or a valuable resource. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Brehob. 10 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5529 Hanabi Ballroom Table 222 Fri 5p-6p Hanabi - named for the Japanese word for "fireworks" - is a cooperative game in which players try to create the perfect fireworks show by placing the cards on the table in the right order. The only catch is that you can't look at your own hand. (Ages 13+). GM: Jeannette Quirk. 5 seats / Some XP / Simple / $1.50

5245 Mystic Vale Ballroom Table 421 Fri 5p-6p 2 to 4 players take on the role of druidic clans trying to cleanse the curse upon the land (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5623 Quadropolis Ballroom Table 208 Fri 5p-6p In Quadropolis, players build their own metropolis using building tiles that their architects select. The six types each has its own requirements and bonuses. Use them well! (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5733 Sentinels of the Multiverse Ballroom Table 204 Fri 5p-7p A mad scientist holds the world hostage with his terrifying inventions. A team of heroes stand between the world and the forces of evil. Will you help them? Answer the call to protect the multiverse! (Ages 13+). GM: Blair Reamy (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5727 Sheriff Of Nottingham Ballroom Table 304 Fri 5p-7p Sneak past the greedy Sheriff of Nottingham to get your goods (and contraband!) to market. Each person gets a chance to play as the sheriff. (Ages 13+). GM: Oneal Isaac. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6057 Smash Up Ballroom Table 213 Fri 5p-6p The "shufflebuilding" game Smash Up starts with a simple premise: Take the twenty-card decks of two factions, shuffle them into a forty-card deck, then compete to smash more Bases than your opponents! Each faction brings a different game mechanism into play. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee Levin. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

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5683 The Pursuit of Happiness Ballroom Table 414 Fri 5p-7p In The Pursuit of Happiness, as you start at childhood, choosing projects, skills, jobs, and potential mates, while trying to stay happy and avoid stress. Can you lead the happiest life? (Ages 13+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5997 Memoir 44 Ballroom Table 424-425 Fri 6p-7p Memoir 44 is a popular light war game, 30-60min in play length, pitting Allies and Axis powers against each other in a tactical card management and dice rolling battling slugfest. (Ages 13+). GM: Shiloh Christie. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6043 Patchwork Ballroom Table 212 Fri 6p-7p Two players compete to build the most aesthetic (and high-scoring) patchwork quilt on a personal 9x9 game board. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee A. Levin. 2 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5378 Puffing Billy: 1870 Ballroom Table 316 Fri 6p-9p Category 3. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5375 Puffing Billy: Empire Builder/Eurorails #1 Ballroom Table 317 Fri 6p-9p Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5376 Puffing Billy: Silverton #1 Ballroom Table 314 Fri 6p-9p Category 8. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5377 Puffing Billy: Ticket to Ride #2 Ballroom Table 315 Fri 6p-9p Category 1. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5753 Werewolf, Latitude 90, and Friends: Drop In Atrium Fri 6p-2a Ghost Roadhouse and Full Moon Gaming join forces to bring you Werewolf, Ultimate, L90: The Origin, Resistance, One Night, and other deception games! $1.50 per 2 hours. (Ages 7+). GM: Nick Keith. 40 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5538 6 nimmt! Ballroom Table 303 Fri 7p-8p In 6 nimmt!, a.k.a. Category 5 and many other names, you want to score as few points as possible. Depending on the will of the players, may be playing with promo cards an/or alternate rules. (Ages 7+). GM: Eric McGlohon. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5476 Boss Monster Ballroom Table 101 Fri 7p-9p Boss Monster requires you to juggle two competing priorities: the need to lure Heroes at a faster rate than your opponents, and the need to kill those Heroes before they reach your Boss (Ages 7+). GM: Tim Ealy (Oakland County Gamers). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5284 Carcassonne: Wheel of Fortune Ballroom Table 201 Fri 7p-9p For many years knights, monks, thieves, and farmers attended to their activities without interruption. But now a mysterious wheel of fortune determines the fate of the things in Carcassonne. (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5783 Castle Panic Ballroom Table 202 Fri 7p-9p See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5811. (Adults 18+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5483 City of Spies: Estoril 1942 Ballroom Table 423 Fri 7p-9p In City Of Spies: Estoril 1942, players are competing against each other to form the most powerful and influential secret organization of spies. Based on historical facts, the game takes place on famous locations in Estoril, Portugal. (Ages 13+). GM: Joshua Koenemann. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6062 Grand Austrian Hotel Ballroom Table 211 Fri 7p-8p Turn your little cafe into a world famous hotel. Hire staff, fulfill the wishes of your guests, and gain the emperor's favor. (Ages 7+). GM: Wyatt Wilfong. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5993 Hamsterrolle Hamster Wheel Ballroom Table 415 Fri 7p-8p Join us for a kid-friendly game of Hamsterrolle- a German dexterity game played on a wooden wheel. (Ages 7+). GM: Pamela Anzicek. 3 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6059 Lords of Vegas Ballroom Table 212 Fri 7p-8p You and your opponents represent powerful developers in a burgeoning Nevada city. You will earn money and prestige by building the biggest and most profitable casinos on "The Strip," the town's backbone of dust and sin. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee A. Levin. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6074 Memoir 44 Ballroom Table 424-425 Fri 7p-8p Memoir 44 is a popular light war game,

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30-60min in play length pitting Allies and Axis powers against each other in a tactical card management and dice rolling battling slugfest. (Ages 13+). GM: Shiloh Christie. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5278 Mystic Vale Ballroom Table 421 Fri 7p-8p 2 to 4 players take on the role of Druidic clans trying to cleanse the curse upon the land. Alter your cards strategically! (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5543 Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu Ballroom Table 205 Fri 7p-9p Instead of curing diseases like in the original Pandemic, players seal portals and shut down cults in the classic New England fictional towns of Arkham, Dunwich, Innsmouth, and Kingsport. (Ages 13+). GM: Nick Huston (Oakland County Gamers). 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5624 Roll for the Galaxy: Ambition Ballroom Table 210 Fri 7p-9p Players compete to build the most advanced and prosperous region in the galaxy. In the game, you'll chuck many dice; your dice represent your populace, whom you direct to develop new technologies, settle worlds, and ship goods. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5820 The Resistance Ballroom Table 311 Fri 7p-8p The Empire must fall. Our mission must succeed. By destroying their key bases, we will shatter Imperial strength and liberate our people. Yet spies have infiltrated our ranks, ready for sabotage. We must unmask them. In 5 nights we reshape destiny or die trying. We are the Resistance! (Ages 7+). GM: Jeremiah Lee. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5353 Tzolk'in Ballroom Table 206 Fri 7p-10p Dynamic worker placement. Players representing different Mayan tribes place their workers on giant connected gears, and as the gears rotate they take the workers to different action spots. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Haynes. 4 seats / Some XP / Complex / $3.00

6055 Valley of the Kings Ballroom Table 213 Fri 7p-8p Compete with other players to have the best stockpile to take to the afterlife. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee Levin. 1 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5342 (Prototype) Battle Box: The Greek Gods Ballroom Table 103 Fri 8p-10p See Board and

Card Games Fri 1p 5341. (Ages 7+). GM: Chris Andersen. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5363 7 Wonders: Mega Mega Mega 7 Wonders Game Ballroom Table 414 Fri 8p-10p There are many paths to victory in this all expansions 7 Wonders game. Cities, Leaders, and Babel (The Tower of Babel and Great Projects) will all be used. Get ready for some mind twisting fun! (Ages 13+). GM: Bob Mariotti. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $1.50

5160 Archer: The Danger Zone: you Better Call Kenny Loggins, Because you're in the Danger Zone Ballroom Table 304 Fri 8p-10p Do you have what it takes to be the top agent at ISIS? Take control of the various members of the Archer cast, as you all compete to get the upper hand by using personal insults and ego boosts. (Adults 18+). GM: John Patrick. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5994 Blokus Ballroom Table 415 Fri 8p-9p Join us for a kid-friendly game (or two) of Blokus- an easy-to-learn abstract strategy game with Tetris-like pieces. (Ages 7+). GM: Pamela Anzicek. 3 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5807 Castles of Mad King Ludwig Ballroom Table 308 Fri 8p-10p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5576. (Ages 7+). GM: Sandy Benson. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5561 Caverna: The Cave Farmers Ballroom Table 305 Fri 8p-12a Along the same lines as its predecessor (Agricola), Caverna is a worker-placement game at heart, with a focus on farming and mining. Using just a pair of dwarfs, you try to make a better homestead. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Orosz. 7 seats / No XP / Complex / $3.00

6083 Demos Ballroom Table 214 Fri 8p-12a Learn to play games like Fuse, Gravwell or Clank. (Ages 13+). GM: Renegade Games. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5625 Dice City: All That Glitters Ballroom Table 209 Fri 8p-9p In Dice City: All that Glitters, a "dice-crafting" game, players compete to establish their provincial city as the best home for the country of Rolldovia's new capital. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5758 Envoy Open Play Ballroom Table 217-219 Fri 8p-12a See Board and Card Games Fri 2p

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5757. (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara (Envoy). 30 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5723 Fleet Action / Squadron Strike: Military Card Games Ballroom Table 312 Fri 8p-10p Come play a couple prototype games with Jon. The first, Fleet Action, is a WW2 based naval game of fleet deployment. The second, Squadron Strike, is a sci-fi based game of flamboyant fighter jocks. (Ages 13+). GM: Jon Pehrson. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5509 Formula D: HockenheimRing Circuit Ballroom Table 413 Fri 8p-11p Push your engine to the limit, hug the curves, pass to win! Rules will be taught. Race 1 of 2 for the 2016 U-Con Formula D Racing Champ. Must be present at 2nd race (on Sat) to receive a prize. (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Cook. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5312 Lords of Waterdeep Ballroom Table 306-307 Fri 8p-10p A D&D themed worker placement game. Very easy to play and perhaps one of the purest worker placement games on the market. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Brehob. 10 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5585 Power Grid Ballroom Table 309 Fri 8p-11p The objective of Power Grid is to supply the most cities with power. Deep strategy and careful planning are rewarded with the most efficient network. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 6 seats / Some XP / Complex / $3.00

5734 Roll for the Galaxy Ballroom Table 204 Fri 8p-10p A dice game of building a space empires. Your dice represent your populace, whom you direct to develop new technologies, settle worlds, and ship goods. (Ages 13+). GM: Blair Reamy (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6077 Sentinels of the Multiverse: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 301 Fri 8p-10p Play Sentinels with the creator of the game, Christopher Badell! (Ages 13+). GM: Christopher Badell. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5958 Star Trek: Five year Mission Ballroom Table 207 Fri 8p-10p See Board and Card Games Fri 10a 5780. (Ages 7+). GM: David Whitcher. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5297 T.I.M.E. Stories: Asylum Ballroom Table 416 Fri 8p-11p First story in the series. We'll try as many runs as we can fit in time or you solve

it. Try this game that has been slighted for its limited replay-ability; without having to buy it! (Ages 13+). GM: Curtis Lithgow. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5778 Talisman Ballroom Table 412 Fri 8p-12a A fast-paced fantasy adventure. Choose a character and enter a race to reach the Crown of Command and rule the world. No experience needed. Includes the City and Highlands expansions. (Ages 13+). GM: Alan Terlep. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5684 The Dragon & Flagon Ballroom Table 411 Fri 8p-10p Want to take part in a tavern brawl over a magical brew as a fantasy character? In The Dragon & Flagon, you program punches, jumps, shoves, throws, and special character moves to gain renown. (Ages 13+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5519 Tokaido Ballroom Table 410 Fri 8p-10p Meet new people, taste fine meals, collect beautiful items, discover great panoramas, and more. "It's like competitive vacationing" -Dana Nelson (Ages 13+). GM: Dana Nelson. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6001 Traders of Valhalla: Preview of Game While Feasting Ballroom Table 302 Fri 8p-11p Traders of Valhalla is a strategy game for brave Vikings daring to seek fortune in distant lands, but their treasure is in danger on the high seas. Vikings trade for riches across the known world. (Ages 13+). GM: Valerie Hampton. 4 seats / No XP / Complex / $3.00

5528 Tsuro Ballroom Table 222 Fri 8p-10p Tile laying game: your token follows the path dictated by the tiles. Be the last to remain on the board to win. (Ages 13+). GM: Jeannette Quirk. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5501 Dead of Winter and Long Night Ballroom Table 205 Fri 9p-12a A small, weakened colony of survivors in a world where most of humanity is either dead or diseased, flesh-craving monsters. Each player leads a faction of survivors. Will be combined with The Long Night expansion. (Ages 13+). GM: Nick Huston (Oakland County Gamers). 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5285 Get A Life Ballroom Table 201 Fri 9p-11p Players build hands of five Lifestyle cards to represent your living situation. When it's your turn to be the "Contestant", you will award

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points for the Best and Worst lifestyles offered to you. (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5379 Puffing Billy: China Rails/India Rails Ballroom Table 317 Fri 9p-12a Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5380 Puffing Billy: Metro Ballroom Table 316 Fri 9p-12a Category 4. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5381 Puffing Billy: Spike #1 Ballroom Table 314 Fri 9p-12a Category 4. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5382 Puffing Billy: Ticket to Ride Card Game Ballroom Table 315 Fri 9p-12a Category 7. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5784 Road Kill Rally Ballroom Table 202 Fri 9p-11p As a driver in Road-Kill Rally, you are racing against opponents eager to destroy you with guns, rockets and flame throwers. But the big points come from pedestrians: running them over or blasting them out of the road. After all, you have 3 billion viewers to satisfy. (Adults 18+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5626 The Bloody Inn Ballroom Table 208 Fri 9p-10p In The Bloody Inn, players are competitive innkeepers, bent on amassing the most wealth. Together you've hatched a diabolical plan: build an inn so you can rob traveling guests in order to get rich. (Ages 13+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5999 War of the Ring: Battle of the Five Armies Ballroom Table 424 Fri 9p-12a Battle of the Five Armies is a stand-alone, strategic, 2 player game based on the same game system as War of the Ring. (Adults 18+). GM: Shiloh Christie. 2 seats / No XP / Complex / $3.00

5817 Zombie House Blitz Ballroom Table 311 Fri 9p-10p Speed card game in which players try to save family members from zombies by getting people (cards) out of the house (stack) and into cars (points piles) to safety. Players don't take turns, racing madly to get their cards into the shared scoring piles in the center of the table. (Ages 7+). GM: Jeremiah Lee. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5673 Betrayal at House on the Hill Ballroom Table 310 Fri 10p-12a Explore the creepy old mansion, that sounds like a fun time! (especially for your evil friend). Will you defeat the monsters that dwell within and your betrayer or will you never be heard from again? (Ages 13+). GM: Samantha Orosz. 12 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5228 Blood Rage Ballroom Table 307 Fri 10p-12a In Blood Rage, each player controls their own Viking clan's warriors, leader, and ship. Ragnarök has come, and it's the end of the world! It's the Vikings' last chance to go down in a blaze of glory and secure their place in Valhalla at Odin's side! (Ages 13+). GM: Kevin Schnell. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5595 Camel Up!: Plus Expansions Ballroom Table 409 Fri 10p-12a Use your best strategy to win the Camel Cup! (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Dudash. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6005 Club Deviants Ballroom Table 101 Fri 10p-12a This is a tactical game set in Nether-burn Preparatory Academy. (Adults 18+). GM: David Thomas. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5812 King of Tokyo Ballroom Table 313 Fri 10p-12a In King of Tokyo, you play mutant monsters, gigantic robots, and strange aliens, all of whom are destroying Tokyo and whacking each other in order to become the one and only King of Tokyo. (Ages 7+). GM: Josh Finley. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5808 Mysterium Ballroom Table 308 Fri 10p-12a Co-op. Solve a murder mystery. The ghost knows the details but can only communicate in images (cards). The psychic investigators must interpret the clues in the images to solve the mystery. (Ages 7+). GM: Sandy Benson. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5480 Nuclear War Ballroom Table 417-418 Fri 10p-1a A comical card game of nuclear confrontation involving nervous world powers and jittery diplomats. (Ages 13+). GM: Tim Ealy (Oakland County Gamers). 20 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5221 Scythe Ballroom Table 303 Fri 10p-1a A board game set in an alternate-history 1920s period. It is a time of farming and war, broken hearts and rusted gears, innovation and valor. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Bateman. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

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5521 Seasons Ballroom Table 410 Fri 10p-12a Playing in a draft style, participants will play as sorcerers in a legendary 3 year tournament. Using magical items and powerful familiars, they will face off to become the new archmage of Xidit! (Ages 13+). GM: Dana Nelson. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5627 The Grizzled Ballroom Table 210 Fri 10p-11p A cooperative game about survival in the trenches during the First World War. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5212 Xtronaut: Learn to Play Ballroom Table 420 Fri 10p-12a Learn to play this newly released game of solar system exploration, designed by a NASA mission leader! Learn to put together space missions by assembling space probes and avoiding threats to your plan. (Ages 7+). GM: Scott Rutter. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5850 Potion Explosion Ballroom Table 425 Fri 11p-12a It's time for the final exams of the Potions class! Complete your potions using the marbles you collect, and drink them to unleash their magical power. (Ages 13+). GM: Steve Benson. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6072 Red Dragon Inn Ballroom Table 414 Fri 12a-2a In Red Dragon Inn, you and your friends are a party of heroic adventurers. You've raided the dungeon, killed the monsters, and taken their treasure. Now you're back to spend an evening at the Red Dragon Inn, drinking, gambling, and roughhousing. The last person standing wins the game. (Ages 13+). GM: Amanda Robinson. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5845 yodel Pole Ballroom Table 311 Fri 12a-1a The only rule is: I'm Right. (Ages 7+). GM: Jeremiah Lee. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

SATURDAy5343 (Prototype) Battle Box: The Greek Gods Ballroom Table 103 Sat 9a-11a See Board and Card Games Fri 1p 5341. (Ages 7+). GM: Chris Andersen. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5487 16th Annual Abstracts Tournament Ballroom Table 414-419 Sat 9a-1p Come match wits with your opponents in various combinatorial strategy games. Most of the games can be learned and played to completion

within 30 minutes. (Ages 13+). GM: Clark Rodeffer. 24 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5286 Bang! Ballroom Table 201 Sat 9a-11a See Board and Card Games Fri 3p 5283. (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5786 Castle Panic Ballroom Table 202 Sat 9a-11a See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5811. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5331 City of Remnants Ballroom Table 206 Sat 9a-1p Players take on roles of gang leaders, each one with unique qualities and motivations. Gangs struggle, bid and battle to control the city while trying to avoid the Yugai, the humanoid police force. (Ages 13+). GM: Marcia Pettit. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

6004 Club Deviants Ballroom Table 411 Sat 9a-1p Are you devious Enough to out smart the world and escape justice for you deviants acts? Or will you be caught by the Good Samaritans? (Adults 18+). GM: Ollie Washington. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5177 Dilbert: The Board Game: Cubicle Frolics in Hell Ballroom Table 205 Sat 9a-11a Based on the comic strip. Avoid projects and thwart your coworkers while preserving your happiness. Player with the most happiness wins. Cubicle drudgery has never been this entertaining. (Ages 13+). GM: Stewart Tame. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5759 Envoy Open Play Ballroom Table 217-219 Sat 9a-1p See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5757. (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara (Envoy). 30 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5598 Imperial Assault Ballroom Table 310 Sat 9a-10a Imperial Assault puts you in the midst of the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire after the destruction of the Death Star over Yavin 4. (Ages 13+). GM: Jason Sonk. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5964 Legends of Andor Ballroom Table 216 Sat 9a-12p The country Andor is in danger. From the forests and the mountains, the enemy back to the castle of the old king Brandur. Only your little hero group opposes them. Rules taught. (Ages 7+). GM: Edward Kabara. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

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5589 Puerto Rico Ballroom Table 309 Sat 9a-11a Resource management at its finest as you take on the role of a leader in colonial Puerto Rico. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5384 Puffing Billy: 1830 #2 Ballroom Table 316 Sat 9a-12p Category 3. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5383 Puffing Billy: Empire Builder/Eurorails #2 Ballroom Table 315 Sat 9a-12p Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5385 Puffing Billy: Express #2 Ballroom Table 314 Sat 9a-12p Category 7. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5386 Puffing Billy: Union Pacific #2 Ballroom Table 317 Sat 9a-12p Category 4. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5678 Saloon Tycoon Ballroom Table 204 Sat 9a-11a See Board and Card Games Fri 10a 5677. (Ages 13+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5742 Starfarers of Catan Ballroom Table 303 Sat 9a-1p CATAN! IN! SPAAAAAACE! More than just settling, you'll need to explore planets, ally with alien races for new technology, and fend off space pirates. (OK, yes, making smart trades still matters.) (Ages 13+). GM: Harold Tessmann III. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

6046 The Downfall of Pompeii Ballroom Table 211 Sat 9a-10a Players compete to collect items to become a millionaire. (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6070 The King's Abbey Ballroom Table 213 Sat 9a-11a The King's Abbey is a worker placement/resource management game in which each player has their own player board that represents the abbey they have been tasked to build. (Ages 7+). GM: Karen Holah. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6063 The Witches Ballroom Table 212 Sat 9a-10a Play a trainee witch from Pratchett's Discworld, solving problems large and small. You'll use all the tricks in your bag to be the best witch around, but don't start cackling!

(Ages 7+). GM: Shellee A. Levin. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6061 Agricola Ballroom Table 211 Sat 10a-12p See Board and Card Games Fri 5p 6060. (Ages 7+). GM: Wyatt Wilfong. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5299 Cerberus Engine: DC COMICS DECK-BUILDING GAME Ballroom Table 306 Sat 10a-11a See Board and Card Games Fri 10a 5242. (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5304 Cthuhlu Wars Ballroom Table 409 Sat 10a-1p Cthulhu Wars is the epic game of world domination with beautifully painted, huge figures. Complexity comes from each faction playing completely differently than all the others. (Ages 13+). GM: David Reynolds. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5510 Formula D: New Jersey Circuit Ballroom Table 413 Sat 10a-1p Push your engine to the limit, hug the curves, pass to win! Rules will be taught. Race 2 of 2 for the 2016 U-Con Formula D Racing Champ. Must be present after this race to receive series winner prize. (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Cook. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5675 Greed Ballroom Table 307 Sat 10a-11a If you've always wanted to be a crime lord then boy howdy, this game is for you! Acquire henchmen, shady businesses, and money to build your empire and crush the opposition. (Ages 13+). GM: Samantha Orosz. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5620 Imhotep Ballroom Table 210 Sat 10a-11a Players are builders in ancient Egypt. Procure stones, load them, sail them to monument sites or sell them. Be strategic and find opportunities to win! (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5348 Mare Nostrum Ballroom Table 223 Sat 10a-1p Strive for Cultural, Military, or Commercial dominance of the Ancient World. Recruit Heroes, create Wonders, expand trade caravans, build cities, construct temples, and build the Pyramids. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Haynes. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5628 Nippon Ballroom Table 209 Sat 10a-12p In Nippon, players each control one of four great Zaibatsu, giant conglomerates that wield

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massive power over Japan's economy. Every action that is taken helps to forge a path to new opportunities, and victory! (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5355 Orléans Ballroom Table 412 Sat 10a-1p During the medieval goings-on around Orléans, you must assemble a following of farmers, merchants, knights, monks, etc. to gain supremacy through trade, construction and science in medieval France. (Ages 13+). GM: Trevor Pryhorocki. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5728 Stockpile Ballroom Table 410 Sat 10a-12p Choose the best investments and outplay your opponents to earn the most money in this fast-paced game. Will you be able to manipulate the stock market, or will your investments go bankrupt? (Ages 13+). GM: Oneal Isaac. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5669 Tragedy Looper Conference C Table 2 Sat 10a-2p Save the future from tragedy as you three players unite against the evil mastermind in a battle of wits. You all have the ability to turn back time, which will come in handy in learning what roles the characters you are guiding around are. GM: Aaron Connell (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 3 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5995 Various: Kid-friendly Animal Games Ballroom Table 308 Sat 10a-11a Join us for some fun, kid-friendly, short games that have an animal theme. We will bring Coloretto, Barnyard Critters, Meow, and Funny Bunny. (Ages 7+). GM: Pamela Anzicek. 3 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5344 (Prototype) Battle Box: The Greek Gods Ballroom Table 103 Sat 11a-1p See Board and Card Games Fri 1p 5341. (Ages 7+). GM: Chris Andersen. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6047 6 Nimmt! Ballroom Table 212 Sat 11a-12p Fast and furious card game. Try not to take the row of six cards. Choose strategically to be the player with the least bulls. Careful! (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5287 Carcassonne: Wheel of Fortune Ballroom Table 201 Sat 11a-1p For many years knights, monks, thieves, and farmers attended to their activities without interruption. Now, a mysterious wheel of fortune determines the

fate of the things in Carcassonne. (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5832 Evolution Flight! Ballroom Table 305 Sat 11a-1p Try the Flight expansion to the Evolution board game by NorthStar Games! Evolve both land and air creatures, with traits both new, and improved, versions of the originals. Flying Tyrannosauruses! (Ages 7+). GM: Dave Morris. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5996 Incan Gold: Kid-friendly Ballroom Table 308 Sat 11a-12p Incan Gold is a quick, fun and tense game in which you and other adventurers explore an old Incan temple in search of gold and treasure. (Ages 7+). GM: Pamela Anzicek. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5680 Junk Art Ballroom Table 204 Sat 11a-12p See Board and Card Games Fri 12p 5679. (Ages 7+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5957 Porta Nigra Ballroom Table 302 Sat 11a-1p Come compete with up to 3 others to build a city! This game by Kiesling and Kramer is a ton of fun. (Ages 13+). GM: Brad Keusch. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5629 Scythe Ballroom Table 208 Sat 11a-2p Scythe is a Worker Placement/Economic Engine board game set in an alternate-history 1920s period. It is a time of farming and war, broken hearts and rusted gears, innovation and valor. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5813 Sentinels of the Multiverse: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 301 Sat 11a-1p Play Sentinels with the creator of the game, Christopher Badell! (Ages 13+). GM: Christopher Badell. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5230 The Great Dinosaur Rush Ballroom Table 304 Sat 11a-12p In The Great Dinosaur Rush, players compete to grab bones from the best dig sites, and build new dinosaurs for prestigious museums, gaining notoriety in the process by various means. (Ages 13+). GM: Kevin Schnell. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5787 Trekking the National Parks Ballroom Table 202 Sat 11a-1p See Board and Card Games Fri 3p 5782. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

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5607 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 311 Sat 12p-1p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5729 Cash n' Guns Ballroom Table 307 Sat 12p-1p A gangster band is splitting its loot, but they can't agree! It's time to let the guns talk and soon everyone is aiming at everyone. The richest survivor wins! (Ages 13+). GM: Oneal Isaac. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5300 Cerberus Engine: THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING DECK-BUILDING GAME Ballroom Table 306 Sat 12p-1p See Board and Card Games Fri 12p 5243. (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6048 Lemming Mafia Ballroom Table 212 Sat 12p-1p Each player has his favorite lemmings and tries to use the dice results to influence the race. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee A. Levin. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5387 Puffing Billy: Aussie Rails/Nippon Rails Ballroom Table 317 Sat 12p-3p Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5389 Puffing Billy: Rails of New England #2 Ballroom Table 316 Sat 12p-3p Category 8. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5390 Puffing Billy: Ticket to Ride #3 Ballroom Table 315 Sat 12p-3p Category 1. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5388 Puffing Billy: Trains #1 Ballroom Table 314 Sat 12p-3p Category 7. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5551 Various: Short Games Ballroom Table 310 Sat 12p-2p Various short games that don't make sense to run separately: AttrAction, Loonacy, Piece o' Cake, and Timeline: Inventions. (Ages 7+). GM: Kevin Hogan. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5716 Dominion: Rio Grande Sanctioned Dominion Tournament Ballroom Table 416-425 Sat 1p-11p The only officially sanctioned Dominion tournament in Michigan! Custom-designed Kingdoms from every set. Sorry, "Play All Games" ribbons not accepted. (Ages

13+). GM: Scott Colcord. 27 seats / Some XP / Average / $10.00

6064 Lords of Vegas Ballroom Table 211 Sat 1p-2p See Board and Card Games Fri 7p 6059. (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6054 Murano Ballroom Table 213 Sat 1p-3p Move your gondolas around the glassmaking island of Murano. (Ages 7+). GM: Karen Holah. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6056 Valley of the Kings Ballroom Table 212 Sat 1p-2p Compete with other players to have the best stockpile to take to the afterlife. (Ages 7+). GM: Wyatt Wilfong. 1 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5345 (Prototype) Battle Box: The Greek Gods Ballroom Table 103 Sat 2p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 1p 5341. (Ages 7+). GM: Chris Andersen. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5279 Battlestar Galactica Ballroom Table 302 Sat 2p-7p This is the grandfather of all secret traitor games. Can the humans work together? Can they identify their enemies within? The game involves politics, betrayal, deduction, space combat, and a beautiful custom game board and miniatures. (Ages 13+). GM: Vic Lesperance. 5 seats / No XP / Complex / $3.00

5346 Big Bad Overlord: demo Ballroom Table 304 Sat 2p-4p Big Bad Overlord is a card and dice game in which you take on the role of a mighty Lord of Darkness fighting for control of the world. It's a game of luck, strategy, and evil laughter. (Ages 13+). GM: Danny DeCillis. 6 seats / No XP / Average / Free!

5608 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 311 Sat 2p-3p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5583 Castles of Burgundy Ballroom Table 309 Sat 2p-4p Visit Medieval France, play the role of an aristocrat and design the best, richest kingdom. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5764 Caverna: The Cave Farmers Ballroom Table 414 Sat 2p-6p See Board and Card Games Fri 8p 5561. (Ages 13+). GM: Norman Leon. 7 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

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5851 Coup Ballroom Table 303 Sat 2p-4p You are head of a family in an Italian city-state, a city run by a weak and corrupt court. You need to manipulate, bluff and bribe your way to power. Your object is to destroy the influence of all the other families, forcing them into exile. Only one family will survive. (Ages 13+). GM: Matt Hawkins. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5547 Dixit Ballroom Table 312-313 Sat 2p-4p Dixit uses a deck of cards illustrated with dreamlike images. Players select cards that match a title suggested by the storyteller, and attempt to guess which card the storyteller selected. (Ages 7+). GM: Meri Orosz. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5760 Envoy Open Play Ballroom Table 217-219 Sat 2p-6p See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5757. (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara (Envoy). 30 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5788 Flash Point: Fire Rescue Ballroom Table 202 Sat 2p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 12p 5781. (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5821 For Sale Ballroom Table 222 Sat 2p-3p For Sale is a quick, fun game nominally about buying and selling real estate. During the game's two distinct phases, players first bid for several buildings then, after all buildings have been bought, sell the buildings for the greatest profit possible. (Ages 7+). GM: Jeremiah Lee. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5836 Gyrating Hamsters Ballroom Table 221 Sat 2p-3p Gyrating Hamsters - The casual card game your party is missing. Hilarious hamsters, surprising strategy and suspenseful chaos in a box. Battles included! (Adults 18+). GM: Alex Host. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5310 Imperial Ballroom Table 306 Sat 2p-6p International investors try to achieve the greatest influence in Europe. With their bonds, they control the politics of Austria-Hungary, Italy, France, Great Britain, the German Empire, and Russia. (Adults 18+). GM: Mark Brehob. 4 seats / Some XP / Complex / $3.00

5511 Isle of Skye: From Chieftan to King Ballroom Table 308 Sat 2p-4p A tile-laying game with some light auction & set collection mechanics within. You build your kingdom to score the most points. This is done via 4

scoring tiles. Easy to learn, fun, and has depth. (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Cook. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5507 North Dakota Rummy Ballroom Table 204 Sat 2p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5506. (Ages 13+). GM: Rhonda Berg. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5596 Onward to Venus Ballroom Table 307 Sat 2p-3p Whizz around the planets and moons claiming tiles. Too many of the wrong kind and bad stuff like Martian invasions, robot rebellions, and space pirates starts happening. (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Dudash. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5288 Roll For It! Ballroom Table 201 Sat 2p-4p Take turns rolling dice and matching cards trying to score 40 points. The rules are simple -- Roll It! Match It! Score It! But look out, other players may steal the card you're shooting for! (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5959 Star Trek: Five year Mission Ballroom Table 207 Sat 2p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 10a 5780. (Ages 7+). GM: David Whitcher. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5349 Stockpile Ballroom Table 223 Sat 2p-4p Stockpile is an economic, stock-market themed game that's all about insider trading! (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Haynes. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5600 T.I.M.E Stories: The Marcy Case Ballroom Table 203 Sat 2p-6p See Board and Card Games Fri 3p 5565. (Ages 13+). GM: Randolph Williams. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5682 The Networks Ballroom Table 410 Sat 2p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5681. (Ages 13+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5630 yedo Ballroom Table 210 Sat 2p-5p In the strategy game Yedo, players assume the roles of Clan Elders in the city of Edo during the early years of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The object of the game is to amass prestige with the new shogun. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5609 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 310 Sat 3p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601.

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(Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5833 Evolution: Unlimited! Ballroom Table 305 Sat 3p-6p Evolution with expansions (base, Flight, Climate) and scenario cards. We'll play with modifications like unlimited traits, accelerated growth, etc, which will be chosen by players at game start. (Ages 13+). GM: Dave Morris. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5632 Hit Z Road Ballroom Table 209 Sat 3p-4p In the fast-paced and morbidly kitschy game Hit Z Road, you and your fellow players embark on a road trip going south from Chicago along America's famous Route 66 - now infested by zombies. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5540 Monster Laundry Ballroom Table 415 Sat 3p-4p Help the monsters want to get rid of the yucky smell. As a living clothes horse, the players' goal is to grab the monsters and hang them on the washing line, either on your left-hand or right-hand side, depending on certain criteria. (Ages 7+). GM: Eric McGlohon. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5392 Puffing Billy: 18XX PotLuck #1 Ballroom Table 316 Sat 3p-6p Category 3. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5391 Puffing Billy: China Rails/Russian Rails Ballroom Table 317 Sat 3p-6p Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5393 Puffing Billy: Spike #2 Ballroom Table 314 Sat 3p-6p Category 4. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5394 Puffing Billy: Streetcar Ballroom Table 315 Sat 3p-6p Category 4. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5330 Suburbia Inc Ballroom Table 206 Sat 3p-6p Suburbia is a tile-laying game in which players plan, build, and develop a small town into a major metropolis. Your goal is to have your borough thrive and have the largest population. (Ages 13+). GM: Marcia Pettit. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

6080 2016 Michigan State Nevermore Championship Ballroom Table 214 Sat 4p-8p Collect cards you want and poison your

opponent's hand by passing along cards you think they can't use. The winner of this tournament gets a trophy and moves up the chain towards the U.S. National Championship at Gen Con 2017. (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara (Envoy). 16 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5249 Big Bad Overlord: demo Ballroom Table 304 Sat 4p-6p See Board and Card Games Sat 2p 5346. (Ages 13+). GM: Danny DeCillis. 6 seats / No XP / Average / Free!

5610 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 311 Sat 4p-5p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5537 Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Ballroom Table 412 Sat 4p-5p In the game, players take on the roles of investigators attempting to solve a murder case - but there's a twist. The killer is one of the investigators! This is a battle of wits! (Ages 7+). GM: Eric McGlohon. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6085 Demos Ballroom Table 212 Sat 4p-8p Learn to play games like Fuse, Gravwell or Clank. (Ages 13+). GM: Renegade Games. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5852 Dungeon Busters Ballroom Table 303 Sat 4p-6p Join up with five warriors on a journey for a mysterious dungeon. (Ages 13+). GM: Matt Hawkins. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5524 Dungeon Petz Ballroom Table 409 Sat 4p-6p Lead your imps in the pet-selling business. Simple and safe? Nope. These baby monster petz are often too-magical, too-playful, or too-angry, and you're selling them to discerning Dungeon Lords. (Ages 13+). GM: Mary Garton. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5801 Fresco Ballroom Table 204 Sat 4p-6p In Fresco, players are master painters working to restore a fresco in a Renaissance church. (Ages 7+). GM: Sandy Benson. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5842 Gyrating Hamsters Ballroom Table 221 Sat 4p-5p See Board and Card Games Sat 2p 5836. (Adults 18+). GM: Alex Host. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5635 Isle of Skye Ballroom Table 208 Sat 4p-7p See Board and Card Games Fri 10a 5527. (Ages

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7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5703 Jamaica Ballroom Table 205 Sat 4p-6p Racing game with Pirates and booty, Arrrghhh. It be a mighty challenge. (Ages 7+). GM: James H Richards. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5289 Looney Labs Trio: Aquarius, Fluxx, Loonacy Ballroom Table 201 Sat 4p-6p Come learn how to play 3 Looney Labs Games. Family Fluxx, Aquarius and Loonacy! (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5364 Pandemic: On the Brink Ballroom Table 222 Sat 4p-6p Save the world from 4 diseases! Come play one of the best (and most evil) cooperative games. Level of difficulty will be decided on the experience of the players. The bio-terrorist will not be used. (Ages 13+). GM: Bob Mariotti. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5785 Road Kill Rally Ballroom Table 202 Sat 4p-6p See Board and Card Games Fri 9p 5784. (Adults 18+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6078 Sentinels of the Multiverse: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 301 Sat 4p-6p Play Sentinels with the creator of the game, Christopher Badell! (Ages 13+). GM: Christopher Badell. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5420 Shakespeare Ballroom Table 307 Sat 4p-6p In Shakespeare, players are theater managers who recruit actors, craftsmen & others to assemble everything needed for the performance at week's end. Combine bidding, drafting and worker placement. (Ages 13+). GM: Jason Miller. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5548 Telestrations Ballroom Table 411 Sat 4p-6p If you've played telephone and can draw even a little, this is the game for you! (Ages 7+). GM: Meri Orosz. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5685 The Dragon & Flagon Ballroom Table 410 Sat 4p-6p See Board and Card Games Fri 8p 5684. (Ages 13+). GM: Nicholas Baker. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5584 The Voyages of Marco Polo Ballroom Table 309 Sat 4p-6p In The Voyages of Marco Polo, players recreate his journey, with each player having a different character and special

power in the game. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5302 Mystic Vale Ballroom Table 413 Sat 5p-6p 2 to 4 players take on the role of druidic clans trying to cleanse the curse upon the land (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5633 World's Fair 1893 Ballroom Table 210 Sat 5p-6p In World's Fair 1893, players act as organizers of a spectacular international exhibition. Each player will work diligently to obtain the grand exhibits that will be put on display. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6049 J'Acusse Ballroom Table 211 Sat 6p-7p J'Accuse! is about implicating and accusing your friends and family of murder -- and no one "wins" the game so much as one of you will lose! The object is to avoid suspicion for as long as you can, while assuring that someone else ends up accused for the crime. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee Levin. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6050 Nevermoore Ballroom Table 213 Sat 6p-7p Casual-style, card-drafting game where you collect the cards you want and poison your opponent's hand by passing along cards you think they can't use. Whoever holds the most of a given suit gains the power of that suit to attack, heal, acquire magicks and score points. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee A. Levin. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5399 Puffing Billy: 18XX Finals Ballroom Table 316 Sat 6p-9p Category 3. By invitation only. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 0 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5395 Puffing Billy: British Rails/India Rails Ballroom Table 317 Sat 6p-9p Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5398 Puffing Billy: PotLuck PBT #1 Ballroom Table 312 Sat 6p-9p Category 6. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5396 Puffing Billy: Silverton #2 Ballroom Table 314 Sat 6p-9p Category 8. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

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5397 Puffing Billy: Union Pacific #3 Ballroom Table 315 Sat 6p-9p Category 4. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5774 Werewolf, Latitude 90, and Friends: Drop In Atrium Sat 6p-2a See Board and Card Games Fri 6p 5753. (Ages 7+). GM: Nick Keith. 40 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5802 Coup Ballroom Table 302 Sat 7p-8p See Board and Card Games Sat 2p 5851. (Ages 7+). GM: Jeremiah Lee. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5837 Cyclades Ballroom Table 307 Sat 7p-9p In Cyclades, players must buy the favor of the gods in their race to be the first player to build two cities in the Ancient Greek island group known as the Cyclades. (Ages 13+). GM: Kevin Schnell. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6066 Dead Last Ballroom Table 211 Sat 7p-8p A "social collusion" game of shifting alliances, betrayals, and murder-for-profit in which players must conspire and vote upon whom to kill each round. Any means of overt or covert communication is allowed, but make sure you don't tip off the target or they could ambush you instead! (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee Levin. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5290 Get A Life Ballroom Table 201 Sat 7p-9p See Board and Card Games Fri 9p 5285. (Ages 13+). GM: Trisha Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6067 Isle of Skye Ballroom Table 213 Sat 7p-8p A tile-laying game with some light auction and set collection mechanics within. You build your kingdom to score the most points. This is done via four scoring tiles. Easy to learn, fun, and has depth. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee A. Levin. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5180 Lanterns: Harvest Festival Ballroom Table 206 Sat 7p-8p A colorful tile-laying game of great beauty. Make your offerings and collect colored lanterns. Earn points by turning in sets. Every tile you lay earns cards for all players, so plan well. (Ages 7+). GM: Stewart Tame. 3 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5224 Lords of Waterdeep Ballroom Table 305 Sat 7p-9p Scheme and plot as one of the nefarious Lords of Waterdeep. Send your minions to quest for fame (and victory points!).

We will be playing with both the Skullport and Undermountain expansions. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Bateman. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5998 Memoir 44: Dday Landings Ballroom Table 414-421 Sat 7p-12a This is a 6-12 player giant special edition of Memoir 44: Dday Landings. A tactical card management, dice-rolling slugfest- Axis vs. Allies on the historical Normandy coast. (Ages 13+). GM: Shiloh Christie. 12 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5789 Star Trek: Five year Mission Ballroom Table 202 Sat 7p-9p See Board and Card Games Fri 10a 5780. (Adults 18+). GM: Mark Kloha (Amorphous Blob). 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5670 T.I.M.E. Stories: Prophecy of Dragons Conference C Table 2 Sat 7p-11p Save an alternate timeline where the discovery of magic changed everything. GM: Aaron Connell. (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5631 Via Nebula Ballroom Table 209 Sat 7p-9p In Via Nebula, players act as explorers in the mist-shrouded valley of Nebula, working together to build pathways and create resources. 2016 Martin Wallace game. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6081 2016 Michigan State Skull King Championship Ballroom Table 216 Sat 8p-12a A trick-taking game similar to Oh Hell!, Wizard, and Spades. Special cards can throw off your best efforts, however. The winner of this tournament gets a trophy and moves up the chain towards the U.S. National Championship at Gen Con 2017. (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara (Envoy). 16 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5365 Alhambra: Alhambra Base Game Ballroom Table 203 Sat 8p-10p Tiles are used to create the most beautiful Alhambra (worth the most victory points). Careful placement of tiles is necessary to make your Alhambra a success. (Ages 13+). GM: Bob Mariotti. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5606 Captain Sonar Ballroom Table 311 Sat 8p-9p See Board and Card Games Fri 11a 5601. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Snell. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

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5301 Cerberus Engine: Street Fighter Deck-Building Game Ballroom Table 413 Sat 8p-9p See Board and Card Games Fri 3p 5244. (Ages 13+). GM: Mason Whitlark. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5593 Dead of Winter: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 313 Sat 8p-10p See Board and Card Games Fri 4p 5577. (Ages 13+). GM: Jonathan Gilmour. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5536 Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Ballroom Table 409 Sat 8p-9p See Board and Card Games Sat 4p 5537. (Ages 7+). GM: Eric McGlohon. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5761 Envoy Open Play Ballroom Table 217-219 Sat 8p-12a See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5757. (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara (Envoy). 30 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5597 Five Tribes: Plus Expansions Ballroom Table 207 Sat 8p-10p In the Land of 1001 Nights, use bidding, area control and worker placement to increase your influence over the city-state. (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Dudash. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5843 Gyrating Hamsters Ballroom Table 221 Sat 8p-9p See Board and Card Games Sat 2p 5836. (Adults 18+). GM: Alex Host. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5198 Istanbul: Mocha and Baksheesh Expansions Ballroom Table 309 Sat 8p-10p Race around the Istanbul bazaar to be the first player to collect 6 rubies. Do this by visiting the different locations with your merchant to gather money and goods that you can use to trade. (Ages 13+). GM: William Frisk. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5856 Legend of Drizzt: D&D Adventure Game Ballroom Table 306 Sat 8p-10p Co-op Dungeon Crawl Board game set in the Forgotten Realms D&D Setting. (Ages 13+). GM: James Arnoldi. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5809 Machi Koro Ballroom Table 310 Sat 8p-10p Welcome to the city of Machi Koro. You've just been elected Mayor. Unfortunately the citizens have some pretty big demands: jobs, a theme park, a couple of cheese factories and maybe even a radio tower. (Ages 7+). GM: Josh Finley. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5277 Mysterium Ballroom Table 308 Sat 8p-10p See Board and Card Games Fri 10p 5808. (Ages 13+). GM: Vic Lesperance. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5702 San Juan and Puerto Rico Ballroom Table 205 Sat 8p-12a Be the Mayor in settling a fine new colony in the New World. Uses the card game San Juan to teach Puerto Rico, which follows. 2 Sets of each available. (Ages 13+). GM: James H Richards. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5814 Sentinels of the Multiverse: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 301 Sat 8p-10p Play Sentinels with the creator of the game, Christopher Badell! (Ages 13+). GM: Christopher Badell. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5634 Survive! Ballroom Table 208 Sat 8p-9p In Survive! players are trying to evacuate their people from an island that is breaking up sinking into the sea. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5298 T.I.M.E. Stories: Asylum Ballroom Table 412 Sat 8p-11p First story in the series. We'll try as many runs as we can fit in time or you solve it. Try this game that has been slighted for its limited replayability without having to buy it! (Ages 13+). GM: Curtis Lithgow. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5213 XCOM The Board Game: Defenders of Earth Ballroom Table 411 Sat 8p-10p Fend off an alien invasion of Earth in this intense cooperative game with real-time decision-making. (Ages 13+). GM: Scott Rutter. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5539 6 nimmt! Ballroom Table 304 Sat 9p-10p See Board and Card Games Fri 7p 5538. (Ages 7+). GM: Eric McGlohon. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5636 Between Two Cities Ballroom Table 210 Sat 9p-10p Work with your neighbors to redesign two different cities. Score them on livability. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5765 Citadels Ballroom Table 303 Sat 9p-11p In Citadels, players choose characters they hire and then use their abilities, acquire gold and build building districts. The game ends when a player creates an eighth district. Players tally victory points, highest score wins. (Ages 13+).

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GM: Norman Leon. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5400 Puffing Billy: Aussie Rails/China Rails Ballroom Table 317 Sat 9p-12a Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5403 Puffing Billy: Empire Builder/Eurorails #3 Ballroom Table 316 Sat 9p-12a Category 2. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5402 Puffing Billy: Express #3 Ballroom Table 315 Sat 9p-12a Category 7. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5401 Puffing Billy: On the Underground Ballroom Table 314 Sat 9p-12a Category 5. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5404 Puffing Billy: Ticket to Ride #4 Ballroom Table 312 Sat 9p-12a Category 1. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5237 Seven Families of Jorandek Ballroom Table 222 Sat 9p-11p Take control of a powerful family and battle for control of the largest and richest city in the world! Political intrigue, shadow wars, economic strategy, and an ever-changing environment await! (Ages 13+). GM: Brian Hudson. 7 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5523 Tokaido Ballroom Table 410 Sat 9p-11p Each player is a traveler crossing the East Sea Road, one of the most magnificent roads of Japan. While traveling, collect the most varied things to finish as the most initiated traveler. (Ages 13+). GM: Dana Nelson. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5816 Zombie House Blitz Ballroom Table 302 Sat 9p-10p Speed card game where you save family members from zombies by getting people (cards) out of the house (stack) and into the cars (points piles) to safety. Players don't take turns, but rather race madly to get their cards into the shared scoring piles. (Ages 7+). GM: Jeremiah Lee. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5305 Blood Rage Ballroom Table 307 Sat 10p-12a See Board and Card Games Fri 10p 5228.

(Ages 13+). GM: Kevin Schnell. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5840 Engine Room: an Unpublished Prototype Ballroom Table 311 Sat 10p-12a A co-op deck-building game of designing your own cards. Each slide transparency has points or a card instruction on it. Sleeve them onto your cards to make them more valuable. (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Arnold. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5818 Everyone Slamchung Tonight Ballroom Table 302 Sat 10p-11p In this speedy card game, you race to match colors or numbers to get rid of your cards first. It's so quick, we'll play a few games (and then we'll add in the cheating, and advanced cheating, if players are interested). (Ages 7+). GM: Jeremiah Lee. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5810 Firefly: The Game Ballroom Table 310 Sat 10p-1a Players begin with a ship, and travel from planet to planet, hiring crew, purchasing ship upgrades, and picking up cargo to deliver (jobs) all in the form of cards. Avoid the gorram Reavers! (Ages 7+). GM: Josh Finley. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5841 Galaxy Trucker Ballroom Table 409 Sat 10p-12a Galaxy Trucker is a tile laying game that plays out over 2 phases: building & flying. The goal is to have the most credits at the end. Earn credits by delivering goods, defeating pirates, building an efficient ship, and being the furthest along the track at the end of the flying phase. (Ages 13+). GM: Mary Garton. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5844 Gyrating Hamsters Ballroom Table 221 Sat 10p-11p See Board and Card Games Sat 2p 5836. (Adults 18+). GM: Alex Host. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5199 Lords of Vegas with Up! expansion Ballroom Table 306 Sat 10p-1a Become the Lord of Vegas by building the largest casinos in the city. Win a little extra money by gambling, and then use those funds for forceful casino takeovers or open brand new establishments. (Ages 13+). GM: William Frisk. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5303 Mystic Vale Ballroom Table 413 Sat 10p-11p Build your best deck by altering cards strategically. A fast-paced game themed on Druidic cleansing of the land. (Ages 13+). GM:

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Mason Whitlark. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5223 Scythe Ballroom Table 305 Sat 10p-1a See Board and Card Games Fri 10p 5221. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Bateman. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5586 Small World Ballroom Table 309 Sat 11p-1a A widely varying game based on area control and using your race's powers to your advantage - and your neighbors' detriment. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5849 Two Rooms and a Boom Ballroom Table 411 Sat 11p-12a Try to save the Blue Team's president, or blow her up with the Red Team's bomber! A social deduction/hidden role party game for six or more players. Lying encouraged. (Ages 13+). GM: Steve Benson. 30 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5819 Are you a Werewolf? Ballroom Table 302 Sat 12a-1a (Ages 7+). GM: Jeremiah Lee. 18 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5835 Betrayal at House on the Hill Ballroom Table 308 Sat 12a-2a See Board and Card Games Fri 10p 5673. (Ages 13+). GM: Samantha Orosz. 12 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6073 Red Dragon Inn Ballroom Table 313 Sat 12a-2a See Board and Card Games Fri 12a 6072. (Ages 13+). GM: Amanda Robinson. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

SUNDAy5599 Ascension X: War of Shadows Ballroom Table 414 Sun 9a-1p See Board and Card Games Fri 10a 5564. (Ages 13+). GM: Randolph Williams. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5688 Blueprints Ballroom Table 419 Sun 9a-11a In Blueprints, players are architects who must use different colored dice to build three different structures from blueprints, with the dice providing different advantages to you. (Ages 13+). GM: Jason Rivas (Oakland County Gamers). 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5549 Codenames Ballroom Table 424-425 Sun 9a-11a The two rival spymasters know the secret identities of 25 agents. Their teammates know the agents only by their CODENAMES. (Ages 7+). GM: Meri Orosz. 20 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6084 Demos Ballroom Table 214 Sun 9a-1p Learn to play games like Fuse, Gravwell or Clank. (Ages 13+). GM: Renegade Games. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5855 Dungeon Saga Ballroom Table 306 Sun 9a-11a Dungeon Crawling Adventure game from Mantic Games! (Ages 13+). GM: James Arnoldi. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5762 Envoy Open Play Ballroom Table 217-219 Sun 9a-1p See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5757. (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara (Envoy). 30 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5834 Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming Ballroom Table 412 Sun 9a-3p 2nd edition board game, come try your hand at intrigue and war! We'll use either the original or expansion house cards as players prefer. (Ages 13+). GM: Dave Morris. 5 seats / Some XP / Complex / $4.50

5222 Lords of Waterdeep Ballroom Table 303 Sun 9a-11a Scheme and plot as one of the nefarious Lords of Waterdeeep. Send your minions to quest for fame (and victory points!). We will be playing with both the Skullport and Undermountain expansions. (Ages 13+). GM: Bryan Bateman. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5492 Mystic Vale Ballroom Table 206 Sun 9a-10a Themed in a druidic fantasy world, Mystic Vale players alter their cards to cleanse the land by building the best deck. (Ages 7+). GM: Joseph Brown (Oakland County Gamers). 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6065 Mystic Vale Ballroom Table 212 Sun 9a-10a Mystic Vale uses the innovative "Card Crafting System", which lets you not only build your deck, but build the individual cards in your deck. (Ages 7+). GM: Wyatt Wilfong. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5408 Puffing Billy: 18XX PotLuck #2 Ballroom Table 316 Sun 9a-12p Category 3. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5405 Puffing Billy: Eurorails Finals Ballroom Table 317 Sun 9a-12p Category 2. By invitation only. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 0 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5406 Puffing Billy: International Rails Finals Ballroom Table 314 Sun 9a-12p Category 2. By

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invitation only. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 0 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5407 Puffing Billy: Ticket to Ride #5 Ballroom Table 315 Sun 9a-12p Category 1. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5478 Ravingspire Ballroom Table 417 Sun 9a-11a Ravingspire: A deck-building, rotating-dungeon boardgame of Swords, Sorcery and Madness. For 1-6 Players. (Ages 13+). GM: Tim Ealy (Oakland County Gamers). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6069 Settlers of Catan Ballroom Table 213 Sun 9a-11a Players try to be the dominant force on the island of Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads. On each turn, dice are rolled to determine what resources the island produces. Players collect these resources to build up their civilizations to get to 10 victory points. (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6058 Smash Up Ballroom Table 211 Sun 9a-10a See Board and Card Games Fri 5p 6057. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee Levin. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5735 Street Kings Ballroom Table 204 Sun 9a-11a Welcome to the world of underground racing. Your goal? To become the Street King in your own epic racing career. (Ages 13+). GM: Blair Reamy (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5179 Tales of the Arabian Nights: Aladdin Sane Redux Ballroom Table 207 Sun 9a-1p First session full? Here's another! See Friday's description for details. (Ages 13+). GM: Stewart Tame. 5 seats / No XP / Complex / $3.00

5165 Tokaido w/ expansions Ballroom Table 422 Sun 9a-11a You are a traveler along the East Sea Road in Japan. You will meet various people, taste fine meals, collect beautiful items, discover great panoramas, and visit temples and hot springs. Discover the most interesting and varied things to win. (Ages 13+). GM: Nick Huston (Oakland County Gamers). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5671 Battle Con Conference C Table 2 Sun 10a-2p Ever wonder what street fighter would be like as a board game? Now you can find out for yourself in Battle Con! Choose a character

and fight against your opponent; with each character having a completely unique fighting style, no two fights will ever be the same! GM: Aaron Connell. (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5200 Bomb Squad Academy Ballroom Table 420 Sun 10a-12p Graduate at the head of your class by wisely deciding which wire to cut on the final exam practice bombs. There are different risks and rewards to consider as each player secretly makes their choices. (Ages 13+). GM: William Frisk. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5644 Imhotep Ballroom Table 209 Sun 10a-11a See Board and Card Games Sat 10a 5620. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5612 La Isla Ballroom Table 413 Sun 10a-12p We are scientists, sent to explore an undiscovered island. Here we have found not one but five species thought to have gone extinct. This is a clever game with unique mechanics; and dodo birds! (Ages 13+). GM: Kelley McGuinness. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5637 Mice and Mystics Ballroom Table 210 Sun 10a-1p Save an imperiled kingdom! Cooperate with your team to face countless adversaries such as rats, co*ckroaches, and spiders, and of course the greatest of all horrors: the castle's housecat, Brodie. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5541 Monster Laundry Ballroom Table 423 Sun 10a-11a See Board and Card Games Sat 3p 5540. (Ages 7+). GM: Eric McGlohon. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5493 Mystic Vale Ballroom Table 206 Sun 10a-11a Themed in a druidic fantasy world, Mystic Vale players alter their cards to cleanse the land by building the best deck. Event will start around 10:15. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Brown (Oakland County Gamers). 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5730 Sentinels of the Multiverse: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 301 Sun 10a-12p Play Sentinels with the creator of the game, Christopher Badell! (Ages 13+). GM: Christopher Badell. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5552 Smash Up Ballroom Table 312 Sun 10a-12p Take your two factions (Robots? Giant ants?

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Magic ponies? Tornadoes?), combine them together, and fight to control Bases. A card game involving a minimal amount of strategy and some silliness. (Ages 13+). GM: Kevin Hogan. 4 seats / No XP / Complex / $1.50

5676 Splendor Ballroom Table 418 Sun 10a-11a See Board and Card Games Fri 3p 5555. (Ages 13+). GM: Samantha Orosz. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5229 Star Wars: Imperial Assault Ballroom Table 304 Sun 10a-12p Star Wars: Imperial Assault is a strategy board game of tactical combat and missions for two to five players set in the Star Wars universe. Play with painted miniatures and customized terrain! (Ages 13+). GM: Kevin Schnell. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5352 Stockpile Ballroom Table 421 Sun 10a-12p Stockpile is an economic, stock-market themed game that's all about insider trading! (Ages 13+). GM: Mark Haynes. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5587 Tzolkin': The Mayan Calendar Ballroom Table 309 Sun 10a-12p Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar presents a new game mechanism: dynamic worker placement. Players representing different Mayan tribes place their workers on giant connected gears, and as the gears rotate they take the workers to different action spots (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5591 Vault Wars: Game with the Creator and Win a Copy Ballroom Table 313 Sun 10a-12p Many heroes go forth to battle, but some never return. You'll be part of the bidding war for the vaults they left behind to gain valuable items. Winner of the game wins the copy used for the event. (Ages 7+). GM: Jonathan Gilmour. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5638 Alien Frontiers: Outer Belt Expansion Ballroom Table 208 Sun 11a-1p In Alien Frontiers: Outer Belt, players must manage their resources, build their fleets, research alien technologies and settle colonies on a newly discovered world. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5508 Arctic Scavengers Ballroom Table 415 Sun 11a-1p This is a post-apocalyptic deck-building card game. You lead a tribe fighting to survive amidst challenging conditions,

hiring mercenaries, scavenging, and fighting skirmishes to grow your tribe. (Ages 13+). GM: Rhonda Berg. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5347 Big Bad Overlord: demo Ballroom Table 305 Sun 11a-1p See Board and Card Games Sat 2p 5346. (Ages 13+). GM: Danny DeCillis. 6 seats / No XP / Average / Free!

6071 Caverna: The Cave Farmers Ballroom Table 212 Sun 11a-2p See Board and Card Games Fri 8p 5561. (Ages 7+). GM: Wyatt Wilfong. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5689 Celestia Ballroom Table 419 Sun 11a-1p In Celestia you board an aircraft with a team of adventurers to perform many trips and recover their wonderful treasures. The journey won't be safe, but who will be the richest adventurer? (Ages 7+). GM: Jason Rivas (Oakland County Gamers). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5422 Five Tribes: Plus Expansions Ballroom Table 410 Sun 11a-1p See Board and Card Games Sat 8p 5597. (Ages 13+). GM: Jason Miller. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

6051 Guildhall Ballroom Table 211 Sun 11a-12p You've been a serf in this one-pig town long enough, and it's time to shake things up. You've opened a guildhall for like-minded professionals from all over Europe to work together, build their trades, and get some economic stability. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee Levin. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5701 Jamaica Ballroom Table 205 Sun 11a-1p Racing game with Pirates and booty. Arrrghhh. It be a mighty challenge. (Ages 7+). GM: James H Richards. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6052 No Thanks Ballroom Table 213 Sun 11a-12p The rules are simple. Each turn, players have two options: play one of their chips to avoid picking up the current face-up card, or pick up the face-up card (along with any chips that have already been played on that card) and turn over the next card. (Ages 7+). GM: Keith Jacobs. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5335 Oceanos Ballroom Table 422 Sun 11a-1p Each player pilots their own submarine trying to spot the most underwater species and the longest coral reef, sending scuba-divers after forgotten treasures, collecting precious crystals to upgrade their ship and to escape the fearsome kraken's gaze. (Ages 7+). GM: Nick

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Huston (Oakland County Gamers). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5477 The Opulent Ballroom Table 417 Sun 11a-1p 1-4 player light cooperative asymmetrical game set during 1920s prohibition where players operate a campaign driven upscale speakeasy. (Ages 13+). GM: Tim Ealy (Oakland County Gamers). 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5960 Valley of the Kings: Trilogy Ballroom Table 310 Sun 11a-1p Play all three Valley of the Kings titles: Valley of the Kings, Afterlife, and Last Rites. Valley of the Kings is a traditional deckbuilder with several genius tweaks! (Ages 13+). GM: James Beaumont. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5639 Animals on Board Ballroom Table 209 Sun 12p-1p n the clever family game Animals on Board, players will herd animals into groups, and bring animals on board their ark. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5409 Puffing Billy: Express Finals Ballroom Table 317 Sun 12p-3p Category 7. By invitation only. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 0 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5412 Puffing Billy: PotLuck PBT #2 Ballroom Table 316 Sun 12p-3p Category 6. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5410 Puffing Billy: Ticket to Ride Finals Ballroom Table 315 Sun 12p-3p Category 1. By invitation only. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 0 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5411 Puffing Billy: Trains #2 Ballroom Table 314 Sun 12p-3p Category 7. (Ages 13+). GM: Puffing Billy Team. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5494 Sushi Go! Party Ballroom Table 206 Sun 12p-1p OCG - OAKLAND COUNTY GAMERS teaches Sushi Go Party! No experience necessary. (Ages 7+). GM: Joseph Brown (Oakland County Gamers). 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5280 Battlestar Galactica Ballroom Table 302 Sun 1p-6p See Board and Card Games Fri 2p 5276. (Ages 13+). GM: Vic Lesperance. 5 seats / No XP / Complex / $3.00

5479 Betrayal at House on the Hill: Widows Walk Ballroom Table 417 Sun 1p-3p The house on the hill has a wicked reputation. Those who dare to darken its door often leave steeped in madness and despair - if they leave at all. (Ages 13+). GM: Tim Ealy (Oakland County Gamers). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5495 Camel Up Ballroom Table 206 Sun 1p-2p Use your best strategy to win the Camel Cup! A mix of strategy, luck and skill helps you win the camel race. (Ages 7+). GM: Joseph Brown (Oakland County Gamers). 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5535 Flick 'em Up!: Flick 'em Up! with Stallion Canyon Ballroom Table 409 Sun 1p-2p See Board and Card Games Fri 5p 5534. (Ages 7+). GM: Eric McGlohon. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6068 Isle of Skye Ballroom Table 211 Sun 1p-2p See Board and Card Games Sat 7p 6067. (Ages 7+). GM: Shellee A. Levin. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

6053 Istanbul Ballroom Table 213 Sun 1p-2p There's hustle and bustle at Istanbul's grand bazaar as merchants and their assistants rush through the narrow alleys in their attempt to be more successful than their competitors. (Ages 7+). GM: Karen Holah. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5424 Quadropolis Ballroom Table 422 Sun 1p-3p See Board and Card Games Fri 5p 5623. (Ages 13+). GM: Nick Huston (Oakland County Gamers). 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5496 Camel Up Ballroom Table 206 Sun 2p-3p See Board and Card Games Sun 1p 5495. (Ages 7+). GM: Joseph Brown (Oakland County Gamers). 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5590 Dead of Winter: Game with the Creator Ballroom Table 313 Sun 2p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 4p 5577. (Ages 13+). GM: Jonathan Gilmour. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $2.00

5722 Fleet Action / Squadron Strike: Military Card Games Ballroom Table 303 Sun 2p-4p See Board and Card Games Fri 8p 5723. (Ages 13+). GM: Jon Pehrson. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

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5206 Games For Kids, Press your luck!: Pass the Pigs & Zombie Dice Ballroom Table 423 Sun 2p-4p Push your luck in these fast paced, simple games for all ages. All materials provided. (Ages 7+). GM: Owen McCauley. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5588 Keyflower Ballroom Table 309 Sun 2p-4p Played over four rounds, match workers with your own and your competitors' to win. (Ages 13+). GM: Nikki Carr. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5690 Medieval Academy Ballroom Table 419 Sun 2p-4p In Medieval Academy, a "family+" game, each player takes the role of a squire who wants to outdo the others in the different training categories to score Chivalry Points. (Ages 7+). GM: Jason Rivas (Oakland County Gamers). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5640 Steam Time Ballroom Table 209 Sun 2p-4p It's the year 1899, and strange phenomena are being observed in places like Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5574 The Witches: Cooperative Mode Ballroom Table 415 Sun 2p-4p Play a trainee witch from Prachett's Discworld, solving problems large and small. In Cooperative Mode, you'll work together to win the game - but it won't be easy! (Ages 13+). GM: Holly McGuinness. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5553 Wizard Ballroom Table 424-425 Sun 2p-4p A progressive trick-taking game, Wizard will test how well you assess the hand you were dealt -- and your opponents. (Ages 13+). GM: Cheryl Orosz. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5497 Codenames: Pictures Ballroom Table 206 Sun 3p-4p OCG-OAKLAND COUNTY GAMERS teaches Codenames: Pictures. No experience necessary. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Brown (Oakland County Gamers). 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5641 El Grande Ballroom Table 208 Sun 3p-5p In El Grande, players take on the roles of Grandes in medieval Spain, vying for control of the country's various regions. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5766 Legendary Encounters: Firefly Ballroom Table 417 Sun 3p-5p Legendary Encounters: Firefly brings together the storytelling of a

cooperative deck builder with the episodes of the hit TV show, Firefly. Players must work together to complete a set of Objectives for each episode, gain credits, and hopefully win the game. (Ages 13+). GM: Tim Ealy (Oakland County Gamers). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5423 Tiny Epic Western Ballroom Table 422 Sun 3p-5p The West is growing day by day, and you're looking to stake your claim. At the end of the day, the boss who has the best combination of wit and bluff will become the most powerful tycoon in the Wild Wild West. (Ages 13+). GM: Nick Huston (Oakland County Gamers). 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5550 6 nimmt! Ballroom Table 312 Sun 4p-6p 6 Nimmt! is a trick-taking game where the object is to score as few points as possible. Simple, yet devious. Much more fun to play than to describe. (Ages 7+). GM: Kevin Hogan. 10 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5498 Codenames: Pictures Ballroom Table 206 Sun 4p-5p OCG-OAKLAND COUNTY GAMERS teaches Codenames: Pictures. No experience necessary. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Brown (Oakland County Gamers). 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5211 Flash Point: Fire Rescue: Learn to Play Ballroom Table 414 Sun 4p-6p Learn to play this challenging co-op game. Can you rescue everyone before the building collapses?! Let's find out! Will play both introductory and advanced games (time permitting) (Ages 7+). GM: Scott Rutter. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5205 Games for Kids with Tiles and Tokens: Tsuro and Labyrinth Ballroom Table 423 Sun 4p-6p Out maneuver your opponents in these fast paced, simple games for all ages. All materials provided. (Ages 7+). GM: Owen McCauley. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5618 Mare Nostrum Ballroom Table 308 Sun 4p-5p Themed on the expansion of lands, construction of new cities, and dispatching caravans to take advantage of rare commodities to build constructions and eventually wonders of the world. (Ages 13+). GM: Jason Sonk. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5357 Mystic Vale Ballroom Table 421 Sun 4p-5p See Board and Card Games Sun 9a 6065. (Ages

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13+). GM: Trevor Pryhorocki. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5687 Sentinels of the Multiverse Ballroom Table 416 Sun 4p-6p Cooperative game where players run superheroes fighting a supervillain. We will fight the Apostate in the Wagner Mars Base. (Ages 13+). GM: Anne Moore. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5839 Unpublished Prototype: Mirage Ballroom Table 418 Sun 4p-6p Place your camels and ships strategically to win. This unpublished prototype will be Kickstarted in February 2017. (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Arnold. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5643 Via Nebula Ballroom Table 210 Sun 4p-6p See Board and Card Games Sat 7p 5631. (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5642 Celestia Ballroom Table 209 Sun 5p-6p Board an aircraft with a team of adventurers to perform many trips through the cities of Celestia and recover their wonderful treasures. Your journey will not be safe, but you will attempt to be the richest adventurer by collecting the most precious treasures! A press your luck adventure! (Ages 7+). GM: TSA Games. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

MINIATURESFRIDAy5425 Dead Man's Hand: Chaos at Rio Gato Ballroom Table 408 Fri 3p-6p It's a celebration! The good citizens of Rio Gato are celebrating the one-year anniversary of the founding of the town, and excitement is at an all-time high. (Ages 7+). GM: Jeff Przybylo. 10 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5413 Paint and Take Ballroom Table 105-107 Fri 3p-9p Join us to spend quiet time painting some of the best miniatures in the world, with some of the best paint in the world. We will assist you as needed with selection of colors and techniques. Miniatures to paint start at $0.50 each. Please pay at paint & take. (Ages 13+). GM: Linda and Dean Martelle. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5971 Star Trek Attack Wing: Learn To Play Ballroom Table 407 Fri 4p-5p Star Trek: Attack Wing is a multiplayer tabletop ship combat game. Players assume the roles of commanders of the fleets from the Dominion, Federation, Klingon, and Romulan factions. (Ages 13+). GM: Ed Hong. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5967 Star Trek Attack Wing: Learn To Play Ballroom Table 407 Fri 5p-6p See Miniatures Fri 4p 5971. (Ages 13+). GM: Ed Hong. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5258 Dropzone Commander: Learn to Play Ballroom Table 402 Fri 6p-8p Hawk Wargames took the world by storm with great miniatures, cardboard buildings, and a rules system to die

for when they released Dropzone Commander learn this fast paced, destructive game. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5262 Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest Ballroom Table 403 Fri 6p-9p Learn to play Mantic's Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest. This game is a lot of fun and fast to learn. We will teach you the basic rules and the ins-and-outs of play in this 5 player game. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5257 Ogre: Massive Ogre Ballroom Table 401 Fri 6p-10p Steve Jackson Games created the Designers Edition of Ogre just for this game! Come battle it out on all the maps with all the Ogres to pick from. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 32 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5267 Warhammer 40K: Learn to Play 40K Ballroom Table 404 Fri 6p-9p 40K is the futuristic miniature game with complex rules and beautiful miniatures. Orks, Necrons, Space Marines, and other factions. Come learn the latest set of rules, then stay to play a game or two. All materials provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5266 Rivet Wars: Learn Rivet Wars, An Introduction Ballroom Table 405 Fri 7p-9p Come learn to play a cross between Steam Punk and World War I in table top form. All materials provided. (Ages 7+). GM: Mini Team. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5968 Star Trek Panic!: Learn to play Ballroom Table 407 Fri 7p-9p Star Trek Panic




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is a cooperative light strategy game based on Castle Panic, that challenges players to defend the U.S.S. Enterprise from enemy attacks. (Ages 7+). GM: Ed Hong. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5316 Halo Fleet Battles: Learn the Game Ballroom Table 406 Fri 8p-11p Spartan has brought the video and movie franchise Halo to the table top, with familiar ships and action. We will teach you all the rules, strategy, and fleet design needed to succeed at this game. All materials provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Joshua Linde. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5309 Malifaux: Mailfaux Get Together Ballroom Table 402 Fri 8p-10p Malifaux uses gothic, steampunk, wild west and victorian horror for a fast paced tabletop miniature skirmish game. Try it out in this introductory game run with beautiful terrain and miniatures. (Adults 18+). GM: David Reynolds. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5504 Robotech RPG Tactics Ballroom Table 409 Fri 8p-9p Relive the excitement of the Robotech Macross Saga in a fast paced miniatures game full of pew pew and kaboom! (Ages 13+). GM: Nathan Hanish. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

SATURDAy5260 Rum and Bones Ballroom Table 401 Sat 9a-11a Cool Mini or Not created a cool pirate game that has almost every "super hero" pirate you can think of. It plays fast and every character has their own "super powers". (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5259 Dropfleet Commander: Learn Dropfleet Commander Ballroom Table 402 Sat 10a-12p Wicked cool space ships fight to control space. This tabletop miniatures game was a huge success on Kickstarter. Now you can learn to play the game with fantastic rules and beautiful space ships. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5269 Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest Ballroom Table 404 Sat 10a-1p Learn to play Mantic's Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest. This hybrid miniature/board game is a lot of fun and fast to learn. We will teach you the basic rules and the ins and outs of play in this 5 player

game. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5275 Halo Fleet Battles: Learn Halo Fleet Battles Ballroom Table 405 Sat 10a-1p Spartan has brought the video and movie franchise Halo to the tabletop, with familiar ships and action. We will teach you all the rules, strategy, fleet design needed to succeed at this game. (Ages 13+). GM: Joshua Linde. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5969 Star Trek Panic!: Learn to play Ballroom Table 407 Sat 10a-12p See Miniatures Fri 7p 5968. (Ages 7+). GM: Ed Hong. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5715 StarBlast!: Kill the Big Boys! Ballroom Table 406 Sat 10a-1p This StarBlast! event pits two opposing fleets, each with a carrier and a capital ship, dueling it out in the deep dark. Your objective is simple ... destroy the opposition. (Ages 13+). GM: Jon Pehrson. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5263 Warhammer 40K: Thunder Waaagh Ballroom Table 403 Sat 10a-12p What is more fun that greased pigs at the fair? Why motorcycles with those crazy Grots on them! Goes faster backwards? Sure! Spike Droppers? Sure! Fantastic crashes? Every race. Family friendly. (Ages 7+). GM: Mini Team. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5270 Dropzone Commander: Learn Dropzone Commander Ballroom Table 402 Sat 12p-2p Dropzone Commander took the world by storm with great miniatures, cardboard buildings, and a rules system to die for. Get your ticket early and learn this fast paced, destructive game. Then stay and play in one of our tactical games. All materials provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5414 Paint and Take Ballroom Table 105-107 Sat 12p-7p See Miniatures Fri 3p 5413. (Ages 13+). GM: Linda and Dean Martelle. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5254 Zombicide: Mega Zombicide Ballroom Table 401 Sat 12p-6p Using the original base game and several supplements, this game will run for several hours. Please drop in and play for a while. (Ages 7+). GM: Mini Team. 32 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.50

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5426 Dead Man's Hand: Chaos at Rio Gato Ballroom Table 406 Sat 2p-5p See Miniatures Fri 3p 5425. (Ages 7+). GM: Jeff Przybylo. 10 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5274 Firestorm Armada: Learn Firestorm Armada Ballroom Table 403 Sat 2p-5p Learn Spartan Games' Firestorm Armada. With the release of version 2, this space ship combat game has gotten even more fun to run. We will teach and help you understand the winning play styles. (Ages 13+). GM: Joshua Linde. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5317 FUBAR one page rules: FUBAR WOLFENSTEIN Ballroom Table 404 Sat 2p-4p A weird WWII skirmish game using a modified D6 system, FUBAR. Fast, furious and fun game play. (Ages 13+). GM: Lee Gaddies. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5979 Star Trek Panic!: Learn to play Ballroom Table 402 Sat 2p-4p See Miniatures Fri 7p 5968. (Ages 7+). GM: Ed Hong. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5292 Star Wars: X-Wing: Assault on Antar IV Ballroom Table 101 Sat 2p-6p The Imperial Navy launched an assault on Antar IV. Players play either the Imperial Navy, and attempt to assault Antar IV, or the Rebellion who attempt to repulse this attack on the Gotal homeworld. (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Whiteman (Amorphous Blob). 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5416 StarBlast!: Deep Strike Ballroom Table 405 Sat 2p-5p Surprise strike against a privateer base pits four light ships against a pair of unprepared battlecruisers. Will surprise be enough of an advantage? Rules taught. (Ages 13+). GM: Rick Coen. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5261 Dropzone Commander: Dropzone Cityfight Ballroom Table 407 Sat 4p-7p This is a multi-player Dropzone Commander game. You are encouraged to bring your own miniatures, but we will provide them for you. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5980 Star Trek Panic!: Learn to play Ballroom Table 408 Sat 4p-6p See Miniatures Fri 7p 5968. (Ages 7+). GM: Ed Hong. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5255 Warhammer 40K: Learn to Play 40K Ballroom Table 402 Sat 4p-7p Come learn the latest set of Warhammer 40K rules. All materials provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5486 Robotech RPG Tactics Ballroom Table 404 Sat 5p-6p Tactical miniatures game, fast paced, 2-4 players, squad based combat. Based on the Macross Saga portion of the Robotech Anime. Veritech fighters, Zentradi battle pods, pew-pew and kaboom! (Ages 13+). GM: Nathan Hanish. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5970 Star Trek Attack Wing: Borg Assualt on DS9 Ballroom Table 408 Sat 6p-10p See Miniatures Fri 4p 5971. (Ages 13+). GM: Ed Hong. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5273 Halo Ground Command: Learn the Game Ballroom Table 403 Sat 7p-9p Spartan has brought the video and movie franchise Halo to the table top, with characters you know and love. We will teach you all the rules and strategy needed to succeed at this fast paced game. (Ages 13+). GM: Joshua Linde. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5256 Rivet Wars: Learn Rivet Wars, An Introduction Ballroom Table 401 Sat 7p-9p See Miniatures Fri 7p 5266. (Ages 7+). GM: Mini Team. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5532 Battletech: King of the Hill Ballroom Table 402 Sat 10p-12a Conquer the Hill! Be the last 'Mech standing on top of the hill to win the game. Players will fight both a GM controlled 'Mech at the top of the hill to start the game and each other. (Ages 13+). GM: James Peace. 10 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

SUNDAy5272 Infinity: Learn to Play Infinity Ballroom Table 401 Sun 10a-1p Table top miniatures meets Japanese Manga and modern game rules design. The rules are fast, fun and varied with faction pairings. All materials provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Joshua Linde. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5982 Star Trek Attack Wing: learn to play Ballroom Table 407 Sun 10a-11a See Miniatures Fri 4p 5971. (Ages 13+). GM: Ed Hong. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

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5721 StarBlast!: Kill the Big Boys! Ballroom Table 402 Sun 10a-1p This StarBlast! event pits two opposing fleets, each with a carrier and a capital ship, dueling it out in the deep dark. Your objective is simple: Destroy the opposition. (Ages 13+). GM: Jon Pehrson. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5268 Warhammer 40K: Thunder Waaagh Ballroom Table 403 Sun 10a-12p What's more fun that greased pigs at the fair? Why motorcycles with those crazy Grots on them! This Warhammer 40K spinoff is a racing game with combat and "gifts" that only Orks could love. Goes faster backwards? Sure! Spike Droppers? Sure! Fantastic crashes? Every race. (Ages 7+). GM: Mini Team. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5978 Star Trek Attack Wing: Learn To Play Ballroom Table 407 Sun 11a-12p See Miniatures Fri 4p 5971. (Ages 13+). GM: Ed Hong. 4 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5265 Warhammer 40K: Learn to Play 40K Ballroom Table 404 Sun 11a-2p See Miniatures Fri 6p 5267. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5271 Dropzone Commander: Learn Dropzone Commander Ballroom Table 405 Sun 12p-2p

Dropzone Commander took the world by storm with great miniatures, cardboard buildings and a rules system to die for. Get your ticket early and learn this fast paced, destructive game. Then stay and play in one of our tactical games. All materials provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Mini Team. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5415 Paint and Take Ballroom Table 105-107 Sun 12p-6p See Miniatures Fri 3p 5413. (Ages 13+). GM: Linda and Dean Martelle. 30 seats / No XP / Simple / Free!

5505 Robotech RPG Tactics Ballroom Table 406 Sun 12p-1p See Miniatures Fri 8p 5504. (Ages 13+). GM: Nathan Hanish. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5981 Star Trek Attack Wing: Borg Assualt on DS9 Ballroom Table 407 Sun 12p-4p See Miniatures Fri 4p 5971. (Ages 13+). GM: Ed Hong. 8 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5417 StarBlast!: Asteroid Dance Ballroom Table 402 Sun 2p-5p A supply caravan is ambushed by a light carrier. Can the convoy defenders survive a fighter ambush inside an asteroid belt? Rules will be taught, players get credit as playtesters. (Ages 13+). GM: Rick Coen. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

ROLE PLAyINGFRIDAy5648 Call of Cthulhu 7th ed: Dead Borders Conference C Table 1 Fri 9a-1p A locked room. A dead body. Can a group of investigators solve this seemingly bizarre murder? GM: Mike Caldwell. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5790 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 4 Fri 9a-1p What begins as a day at the Brewfest Faire ends up as a series of unconnected adventures. Or are they? What is really happening around the town of Hyran? (Ages 7+). GM: Troy Mepyans. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5358 DCC RPG: Xcrawl: Destroy All Crawlers Conference E Table 5 Fri 9a-1p Your favorite live-on-pay-per-view death sport is back, with a whole new rules set! Now powered by the Dungeon Crawl Classics rules! New challenges,

all new high-impact rules set, same old attitude! (Ages 7+). GM: Brendan LaSalle. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5431 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Black Sun Deathcrawl by James MacGeorge Conference E Table 6 Fri 9a-2p You are The Cursed - remnants of life in a universe of decay. No names, no races, your only goal to dig deeper into the earth to escape the rays of the Black Sun that extinguishes what little remains. (Ages 13+). GM: Laura Rose Williams. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5170 Paragraph System: Merlinspawn Conference B Table 1 Fri 9a-2p Merlin returned magic to the land, revolutionizing every field. London of 1876 now sees alchemy at Scotland Yard, magic classes at university, and inventions that defy physics. This is your world. (Adults 18+). GM: David Vandenabeele. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00


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5252 White Star: Slim Pickings Or Bountiful Harvest? Conference E Table 2 Fri 9a-1p Your band of freelancers has gotten word of a massive space battle, but It will be over with by the time you arrive to salvage what the warring parties left behind. (Ages 13+). GM: Larry Hamilton. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5518 7th Sea Second Edition: The Ninth Eye Conference B Table 3 Fri 10a-2p Your crew of adventurers and swashbucklers has set sail in search of an ancient relic. There were no survivors from the last expedition--will you succeed where others perished? (Ages 13+). GM: Don Bisdorf. 4 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5294 Champions: The Adventure of Overlord's Lair Conference F Table 1 Fri 10a-2p Relive the first session of Aaron Allston's Strike Force superhero unverse! Experience the first session of a campaign that lasted over 20 years! Battle the Overlord! (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Surbrook. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5159 Cortex Plus: Affects of the Void (ep 2) Seminar 4 Fri 10a-2p Imprisoned in a government facility on a remote planet for supposed (or actual) crimes, you have been the subject of experiments verging on torture. Having escaped, you and your fellow fugitives are stuck in a remote system. (Adults 18+). GM: Laura Hamel. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5185 D&D 5e (Aetaltis): The Temple of Modren Seminar 2 Fri 10a-2p Goblins are loose near Thornwall, and the town is under attack! With the nearest guard post more than three-days ride to the South, you and your companions are the only hope for this harried hamlet! (Ages 13+). GM: Marc Tassin. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5291 D&D 5e: Against the Giants - Again Ballroom Table 102 Fri 10a-2p The Giants have begun raiding human settlements in the mountains. Someone, or something, must be behind these attacks as normally the giants are not this organized. Can you stop the giant horde? (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Whiteman (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5321 D&D 5e: The Eye of Kings Conference H Table 6 Fri 10a-2p In this adventure for

first level characters, players will embark on an exciting quest to a forgotten temple. Their target in an ancient artifact known as the Eye of Kings. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Ho. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5748 D&D 5e: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 3 Fri 10a-2p A little known race of elves is on the brink of extinction. Twists, turns, tricks and traps, all lead to a life changing event. Play with the authors and experience the magic that is Starfall. (Ages 7+). GM: Jon Neddo. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5846 D00 Lite: BareBones Fantasy Presents Conference H Table 5 Fri 10a-2p Using BBF's Adventure Idea Generation toolkit and see what befalls our characters. Character gen is fast, however I'll have pre-gens. (Ages 7+). GM: Larry Moore. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5613 Hero System 6th Edition: Remarkable Wrong-Righters Conference H Table 4 Fri 10a-2p Sand! Surf! A Malibu house HQ! The Wong-Righters want to make superheroing fun again. But how fun is it when a strange being of immense power decides to share his wacky sense of humor with the team? (Ages 13+). GM: Rod Currie. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5838 Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Forgive Us Conference E Table 1 Fri 10a-1p 1625 was a plague year in Norwich. Or was it? A Lamentations of the Flame Princess Adventure for a party of 4th level. Pre-gens provided. (Mature 18+). GM: Dave Kesler. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5662 Netherstorm: A Dark and Stormy Night Conference C Table 3 Fri 10a-2p A group of adventurers find themselves caught in a torrential rainstorm. They take shelter in a house in the woods. The house appears occupied, but where is everyone... GM: Cris Frank (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5737 Savage Worlds-Super Heroes: The Streets of Graphite Heights Ballroom Table 104 Fri 10a-2p Come check out the super hero rules for Savage Worlds in the Comic Inspired World of Graphite Heights. Can the mysterious do gooders save the day, or will the armed gang know as the Blades rule? (Ages 13+). GM: Richard Downey (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

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5615 Swords & Wizardry: Zaya's Promise - Game With the Creator Board Room Fri 10a-2p A deadly funhouse style dungeon crawl designed to run differently every session. Navigate through the twisted imagination of a little girl for fame, fortune, or death. (Ages 13+). GM: Stacy Dellorfano. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

5545 Call of Cthulhu 7e: In Media Res Conference B Table 4 Fri 2p-6p You are not the only man standing over the bloodied body strewn across the dining table. A voice booms, "To know me is to join me! I am the Opener of the Way!" Who am I and what the hell is going on? (Mature 18+). GM: Rom Elwell. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5646 Call of Cthulhu 7th ed.: The Derelict Conference C Table 1 Fri 2p-6p A stranded vessel. The promise of a great reward. A mystery filled with horror. GM: Mike Caldwell (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5220 D&D (Original): Clean Sweep Conference E Table 1 Fri 2p-5p A family is swept from their little village and finds itself in a new realm! A quest to save their parents from this strange society. Children under 12 must have a parent playing. (Ages 7+). GM: Herb Diehr. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5231 D&D 3/3.5: Enter the Orc Domain Conference H Table 1 Fri 2p-6p Orc raids have been on the rise. Your king has determined the orcs' next target; resulting in the formation of a strong hold. It is up to you and your Dwarven party to stop the orcs from invading. (Ages 13+). GM: David Perrin (West Michigan Gaming). 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5232 D&D 3/3.5: Quest of Corellon Larethian Conference H Table 2 Fri 2p-6p Your kingdom has learned of the existence of an ancient evil weapon, thought to be destroyed. You & your party have been chosen to destroy it once and for all, before it falls into the wrong hands! (Ages 13+). GM: Dan Kloosterman (West Michigan Gaming). 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5791 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 4 Fri 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5790. (Ages 7+). GM: Troy Mepyans. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5853 DCC RPG: Ride the Rising Tide of Darkness Seminar 5 Fri 2p-6p During the festival of The Rising Tide of Darkness, you are cast into the Underworld slake the insatiable hunger of demons. Survive the night and be greatly rewarded. Fail, and your doom is sealed. (Ages 13+). GM: Scott Kellogg. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5360 DCC RPG: Symptom of the Universe Conference E Table 5 Fri 2p-6p When a hero dies, only the dream remains. Who dare seek answers in the death dream of the most dangerous man in the world? This is an experimental DCC scenario for 3rd level characters. (Ages 7+). GM: Brendan LaSalle. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5429 Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC): Elzemon and the Blood-drinking Box Conference E Table 8 Fri 2p-6p Seeking the favor of a powerful wizard you agree to steal an artifact from a rival wizard's sanctum. However, the artifact needs to "feed." Can you survive this gamble? Can you keep your sanity? (Ages 13+). GM: Clayton Williams. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5319 Dungeon Crawl Classics: DCC Caverns of Thracia Conference E Table 2 Fri 2p-6p Celebrate 40 years of Judges Guild by playing in the classic Caverns of of Thracia, reimagined as a Dungeon Crawl Classics 0-level "Funnel" Adventure! Characters will be provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Dan Domme. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5566 Games on Demand - GENERICS ONLy Conference A Fri 2p-6p Choose from a variety of games: Fate, Cortex Plus, Monster of the Week, Star Wars, Fiasco, Primetime Adventures, and more! Play them now! (Ages 13+). GM: Games On Demand. 30 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5525 GURPS: War Beneath the World - Operation: PLUTO Seminar 3 Fri 2p-6p Nazis. Subterranean tunnels. Dinosaurs. Separately these are bad, together they are worse. But If Europe is to be liberated the armies of the US and UK need fuel. That is why you were called in. (Ages 7+). GM: Kenneth Heskett. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5522 Realms of Fantasy/D&D 5e: The Bear Essentials Conference C Table 7 Fri 2p-

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6p A huge bear has moved to the area and begun disrupting the local wildlife, scaring the townsfolk, and just being a general nuisance. This is just the break out adventure you and your friends have been waiting for! GM: Matthew Neymeiyer. (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5161 Savage Worlds: Savage Fallout: Quest for the Cup Conference F Table 2 Fri 2p-6p Welcome to the Detroit Wasteland, 2284. After a massive attack on a settlement a valuable caravan is missing. Can the players find the caravan and rescue any survivors? (Ages 13+). GM: John Patrick. 8 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5327 Swords & Wizardry: Gateway To Adventure: The Mountain of Fire; 40 years of Judges Guild Conference E Table 4 Fri 2p-6p Seven dragon lairs are set in a volcano. Each lair is reputed to hold a treasure hoard. Does you have what it takes to loot them all and live to tell the tale? Celebrate Judge's Guilds 40th anniversary. (Ages 7+). GM: Ryan Thompson. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5657 The Dark Eye: Witch's Dance Conference C Table 6 Fri 2p-6p An evil warlock used cunning and treachery to take control of a small coven of witches and now holds their fate in his hands. Every attempt to overthrow him has failed, but one witch refuses to submit. GM: Ryan Veneklase (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5829 Tunnels & Trolls: Temple of the Toad Conference E Table 7 Fri 2p-6p The ancient Temple of the Toad is back. But who are the new worshipers and what are their motives? Oh, and the prince and princess need be saved. Riches! Titles! Royal gratitude! Blah, blah, blah! (Ages 7+). GM: Gordon Cooper. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5736 7th Sea-2nd edition: Welcome to the Crew Ballroom Table 104 Fri 3p-7p Come enjoy this introductory game of 7th Sea 2nd edition. The rules will be taught from stem to stern. (Ages 13+). GM: Richard Downey (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5168 Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition: The Derelict Conference B Table 3 Fri 3p-7p The final voyage of the luxury yacht Delilah, taking the vessel from America to England. What promises to

be a pleasurable journey across the ocean descends into a desperate struggle for survival. (Adults 18+). GM: Walter Schirmacher. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5166 D&D (3.5e): Brothers Conference F Table 4 Fri 3p-7p The town of Rennydale has been raided and attacked by evil creatures. The Oakfist brothers have been asked to find out why there is an increase in raids and attacks and put a stop to them. (Ages 13+). GM: Bill Weimann. 6 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5186 D&D 5e (Aetaltis): Isle of the Dead Seminar 2 Fri 3p-7p When relatives drop in unexpectedly, it's almost always a challenge. It's even worse when they've been dead for years! You must save this isolated New Erinoran village - before it's too late! (Ages 13+). GM: Marc Tassin. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5825 D&D 5e: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 3 Fri 3p-7p See Role Playing Fri 10a 5748. (Ages 7+). GM: Jon Neddo. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5427 Hero System: Champions of Justice 2016: Star Gate Lucha One Conference B Table 2 Fri 3p-7p Welcome to the psychotronic world of Lucha Cinema! The opening of a mysterious gate hidden beneath an Aztec pyramid unleashes a terrible menace! Only the Champions of Justice can save the world! (Adults 18+). GM: Robert Dorf. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5307 Mutants and Masterminds: Reverse Jailbreak? Board Room Fri 3p-7p Join the Legion of Superheroes in the 31st Century as they race to respond to an emergency that has the galaxy's Super Villains at large charging TOWARDS prison? (Ages 13+). GM: Paul McNeil (Matinee Adventures). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5499 Night's Black Agents: The Van Helsing Letter Conference H Table 4 Fri 3p-7p You've found a letter written by Van Helsing before he vanished, with revelations devastating to Dracula's plots. A vengeful stab from beyond the grave at the Un-Dead -- or a vampire's trap for you? Characters provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Steve Sigety. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5559 NOVA6: Novapunk Conference G Table 1 Fri 3p-7p Run the shadows in this urban cyberfantasy adventure, set in the world of

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Shadowrun. Powered by NOVA6 -- more action, less rules, and a sharper edge than your favorite synthehol -- (Adults 18+). GM: Shane Harsch. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5696 NOVA6: Zeppelins Over Jupiter Conference G Table 2 Fri 3p-7p The Blackjack takes any job to keep flying. But dodging Nazis among Jupiter's sky islands is not simple, in 1938, where Buck Rogers meets Firefly. (Ages 13+). GM: Dale Barnes. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5336 Ubiquity: Hollow Earth Expedition: Between a Reich and a Hollow Place Conference H Table 6 Fri 3p-5p This is an introduction to Exile Game Studio's pulp action setting, Hollow Earth Expedition. Characters sheets and all materials required to play will be supplied. (Ages 13+). GM: Keith Scherer. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5337 Ubiquity: Hollow Earth Expedition: Cat and Mouse (Mars) Conference H Table 6 Fri 5p-7p This is an introduction to Exile Game Studio's latest creation in the Hollow Earth Expedition setting: Revelations of Mars. Characters sheets and all materials required to play will be supplied. (Ages 13+). GM: Keith Scherer. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5650 7th Seas 2nd Edition: Morigan's Squall Conference C Table 3 Fri 7p-11p A navel one-shot aimed at introducing 7th Sea 2nd Edition to all players. Monster hunts at sea and pirates ahoy! GM: Luke Zondervan (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5664 Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition: Grand Manan Part One Seminar 3 Fri 7p-11p A group of paranormal investigators with a failing television show receive a letter pleading for help. This just might be the chance to save the show, all they have to do is make their way to Grand Manan. GM: Cris Frank (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5544 Call of Cthulhu 7e: Let The Children Come To Me Conference B Table 4 Fri 7p-12a Children are disappearing in Aylesbury, MA. PCs will be challenged to the edge of sanity as they examine whether the horrors of the Mythos are worse than the evils mankind can

inflict upon itself. (Mature 18+). GM: Rom Elwell. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5661 D&D (5e): We Love Bards Conference C Table 7 Fri 7p-11p You are apart of a traveling group of bards. Getting gigs from town to town, eventually you make it to Redfield. Not a big town, but every town wants someone to come and tell a story. Soon you'll find out, this town has a story to tell you. GM: Greg Stoike (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5652 Doctor Who: A Town Called Icarus Conference C Table 4 Fri 7p-11p Just another ordinary day in a not-so-ordinary town. At least, until they find a dead body... GM: Ben Curtis (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5567 Games on Demand - GENERICS ONLy Conference A Fri 7p-11p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5566. (Ages 13+). GM: Games On Demand. 30 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5171 Paragraph System: Merlinspawn Conference B Table 1 Fri 7p-12a See Role Playing Fri 9a 5170. (Adults 18+). GM: David Vandenabeele. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

6076 Realm of Fantasy: Under the Storm Giant's Castle Conference C Table 1 Fri 7p-11p The storm giant Nimbus and the giantess Cerulean are hiring you to find their kidnapped baby, taken somewhere below the storm giant castle. Just one problem: this castle sits upon the very clouds of the sky! GM: Michael Miller (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5656 Realms of Fantasy: The Iron Maiden Conference C Table 6 Fri 7p-11p Your party has been hired as bodyguards for a bride-to-be, but can you keep her alive long enough to say her wedding vows? GM: Ryan Veneklase (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5659 Savage Worlds: Ghostbusters: Strangers With Candy Conference C Table 5 Fri 7p-11p What happens when Gozer's derpy brother, Goozer, invades a mortal candy factory? Chaos and hilarity! GM: Wyle Majure. (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

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5668 Star Wars Force and Destiny: Star Wars After Dark: A Cheegle's Tale Conference C Table 2 Fri 7p-11p Experience the seedier side of the Star Wars universe in this one-shot adventure following a little Cheegle named Mieu and his friends, in his life as a dancer and "escort". GM: Aaron Connell (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5770 7th Sea: Game with the Creator Board Room Fri 8p-12a Play the 2nd Edition of 7th Sea with the creator, John Wick! (Ages 13+). GM: John Wick. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

5215 Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green: A Night at the PA Opera Conference H Table 2 Fri 8p-12a The death of a Delta Green agent's family member has prompted "A" cell to send out additional assets. "G" and "P" cells are sent to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to investigate this incident. (Adults 18+). GM: Dean Norman (Matinee Adventures). 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5804 Chill 3rd Edition: Cold Dark Earth Conference B Table 3 Fri 8p-12a There is something terribly off about a recent murder in New Deal, TN. Beware the restless dead, and keep in mind that no good deed goes unpunished. A Chill adventure for six players, characters and materials provided. (Mature 18+). GM: Jae Walker. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5214 Cortex Plus: The Nature of Revenge (ep 3) Seminar 4 Fri 8p-12a It's time to deliver retribution to those who illegally experimented on you. A space opera story of revenge set in a future with jumpgate technology. (Adults 18+). GM: Laura Hamel. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5847 Covert Ops: The Shadow Falls Conference H Table 5 Fri 8p-12a Let's play spies! Parachuting form a commercial airliner you must find the downed satellite in unfriendly territory. (Ages 13+). GM: Larry Moore. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5792 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 4 Fri 8p-12a See Role Playing Fri 9a 5790. (Ages 7+). GM: Troy Mepyans. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5526 D&D 5e: Fort Carnage Conference G Table 3 Fri 8p-12a Orphans, now of age

adventurers, return to the frontier fort where their families were murdered by a vane gnome tinkerer belittled by the Duke one time too many. For 4-6 5th level PCs (provided). (Adults 18+). GM: Denny Edwards. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5324 D&D 5e: The Eye of Kings Conference H Table 6 Fri 8p-12a See Role Playing Fri 10a 5321. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Ho. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5419 D&D 5e: U-Con Saves The World Conference H Table 8 Fri 8p-12a You were just an ordinary D&D player at U-Con until you unleashes dimensional forces that transformed Earth into a fantasy realm. You must now save the world before it falls to terrible dark forces! (Ages 13+). GM: Kurt Garwood. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5562 DragonQuest: Magebird Quest Conference E Table 3 Fri 8p-12a One of the few Judges Guild modules published for DragonQuest. This will be a segment of the larger quest presented in the module. (Ages 13+). GM: Rodger Thorm. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5201 Dungeon Crawl Classics: A Night In Ur-Hadad Conference E Table 5 Fri 8p-12a In the fabled city of Ur-Hadad, shining jewel of the Dominion of Man, adventure awaits! Join us for an improvised session of urban mayhem, intrigue, and strangeness. Improvisational skill a must! (Ages 13+). GM: Adam Muszkiewicz. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5514 Empire of the Petal Throne: A Night in Old Jakálla Conference E Table 1 Fri 8p-12a The classic introduction to Empire of the Petal Throne - you have arrived from the Southern Continent seeking fame and fortune in Jakalla - the "City Half as Old as the World" - onward to glory! (Ages 13+). GM: Victor Raymond. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5692 Golden Age Champions: For Whom The Bell Tolls Seminar 2 Fri 8p-12a In the last days of World War II, as the Allied army races the Soviets toward Berlin, the mighty Defenders of Justice are asked to go on a last secret mission to track down a rumored German "wunderwaffe" deep in a Silesian mountain range. (Ages 13+). GM: Darren Watts. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

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5250 Metamorphosis Alpha: Quest for ARLOK3 Conference E Table 2 Fri 8p-12a It has long been a right of passage of the tribe and village for those who have come of age to make the journey to ARLOK3. Those who return are welcomed as fit adults and future leaders of the village. (Ages 13+). GM: Larry Hamilton. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5954 Netherstorm: Lair of the Draugr Conference H Table 9 Fri 8p-12a When the floor in the stables of the guest house collapses into unknown tunnels, the host of the guest house asks for recruits to go investigate the strange noises coming forth from the darkness. (Ages 13+). GM: Thunderhead Gaming. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5749 NOVA6: Mercurial Conference G Table 2 Fri 8p-12a While megastar Maria Mercurial dances, nothing else matters. Except the job. That's why you're here, chummer, to protect the silver lady. The money's good, the job is easy. What could go wrong? (Ages 13+). GM: Ryan O'Grady. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5558 NOVA6: Narosia: Haunted Hills Conference G Table 1 Fri 8p-12a Narosia is an action fantasy RPG where the players control the gods to influence the plot presented by a Game Master. NOVA6 -- Action at the Speed of Narrative -- (Ages 13+). GM: Shane Harsch. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5738 Star Wars: Edge of the Empire: No, these blasters aren't stolen Ballroom Table 104 Fri 8p-12a Come enjoy a run in the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG. Characters will be from Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion and maybe even a Force user. Characters provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Richard Downey (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5190 Swords & Wizardry: Mythrus Tower Conference F Table 1-2 Fri 8p-1a Bill Webb of Frog God Games brings the long-running Mythus Tower late night game to Detroit! Its been running for several years in Madison, Dallas and Seattle, as well as last year here. (Ages 7+). GM: Bill Webb. 15 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

5806 Swords and Wizardry: The Lighthouse of Anan Marath Conference E Table 6 Fri 8p-12a A dungeon crawl through a ruined lighthouse

once held by the cultists of the sea god, Dagon. (Ages 13+). GM: James Stanton. 10 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5204 Tékumel: you killed my father... Seminar 5 Fri 8p-12a Five years ago your father was murdered, now take your revenge. They will be hard to get at and not all of your siblings share your personal vision of closure. (Mature 18+). GM: Patrick Brady. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5990 Follow: A new one-shot Storytelling Game Ballroom Table 422 Fri 10p-12a In Follow, by Ben Robbins, we create characters in a Fellowship and tell the story of our great Quest together. There are many quests & themes to choose from. Our choices, votes, and luck will determine our fate. (Adults 18+). GM: Rocko George. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $1.50

SATURDAy5207 1E AD&D: G1, Steading of the Hill Giant Chief Conference G Table 1 Sat 9a-1p Can you stop the giants who have been raiding the lands of men? Experience the first module of this classic series during this session; playing in the later sessions is not required. Pregens provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Shawn Dry. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5739 7th Sea-2nd edition: 14 and 10 Ballroom Table 104 Sat 9a-1p Come check out the latest version of 7th Sea. Enjoy a run on the beach, and some swordplay and such while avoiding the angry natives. (Ages 13+). GM: Richard Downey (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5704 Call of Cthulhu 7th ed.: The Derelict Conference C Table 1 Sat 9a-1p A stranded vessel. The promise of a great reward. A mystery filled with horror. GM: Mike Caldwell. (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5334 Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition: The Derelict Conference H Table 4 Sat 9a-1p A final journey brings a remarkable discovery and a hidden terror. This is a Cult of Chaos Event. (Ages 13+). GM: Geoff Groff. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5295 Champions: The Adventure of Overlord's Lair Seminar 2 Sat 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri

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10a 5294. (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Surbrook. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5193 Classic Traveller: The Survey Conference E Table 4 Sat 9a-1p The Scout service has chosen you to survey a new planet; it should be a simple assignment. Get dropped with supplies and equipment for an extended stay. Simple, right? (Ages 7+). GM: Forest Ray. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5744 D&D (Original): Wilderlands of High Fantasy Conference E Table 7 Sat 9a-2p An original Judges Guild Wilderlands of High Fantasy Adventure set in Barbarian Altanis. (Ages 13+). GM: Dirk Collins. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5798 D&D 1e: Blizzard on the Borderland Conference E Table 8 Sat 9a-1p Winter has struck and the Keep struggles to combat the unnatural cold. An ancient evil dwells within the piercing wind, snow, and ice. Its dark plan must be thwarted. (Ages 13+). GM: Bill Barsh. 8 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5233 D&D 5e (light): Reverse Dungeon Crawl Conference H Table 1 Sat 9a-11a Play monsters who have banded together to stop those pesky adventurers from taking your stuff. Designed for youth ages 6-11, but all ages welcome. Parents/guardian encouraged to accompany youth. (Ages 7+). GM: David Perrin (West Michigan Gaming). 6 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5793 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 4 Sat 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5790. (Ages 7+). GM: Troy Mepyans. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5323 D&D 5e: The Staff of Life Conference H Table 6 Sat 9a-1p In this adventure for second level characters, the party will venture to a frigid northern tundra in search of a mystical artifact known as the Staff of Life. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Ho. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5827 D&D 5e: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 3 Sat 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri 10a 5748. (Ages 7+). GM: Jon Neddo. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5227 DCC RPG: Ride the Rising Tide of Darkness Conference E Table 1 Sat 9a-1p See

Role Playing Fri 2p 5853. (Ages 13+). GM: Scott Kellogg. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5359 DCC RPG: Xcrawl: Destroy All Crawlers Conference E Table 5 Sat 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5358. (Ages 7+). GM: Brendan LaSalle. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5253 Delving Deeper: The Dire Druids of Delver's Deep Conference E Table 2 Sat 9a-1p Delver's Deep is a well known adventure location. Some mysterious druids have occupied "The Deep" - as it is known to locals. Their black robes and tight lips have led to rumors and gossip of their real purpose. (Ages 13+). GM: Larry Hamilton. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5568 Games on Demand - GENERICS ONLy Conference A Sat 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5566. (Ages 13+). GM: Games On Demand. 30 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

6003 Gamma World: Salt Ghouls of Murder City! Conference E Table 6 Sat 9a-1p A band of mutants, men, plants, and machines travel to the ruins of Troit and must fight for survival against an implacable mutant menace! Characters provided. (Ages 13+). GM: John Jamieson. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5546 Gumshoe+: Moodyville Blues Conference H Table 2 Sat 9a-1p 1986, Pickett County. Explore as local teens discover the truth about themselves and their town. A non-linear experience inspired by visual novels, join us in defining the truth. (Ages 13+). GM: Greg Walters. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5162 Mutants and Masterminds: Trouble in the Glades Seminar 3 Sat 9a-1p Instead of the buildings and people, people in the Glades see rubble and death all around. Is this an omen of things to come or an echo of things that have already occurred? (Ages 13+). GM: Tom Prevendoski (Matinee Adventures). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5172 Paragraph System: Merlinspawn Conference B Table 1 Sat 9a-2p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5170. (Adults 18+). GM: David Vandenabeele. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5428 Prowlers and Paragons: Asian Cinematic Superheroes 2017 Conference F Table 4 Sat

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9a-1p Experience the action packed world of Asian Cinematic Superheroes! The Demon Beasts, imprisoned 500 years ago, have broken free, and it's up to Asia's Greatest Superheroes to save the Human world! (Adults 18+). GM: Robert Dorf. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

6035 Roll for Shoes Conference F Table 1 Sat 9a-12p This lightweight system is great for beginners of all ages looking for a good laugh. Originally posted on the forums, this is a perfect system for learning what RPGs are about. (Ages 7+). GM: Laura Morris. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5512 Star Wars D6: Rogue One - The Beginning Ballroom Table 102 - TIME CHANGED Sat 9a-1p The Rebellion needs a few good operatives. Can you live through, oh wait, "PASS" the interview? The Empire is watching..... (Ages 13+). GM: Alex Kreder (Amorphous Blob). 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5517 Swords & Wizardry: Dark Tower Conference E Table 3 Sat 9a-1p Judges Guild 40th Anniversary! One starless night, half the town of Mitra's Fist was crushed by the sudden appearance of a dark tower. You must brave the dread spire to learn why. Pregens provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Andrew Moss. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5315 Tékumel (Bethorm): The 7th Rite of Training Seminar 5 Sat 9a-1p All priests of Hru'u, the Supreme Principle of Change, must survive the Ten Rites of Training to advance. 7 is Hru'u's number, dark and malignant. You ponder this as you wait for the Rite to begin. (Ages 13+). GM: Krista Donnelly. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5717 Tenra Bansho Zero: Clouded Mirrors Conference H Table 8 Sat 9a-1p It is a time of warring states. A pirate raid that doesn't go as planned has left you shipwrecked in the Impure Land, in possession of a precious artifact, and with greater forces at your heels. (Ages 13+). GM: Andrew Lloyd. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5246 Delta Green: Kali Ghati Conference B Table 3 Sat 10a-1p Tim Ellis disappears from Forward Operating Base Turner--you must find him. You are Delta Green agents, you keep dark things quiet. But what else might you find

lurking in the Hindu Kush mountains? (Mature 18+). GM: Whitney Mattson. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5663 No One Gets Out of Here Alive: CoC Homebrew: The Last Days of Sunny Acres Conference C Table 7 Sat 10a-2p You've been tasked with escorting some elderly residents to a temporary home after their retirement home burned down. Simple enough, but why is no one answering the door? GM: Cris Frank. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5238 Phoenix: Dawn Command, An Introduction Conference H Table 3 Sat 10a-1p Come and learn all about the new card-driven, story-focused RPG Phoenix: Dawn Command. (Ages 13+). GM: John Corey. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5658 The Dark Eye: Kibakadabra Conference C Table 6 Sat 10a-2p A young Powhiri beauty asks the heroes to rescue her lover. Frightening creatures and forgotten warriors lurk in the Rock's half-buried, half-drowned passages, guarding lost treasurers and the secrets of the legendary kibakabas. GM: Ryan Veneklase (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5208 1E AD&D: G2, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl Conference G Table 1 Sat 2p-6p Can you find what is driving giants to raid the lands of men? Experience the second module of this classic series during this session; playing in the other sessions is not required. Pregens provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Shawn Dry. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5769 7th Sea: Game with the Creator Seminar 2 Sat 2p-6p Play the 2nd Edition of 7th Sea with the creator, John Wick! (Ages 13+). GM: John Wick. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

5181 7th Sea: The Dread Pirate Conference H Table 5 Sat 2p-6p Players will take to the high seas in search of an infamous pirate in this introductory 7th Sea scenario. No experience with 7th Sea required, and all materials will be made available. (Ages 13+). GM: Adam Franti. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5686 Amber Diceless: The Rim of the Fire Seminar 3 Sat 2p-6p There has been an attempt

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on Prince Martin's life. There's no clear culprit and far too many suspects. Player characters need to figure out who's trying to kill him before war results. Pre-gens. (Ages 13+). GM: Anne Moore. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5705 Call of Cthulhu 7th ed: Dead Borders Conference C Table 1 Sat 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5648. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5645 D&D (5e): Raiders of Pertalo Conference C Table 3 Sat 2p-6p An attack in the night! The children's villagers are missing! A group of adventurers are assembled to track down the vile bandits and return the children. GM: Matthew Neymeiyer (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5706 D&D (5e): We Love Bards Conference C Table 2 Sat 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 7p 5661. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5219 D&D (Original): Clean Sweep Conference E Table 1 Sat 2p-5p A family is swept from their little village and finds itself in a new realm! A quest by teenagers to save their parents from this strange society. Children under 12 must have a parent playing. (Ages 7+). GM: Herb Diehr. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5184 D&D 5e (Aetaltis): The Temple of Modren Conference F Table 4 Sat 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 10a 5185. (Ages 13+). GM: Marc Tassin. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5794 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 4 Sat 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5790. (Ages 7+). GM: Troy Mepyans. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5799 D&D 5e: Felhorde Conference E Table 8 Sat 2p-6p The dragon was dead and only his lair needed to be looted. But the treasure has been taken into the Deep where unknown horrors await. Ben Barsh of Pacesetter Games & Simulations will DM the event. (Ages 13+). GM: Ben Barsh. 8 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5361 DCC RPG: Symptom of the Universe Conference E Table 5 Sat 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5360. (Ages 7+). GM: Brendan LaSalle. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5961 Delta Green RPG: Last Things Last Conference B Table 3 Sat 2p-6p After the

death of former Delta Green agent, Clyde Baughman, DG has tasked the nearest available agents to conduct a sweep of his apartment to remove any evidence of the organization. (Adults 18+). GM: Jason Fritz. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5167 Doctor Who - Adventures in Time and Space RPG: Countdown Conference H Table 1 Sat 2p-6p A gravity bubble lands the TARDIS on an Earth Empire ship delivering serum to a plague-ridden world. The TARDIS crew will face a gravity bubble, paranoid computer, space pirates, and an android attack. (Ages 13+). GM: Walter Schirmacher. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5828 Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Assault on the Unfallen Star Conference E Table 7 Sat 2p-6p The falling star was first seen by the astrologer, but now it can be seen by everyone, as large as a mountain and hanging suspended over the city. You were sent to investigate, but will it matter? (Ages 13+). GM: Gordon Cooper. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5432 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Null Singularity Conference E Table 6 Sat 2p-7p You are a Voidant, traveling through space to flee the Null Singularity. Awoken from SomniStays-Iz you discover that your VoidArk is experiencing catastrophic PlanetFall. Is your life worth saving? (Ages 13+). GM: Laura Rose Williams. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5239 Dungeon World Conference H Table 3 Sat 2p-6p The story-driven RPG with an old school feel! An improvisational Dungeon World session. Join me for a fun fast-paced adventure. (Ages 13+). GM: John Corey. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5515 Empire of the Petal Throne: Death on the Mssúma River Seminar 5 Sat 2p-6p An item of great antiquity has been stolen from a noble clanhouse, and you have been hired to retrieve it and return it to its rightful owner, preferably without bloodshed, but by force if necessary! (Ages 13+). GM: Victor Raymond. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5649 Fate: Dresden Files: Tet a Tet Conference C Table 7 Sat 2p-11p Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Some trouble is going down in Little Saigon, and it's up to the Better Future Group's GR Division to sort out the bad hangovers from

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the ancient curses! Character creation at the table. GM: Luke Zondervan (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 9 seats / No XP / Average / $4.50

5569 Games on Demand - GENERICS ONLy Conference A Sat 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5566. (Ages 13+). GM: Games On Demand. 30 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5614 Hero System 6th Edition: Friends of Justice Conference H Table 4 Sat 2p-6p When the mysterious Barnaby Baylor and his carnival descend upon a small upstate New York town, an old friend asks Dr. Abraham "Doc" Justice and his associates for help in this 1930s pulp adventure. (Ages 13+). GM: Rod Currie. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5320 Lamentations of the Flame Princess: The Tower of the Stargazer Conference E Table 2 Sat 2p-6p Legend tells of a wizard so arrogant that he felt the entire sky was naught but a lens for him to view the stars. Then something unknown brought the wizard low. You're going to walk right through this wizard's front door. (Mature 18+). GM: Dan Domme. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5653 Leverage: The Columbia Job Conference C Table 4 Sat 2p-6p The rich and powerful take what they want. You steal it back. Sometimes bad guys make the best good guys. Many people today are suffering under a tremendous weight. You provide... Leverage. GM: Ben Curtis. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5308 Mutants and Masterminds: Suicide Solution! Conference F Table 2 Sat 2p-6p Amanda Waller has called upon the worst of the worst to investigate the crash site of a military transport jet after government and local responders have gone dark. (Ages 13+). GM: Paul McNeil (Matinee Adventures). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5750 NOVA6: Cult of the Serpent God Conference G Table 2 Sat 2p-6p It has been 200 years since the apocalypse. The ruins of Baghdad are a hot spot for delvers, but there have been some unsettling rumors. Can you stop to the evil that lurks within the City of Peace? (Ages 13+). GM: Ryan O'Grady. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5697 NOVA6: Monster Island Conference G Table 3 Sat 2p-6p The League of Nations

suspects the Japanese have developed an Invisibility Shield concealing an entire island. Your team is sent to locate the hidden base and instead discover a mysterious island. (Ages 13+). GM: Dale Barnes. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5556 Runequest (Openquest): Griffin Mountain - 50th Anniversary of Glorantha Conference E Table 3 Sat 2p-6p On the run from the Lunar Empire, you seek refuge in the northern lands of Balazar. Will you find the Mountain itself? Or perhaps another wonder? Glory or death awaits. Pregens provided. Hail Orlanth! (Ages 13+). GM: Andrew Moss. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5740 Savage World-Rifts: The Coalition is coming Ballroom Table 104 Sat 2p-6p Come check out the Savage World version of Rifts! Come shoot off some Glitter Boy rounds and Juice up while learning about Castle Refuge . (Ages 13+). GM: Richard Downey (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5707 Savage Worlds: Ghostbusters: Strangers With Candy Conference C Table 5 Sat 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 7p 5659. (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5328 Swords & Wizardry: Tomb of Aerthering the Damned Conference E Table 4 Sat 2p-6p From Jennell Jaquays's classic "The Book of Treasure Maps." You have acquired a map of an ancient tomb. It should be an easy treasure grab. Come celebrate Judges Guild's 40th anniversary! (Ages 7+). GM: Ryan Thompson. 10 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5616 Swords & Wizardry: Zaya's Promise - Game With the Creator Board Room Sat 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 10a 5615. (Ages 13+). GM: Stacy Dellorfano. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

5500 Trail of Cthulhu: The Innsmouth Investigation Conference B Table 2 Sat 2p-6p Olmstead's report of Innsmouth would be unbelievable, but enough rumors surround that odd town that you're going undercover to find evidence of real, verifiable crimes -- not this fish-men nonsense. Characters provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Steve Sigety. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

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5338 Ubiquity: Hollow Earth Expedition: Rats' Nest (Mars) Conference H Table 6 Sat 2p-4p This is an introduction to Exile Game Studio's latest creation in the Hollow Earth Expedition setting: Revelations of Mars. Character sheets and all materials required to play will be supplied. (Ages 13+). GM: Keith Scherer. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5779 Fiasco: Dysfunctions and Dragons Conference B Table 1 Sat 3p-6p Game night gets...complicated. Before the players are done, there may be heartbreak, bloodshed, and pillaging, and not just in the game! (Adults 18+). GM: Alan Terlep. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5339 Ubiquity: From the Case Files of Manhunters, Inc. - S.M.A.S.H. Conference H Table 6 Sat 4p-6p A modern era, super-hero game powered by the Ubiquity system. Play a member of the Manhunters team as they confront a new menace. Characters sheets and all materials required to play will be supplied. (Ages 13+). GM: Keith Scherer. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $1.50

5647 Call of Cthulhu 6th ed.: The Ride Home Conference C Table 1 Sat 7p-11p A ride home from a gaming convention turns from tragedy into horror as a group of friends fight for their lives! GM: Mike Caldwell (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5651 Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition: Dark Temptations Conference C Table 4 Sat 7p-11p A group of elite investigators are called on by local authorities to solve a series of grotesque murders. GM: Ben Curtis (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5665 Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition: Grand Manan Part Two Seminar 3 Sat 7p-11p The second part of the three part epic Call of Cthulhu Grand Manan scenario. GM: Cris Frank. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5756 Call of Cthulhu 7e: In Media Res Conference B Table 2 Sat 7p-11p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5545. (Mature 18+). GM: Rom Elwell. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5746 D&D (Original): Aveyon, The Light of the North Conference H Table 8 Sat 7p-12a A Sage has gone missing, and the players are asked to

investigate. The Sage was kidnapped by a rival group that are blackmailing him to help them find a legendary crystal sword. (Ages 7+). GM: Dirk Collins. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5655 D&D 3.5: The Wizard Whudunit Conference C Table 6 Sat 7p-11p The Wizard Whudunit is old, powerful, and most of all, bored. You have been assembled to relieve his boredom. Can you survive what Whudunit has in store for you: clever traps, strange and dangerous monsters, and above all, puns? GM: Ryan Veneklase (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5570 Games on Demand - GENERICS ONLy Conference A Sat 7p-11p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5566. (Ages 13+). GM: Games On Demand. 30 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5173 Paragraph System: Merlinspawn Conference B Table 1 Sat 7p-12a See Role Playing Fri 9a 5170. (Adults 18+). GM: David Vandenabeele. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5709 Realms of Fantasy/D&D 5e: The Bear Essentials Conference C Table 3 Sat 7p-11p A huge bear has moved to the area and begun disrupting the local wildlife, scaring the townsfolk, and just being a general nuisance. This is just the break out adventure you and your friends have been waiting for! GM: Matthew Neymeiyer (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5708 Savage Worlds: Wyld Hunt Conference C Table 5 Sat 7p-11p Your bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere, B-movie horror ensues. GM: Wyle Majure (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5209 1E AD&D: G3, Hall of the Fire Giant King Conference G Table 1 Sat 8p-12a Can you discover the secret behind the mighty giant raids? Experience the third module of this classic series during this session; playing in the earlier sessions is not required. Pregens provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Shawn Dry. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5771 7th Sea: Game with the Creator Board Room Sat 8p-12a Play the 2nd Edition of 7th Sea with the creator, John Wick! (Ages 13+). GM: John Wick. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

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5217 Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition: The Derelict Conference H Table 4 Sat 8p-12a A final journey brings a remarkable discovery and a hidden terror. This is a Cult of Chaos Event. (Ages 13+). GM: Geoff Groff. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5805 Chill 3rd Edition: Cold Dark Earth Conference H Table 1 Sat 8p-12a See Role Playing Fri 8p 5804. (Mature 18+). GM: Jae Walker. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5795 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 4 Sat 8p-12a See Role Playing Fri 9a 5790. (Ages 7+). GM: Troy Mepyans. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5326 D&D 5e: The Staff of Life Conference H Table 6 Sat 8p-12a See Role Playing Sat 9a 5323. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Ho. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5962 Delta Green RPG: Sentinels of Twilight Conference B Table 3 Sat 8p-12a Investigating the sudden reappearance of a child who went missing in 1980, Agents learn that man may not be the most dangerous animal in Yosemite. (Adults 18+). GM: Jason Fritz. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5563 DragonQuest: Wylashtin's Task Conference E Table 3 Sat 8p-12a The wizard Wylashtin has learned the location of a hidden dungeon that contains artifacts of great interest and needs brave adventurers to explore and recover them. (Ages 13+). GM: Rodger Thorm. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5430 Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC): Three Nights in the Glurbbwood Conference E Table 6 Sat 8p-12a You have three nights to find items from a lost caravan and return the jade sealed box. Other items are of little consequence. Come journey into Glurbbwood swamp, surely nothing outrageous lurks here! (Adults 18+). GM: Clayton Williams. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5318 Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Jeweler that Dealt In Stardust Conference E Table 2 Sat 8p-12a For a month, no one has seen or heard from the wealthy Boss Ogo. Are you audacious enough, skilled enough, and lucky enough to raid his manor? Characters provided. No experience with DCC necessary. (Ages 13+). GM: Dan Domme. 8 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5183 Eclipse Phase: Continuity Conference H Table 5 Sat 8p-12a Continuity puts players in the role of researchers in an isolated station in the Kuiper Belt, where things begin to unravel. No experience necessary, and all materials will be made available. (Ages 13+). GM: Adam Franti. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5693 Golden Age Champions: Neuschwabenland Seminar 2 Sat 8p-12a The Germans have been defeated, Berlin has fallen and Hitler himself has committed suicide. But the events of the last adventure have clued the Defenders in that the Third Reich's final blow has not yet fallen. (Adults 18+). GM: Darren Watts. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $4.00

5202 Mutant Crawl Classics: OMG LAZOR DUNJIN! Seminar 4 Sat 8p-12a In the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Terra AD, your band of mutants, marauders and misfits band together to save your village from the blacklight Glowplague that emanates from the cursed LAZOR DUNJIN! (Ages 13+). GM: Adam Muszkiewicz. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5192 Mutant Future: Dragons over Mount Calm Conference E Table 4 Sat 8p-12a Mount Calm is known as a peaceful place with small villages, farms, and some manufacturing. But lately strange creatures have been seen and disturbing events have occurred. (Ages 7+). GM: Forest Ray. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5751 NOVA6: Cult of the Serpent God Conference G Table 2 Sat 8p-12a See Role Playing Sat 2p 5750. (Ages 13+). GM: Ryan O'Grady. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5698 NOVA6: Dweomer by Gaslight: Dead Line Conference G Table 3 Sat 8p-12a Dead reporter, a black opal, and a missing young woman. The Venatori Umbrorum are the investigators of what goes bump in the nights of Victorian England, set in the world of the Dresden Files. (Ages 13+). GM: Dale Barnes. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5163 Serenity: Love for Sale Conference B Table 4 Sat 8p-12a Everyone has merchandise that they want transported under the Alliance's detection. But what's in these boxes is bizarre, even for you. The payoff for this job will be very high. (Adults 18+). GM: Tom Prevendoski (Matinee Adventures). 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

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5741 Star Wars: Force and Destiny: I didn't think that was possible Ballroom Table 104 Sat 8p-12a Come play the Star Wars Force and Destiny Game by FFG. Learn the ways of the Force and try your luck out with one of these glowing light-sword things. (Ages 13+). GM: Richard Downey (Amorphous Blob). 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5191 Swords & Wizardry: Tegel Manor: Judges Guild 40th Anniversary Conference F Table 1-2 Sat 8p-1a Play in the dungeon I learned to play in! Tegel Manor came out in 1977 and was the first dungeon adventure I ever had. In honor of Judges Guild's 40th anniversary. Just don't make the house mad! (Ages 7+). GM: Bill Webb. 15 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

5226 The Petal Hack: Mission to the Atkolel Heights Seminar 5 Sat 8p-12a During war with Yan Kor, a mountain village reported the appearance of strange creatures (even by Tékumel standards). Two patrols vanished. Could it be a plan by Baron Ald to weaken the frontier? (Ages 13+). GM: Brett Slocum. 14 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5955 Thunderhead 1-Off System: Dork Matters Conference H Table 9 Sat 8p-12a As the cryotube opens, you immediately sense something's wrong. Who are you? Where are you? What are you doing here? Will you be able to answer these questions before anything (else) goes wrong? (Ages 13+). GM: Thunderhead Gaming. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5991 Microscope: the Storytelling Game of Epic History! Ballroom Table 301 Sat 10p-12a Microscope is a hybrid storytelling system without a GM. For board gamers And role-players alike. Epic world building, history creation, character development, conflict, mystery, comedy and much more. Come learn how to play! (Adults 18+). GM: Rocko George. 3 seats / Some XP / Average / $1.50

SUNDAy5755 Call of Cthulhu 7e: Let The Children Come To Me Conference B Table 3 Sun 9a-2p See Role Playing Fri 7p 5544. (Mature 18+). GM: Rom Elwell. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5710 Call of Cthulhu 7th ed: Dead Borders Conference C Table 1 Sun 9a-1p See Role

Playing Fri 9a 5648. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5296 Champions: The Adventure of Overlord's Lair Conference F Table 1 Sun 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri 10a 5294. (Ages 13+). GM: Michael Surbrook. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5718 Costume Fairy Adventures: The Big Pie Caper Conference F Table 3 Sun 9a-1p With the village's biggest event of the year, the Pie Festival, approaching, a few of its citizens have made the grave tactical error of trying to get your fairies' help to resolve their conflicts. (Ages 13+). GM: Andrew Lloyd. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5711 D&D (5e): Raiders of Pertalo Conference C Table 5 Sun 9a-1p An attack in the night! The children's villagers are missing! A group of adventurers are assembled to track down the vile bandits and return the children. GM: Luke Zondervan (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5747 D&D (Original): The First Crusade Conference H Table 8 Sun 9a-1p William the 2nd, Son of William the Conqueror, has called on you to aid Pope Urban II in his effort to free the Holy Lands from the infidels and unbelievers. Historical based Fantasy Game. (Ages 7+). GM: Dirk Collins. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5234 D&D 5e (light): Reverse Dungeon Crawl Conference H Table 1 Sun 9a-11a See Role Playing Sat 9a 5233. (Ages 7+). GM: David Perrin (West Michigan Gaming). 6 seats / No XP / Average / $1.50

5796 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 4 Sun 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5790. (Ages 7+). GM: Troy Mepyans. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5235 D&D 5e: Barrowmaze 5E Part 1 Conference H Table 4 Sun 9a-1p Labyrinthine passages, magnificent grave goods, and terrifying creatures await in the dark. Are you brave (or foolish) enough to enter the Barrowmaze? Later session not required. Pregens provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Jack Neller. 6 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5322 D&D 5e: The Wings of the Ancients Conference H Table 6 Sun 9a-1p In this adventure for second level characters, players

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will take part in a thrilling heist for an artifact known as the Wings of the Ancients, secured in the vault of an ancient banking organization. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Ho. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5826 D&D 5e: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 1 Sun 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri 10a 5748. (Ages 7+). GM: Jon Neddo. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5362 DCC RPG: The Inn at Five Points Conference E Table 5 Sun 9a-1p After a rough convention why not relax at the Inn at Five Points? Have a bowl of hot stew and cold ale. What have you got to worry about? Everything is going to be just fine. Just . . . fine . . . (Ages 7+). GM: Brendan LaSalle. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5516 Empire of the Petal Throne: Deep in the Jakállan Underworld Conference E Table 1 Sun 9a-1p You have been dispatched deep into the Underworld beneath Jakalla to investigate the potential discovery of the Tomb of Mnekshetra, the lover of Queen Nayari! Danger awaits! (Adults 18+). GM: Victor Raymond. 8 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5571 Games on Demand - GENERICS ONLy Conference A Sun 9a-1p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5566. (Ages 13+). GM: Games On Demand. 30 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5169 Gamma World 3rd Edition: Alpha Factor Conference E Table 6 Sun 9a-1p MIndkeep. The very name is mysterious. Why was it built? Who built it? What is its secret? You must find MIndkeep and learn its secret. Keep your wits about you, or you may lose everything! (Ages 13+). GM: Walter Schirmacher. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5366 Microscope: Build an Epic History in 4 Hours Conference H Table 3 Sun 9a-1p You'll build the story from the outside in. You'll decide the big picture, the grand scheme of history, and then burrow down and carve out the details. (Ages 13+). GM: John Corey. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5752 NOVA6: Bottled Demon Conference G Table 2 Sun 9a-1p Bottle, bottle, who's got the bottle? The shadowrunners meet a very disturbed man who hires them as bodyguards on a business deal. What could go wrong?

(Ages 13+). GM: Ryan O'Grady. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5174 Paragraph System: Merlinspawn Conference B Table 1 Sun 9a-2p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5170. (Adults 18+). GM: David Vandenabeele. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5654 Realms of Fantasy: Tower of Mad Cows Conference C Table 4 Sun 9a-1p Reports of savage attacks on have your town in a state of fear. Tracks on the lead towards the old abandoned outpost, known by its legendary ominous name: the Tower of the Spider! GM: Ben Curtis (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

6036 Roll for Shoes Conference F Table 4 Sun 9a-12p See Role Playing Sat 9a 6035. (Ages 7+). GM: Laura Morris. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5314 Tékumel (Bethorm): The Glory of the Past Seminar 5 Sun 9a-1p The Governor of Tu'unmra is newly married and desirous of gifting his bride with a family heirloom. But it was lost during the Great War of 2020 A.S. Can you find it without uncovering too much? (Ages 13+). GM: Krista Donnelly. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5251 The Front: The Kiel Experiment Conference E Table 2 Sun 9a-1p German scientists, in conjunction with the German Navy at Kiel, performed an experiment primed by information smuggled out of America about the Philadelphia Experiment. (Ages 13+). GM: Larry Hamilton. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5743 7th Sea: Dial-an-Adventure Conference H Table 2 Sun 10a-2p Swashbuckling, intrigue, archaeology, and revenge! Fans of D'Artagnan, Westley, and Jack Sparrow, try this story-based RPG. The group will choose which adventure to play. Rules taught, bring d10s. (Ages 7+). GM: Harold Tessmann III. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5216 Battlestar Galactica: Cylon Listening Post Seminar 4 Sun 10a-2p A team from the Battlestar Pegasus is being assembled to infiltrate a Cylon listening post, to take it out of action so the Pegasus can flee the system. Do you have what it takes to save the Pegasus? (Ages 13+). GM: Dean Norman (Matinee Adventures). 6 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

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5247 Blades in the Dark: A Lover's Favor Conference H Table 5 Sun 10a-1p It's different from the kinds of job your gang of thieves and con-men usually take, but it's a pile of coin. Plant some note on a fat stuff-shirt from another noble. It'll be easy, honest. (Ages 13+). GM: Whitney Mattson. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5666 Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition: Grand Manan Part Three Seminar 2 Sun 10a-2p The conclusion to the three part epic Call of Cthulhu Grand Manan scenario. GM: Cris Frank. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5713 D&D 3.5: The Wizard Whudunit Conference C Table 6 Sun 10a-2p The Wizard Whudunit is old, powerful, and most of all bored. You have been assembled to relieve his boredom. Can you survive what the Wizard Whudunit has in store for you: clever traps, strange and dangerous monsters, and above all puns. GM: Ryan Veneklase. (Adults 18+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5699 NOVA6: Dweomer by Gaslight: Hells Bells Conference G Table 3 Sun 10a-2p Mysterious attacks around London draw in the Venatori Umbrorum. Is it the beginnings of a supernatural war? The gaslit streets of Victorian London hide horrors in the world of the Dresden Files. (Ages 13+). GM: Dale Barnes. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5712 Realms of Fantasy/D&D 5e: The Bear Essentials Conference C Table 3 Sun 10a-2p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5522. (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5210 Diceless: Scorpions, CRUSADER 1942 Hotel Restaurant Sun 11a-5p Rommel is racing for the Suez Canal. If he reaches it the swastika will fly over Jerusalem by the end of 1942. It is up to you to stop him. Fortunately you are the LRDG. (Mature 18+). GM: Patrick Brady. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.50

5772 7th Sea: Game with the Creator Board Room Sun 2p-6p Play the 2nd Edition of 7th Sea with the creator, John Wick! (Ages 13+). GM: John Wick. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5542 Ars Magica 4 - Modern: What Magic May Remain Conference F Table 2 Sun 2p-6p

Paris, 1919. The Grand Tribunal of the Order of Hermes is on hold - a magus has been murdered. Can you and your fellow apprentices solve the crime? (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Quirk. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5182 Call of Cthulhu: The Word Plague Conference H Table 5 Sun 2p-6p Play Call of Cthulhu in 1891 Detroit, where investigators must get to the bottom of a mystery surrounding a reality-bending new book. Characters, dice, and pencils will be available. (Ages 13+). GM: Adam Franti. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5158 Cortex Plus: The Nature of Revenge (ep 3) Seminar 4 Sun 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 8p 5214. (Adults 18+). GM: Laura Hamel. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5672 D&D 3.0/3.5: Iron GM: Kobold Edition Conference C Table 1-4 Sun 2p-6p One of the Bards will be forced to create a scenario, on the spot, with Kobolds! This is going to get out of hand... (Ages 13+). GM: We Hate Bards. 10 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5797 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall Conference G Table 4 Sun 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 9a 5790. (Ages 7+). GM: Troy Mepyans. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5236 D&D 5e: Barrowmaze 5E Part 2 Conference H Table 4 Sun 2p-6p Labyrinthine passages, magnificent grave goods, and terrifying creatures await in the dark. Are you brave (or foolish) enough to enter the Barrowmaze? Earlier session not required. Pregens provided. (Ages 13+). GM: Jack Neller. 6 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5418 D&D 5e: Dravakor: Burn the World Free Conference H Table 8 Sun 2p-6p Set in the heavy metal fantasy world of Hausek, play a group of desperate rebels fighting their last stand against the dark forces of an evil emperor. You face an ferocious fight against impossible odds. Will you burn the world free, or go down in a blaze of glory? (Adults 18+). GM: Kurt Garwood. 6 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5325 D&D 5e: The Wings of the Ancients Conference H Table 6 Sun 2p-6p See Role Playing Sun 9a 5322. (Ages 13+). GM: Joseph Ho. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5203 Delving Deeper: In Search of the Unknowable Conference E Table 5 Sun 2p-6p In

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an homage to the classic module B1, your band of adventurers enters QUASQUETHERION, a strange dungeon of the improbable and inscrutable, in search of treasure and glory! (Ages 13+). GM: Adam Muszkiewicz. 12 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5694 Doctor Who: Arrowdown Seminar 2 Sun 2p-6p The Doctor and his companions simply want to take in a pleasant day at the beach. What could possibly go wrong? (Ages 13+). GM: Darren Watts. 5 seats / No XP / Simple / $4.00

5992 Follow: A new one-shot Storytelling Game Ballroom Table 307 Sun 2p-4p See Role Playing Fri 10p 5990. (Adults 18+). GM: Rocko George. 4 seats / Some XP / Average / $1.50

5848 FrontierSpace: Frontier Fickel Conference H Table 1 Sun 2p-6p Complete play-test a fully functional sci-fi game by DwD Studios. (Ages 7+). GM: Larry Moore. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5572 Games on Demand - GENERICS ONLy Conference A Sun 2p-6p See Role Playing Fri 2p 5566. (Ages 13+). GM: Games On Demand. 30 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5956 Netherstorm: Library of Laomis Conference H Table 9 Sun 2p-6p Laomis was said to be cursed by the gods and has been lost since ancient times. Now, a group claims to have found the lost city's library, but they've lost contact with their researchers. (Ages 13+). GM: Thunderhead Gaming. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5557 NOVA6: Atomic Sky Conference G Table 1 Sun 2p-6p Wander the fallout of a retro-future

atomic wasteland, surviving off chemistry, and making a living at the end of a gun. NOVA6 -- Action at the Speed of Narrative -- . (Ages 13+). GM: Shane Harsch. 5 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5857 Savage Worlds: Suicide Squad - A Necessary Evil Conference F Table 4 Sun 2p-6p It has been 2 years since the Alliance invaded Earth. Most of Earth's Heroes have been killed or imprisoned. It is time for the villains to save the planet. Pre-generated characters based on DC Comics will be provided. (Ages 13+). GM: James Arnoldi. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5194 Swords & Wizardry complete: Island of the Red Witch Conference E Table 4 Sun 2p-6p Children from Port town have gone missing. They have been traced to Red Witch Island. No one will talk about the place and no one will go there. Will someone think of the children? (Ages 7+). GM: Forest Ray. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5225 The Petal Hack: Avanthe's Ample Bosom Seminar 5 Sun 2p-6p This is your first trip beyond the town your clan house is in. Your clan has sent you far away, protecting a shipment of wine your clan produces. What's that round hill you can see from the road? (Ages 13+). GM: Brett Slocum. 8 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5218 D&D (Original): Clean Sweep Conference E Table 1 Sun 3p-6p A family is swept from their little village, finds itself in a new realm! A quest to save their parents from this strange society. Children under 12 must have a parent playing as well. (Ages 7+). GM: Herb Diehr. 6 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

ORGANIZED PLAyFRIDAy5433 D&D 5e: DDAL5-01: Treasures of the Broken Hoard Conference D Fri 9a-1p A famous relic hunter seeks adventurers to help her find caches of treasure hidden by the now defeated followers of the Cult of the Dragon. Characters of Level 1-2. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5434 D&D 5e: DDAL5-02 The Black Road / DDAL5-03 Uninvited Guests Conference D Fri 9a-1p A double feature of two adventures:

The Black Road (DDAL05-02) and Uninvited Guests (DDAL05-03). Characters of Level 1-4. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5436 D&D 5e: DDAL5-06: Beneath the Fetid Chelimber / DDAL5-07: Chelimber's Descent Conference D Fri 9a-1p A double feature of two 2 hour adventures: Beneath the Fetid Chelimber (DDAL05-06) and Chelimber's Descent (DDAL05-07). (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00


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What is Pathfinder Society?PathfinderSocietyOrganizedPlay(PFS)isaworldwidefantasyroleplayingcampaignthatputsYOUintheroleofanagentofthePathfinderSociety,alegendaryleagueofexplorers,archaeologists,andadventurersdedicatedtodiscoveringandchroniclingthegreatestmysteriesandwondersofanancientworldbesetbymagicandevil.Thecampaignrulesaredesignedtobringplayerstogetherinastandardizedandbalancedsystem.Yourcharacteris“portable”.AfteryouplayatU-Conyoucangoanywhereintheworldandplayanewadventurewithtotallynewpeopleunderthesamerules! What do I need to play Pathfinder Society at U-Con? Step1:BuyaticketforaPFSevent.Step2:ComeonuptoourHeadquarterstableandintroduceyourself.Wehavepre-generatedcharactersavailable.Dice,miniatures,etcareavailableforuse.Ifyouhaveenoughtimeandambition,we’llhelpyoumakeacharacterofyourownbutpre-gensarealwaysavailablesoyoucanjumprightintotheaction. I›ve never played a ‹roleplaying› game before, is it hard to learn the rules?Wedon’texpectyoutobearulesexpert.Thecomplexityscalesupasyourcharactergainsexperience.TheU-Conprogramranksgamesbyplayerexperienceandsystemcomplexity.InanyPFSeventcategorizedwithNoXP/Average,theGameMasterwillbereadytoteachyouasyougoalong.Wedon’tbite--butthemonstersmight! How do I learn more about Pathfinder Society? Welovepeoplewhoaskusthisques-tion!,getaPFSmembershipnumberandfindmoreeventsinyourarea.

I tried it and I love it. How do I find more of these games?,,

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5858 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #2-15 Shades of Ice, Part 1: Written in Blood CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p Forced to navigate the rugged, isolated city and interact with the standoffish natives, can the PCs deliver their cargo to its target, or will they find themselves exiled from the city? Or worse... Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5859 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #4-02, In Wrath's Shadow Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p In the ruins of Xin-Bakrakhan the Pathfinder Society stands on the verge of a great discovery, but first the PCs exploring the ruins must survive ages-old dangers to return with the knowledge and wealth they've unearthed. Levels 3-7, (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5860 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-98, Serpents Rise Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p Years of political maneuvering, espionage, smuggling, and diplomacy have set the stage for the Aspis Consortium's most ambitious attack on their Inner Sea rivals: the Pathfinder Society. PREGENS 7th, (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5861 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-98, Serpents' Ire Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p A parasitic faction known as the Korholm Agenda has tried to corrupt the upstanding Aspis Consortium from the inside out, all in the vain pursuit of revenge and profit. PREGENS 8th, (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5862 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p In this special adventure, the players portray a diverse coalition of elemental guardians that must embark on perilous journey into the maelstrom's heart and avert a disaster that threatens the Inner Sphere. PREGENS 6th (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5863 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-01 Portent's Peril Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p The Pathfinder Society's ally Zeeva Foxglove recently received a Harrow reading as repayment for her generosity, but a rare card portended imminent doom.Save this friend and philanthropist--perhaps by changing fate

entirely. Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5864 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-03 Captives of Toil Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p A recent raid by duergar slavers has captured Jormurdun's dwarves, who have disappeared into the Darklands and bound for the cruel capitol of Hagegraf. Only the Pathfinder Society is equipped to save these dwarves from a grisly fate. Levels 5-9 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5865 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p The time is right to unearth a pristine piece of alien technology! However, Pathfinders should remember that for every untouched marvel that remains, an unblinking sentry may lie in wait. Levels 7-11 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5866 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p The PCs travel to the magnificent Opaline Vault as the Society's first envoys, but in doing so they must survive the otherworldly threats that lurk in both this strange environment and within their own ranks. Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5867 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-06 Reaping What We Sow Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro hopes that an entourage of Pathfinders might participate in festivities and endear itself to a former friend of the Society. Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5868 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-07 From the Tome of the Righteous Repose Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p A local venture-captain has found a lost chapter to the Tome of Righteous Repose, concerning heroes of the Shining Crusade. You will uncover these lost sites. Levels 3-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5869 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #QUEST Honor's Echo Elizabeth Ann Fri 9a-2p Can the PCs help exonerate the Alcasti name and bring glory to Taldor once more? Level 1 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

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5724 Arcanis RolePlaying Game: LA-A3-SP1 Dagger in the Shadows, by Cody Bergman Conference H Table 7 Fri 2p-6p "Not all battles must be in the open, using legions and armies." The Heroes are drawn into the secret intrigues in Grand Coryan, after the death of a simple clerk. (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Flinn. 7 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5438 D&D 5e: CCC: Blood and Fog Conference D Fri 2p-6p New for U-Con 2016! Heavy mists have plagued the area around Phlan for weeks, even after the reported death of Vorgansharax, the Maimed Virulence. Levels 5-10. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5441 D&D 5e: CORE2-1: Tales of Good & Evil Conference D Fri 2p-6p Heroes are asked to keep peace and ferret out anyone intending to bring harm to Melvaunt because of a planar portal. Characters of Level 1-4. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5439 D&D 5e: DDA0-01: Windows to the Past Conference D Fri 2p-6p It is time to discover just what scares the life out of a nation of necromancers at the Glacier of the White Wyrm. U-Con premiere! Characters of Level 5-10 and 11-16. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5442 D&D 5e: DDAL5-06: Beneath the Fetid Chelimber / DDAL5-07: Chelimber's Descent Conference D Fri 2p-6p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5436. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5440 D&D 5e: DDIA5-01: A Great Upheaval, Part 1 & 2 Conference D Fri 2p-11p What secrets does the abandoned village of Nightstone keep? Includes both Parts 1 and 2. Characters of Level 1-4. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $6.00

5870 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #2-17 Shades of Ice, Part 2: Exiles of Winter CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p Can the PCs get past the city's defenses, infiltrate the Shadow Lodge headquarters and rescue their valuable ally, or will they find their bones ground to make Baba Yaga's bread? Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5871 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-09 By Way of Bloodcove Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p If the Pathfinder Society is to move the equipment and personnel it needs into the Mwangi Expanse, it needs a reliable means of smuggling resources through Bloodcove. It?s up to the PCs to establish a backdoor through Bloodcove. Levels 3-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5872 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-10 The Wounded Wisp Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p When a routine errand there uncovers a clue left behind by one of the founding Pathfinders, it's up to us to solve a puzzle whose pieces are scattered across Absalom-and whose prize dates back to the Society's darkest years. EVERGREEN Levels 1-2 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5873 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-99 True Dragons of Absalom Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p In this special adventure the players portray kobolds as unlikely defenders of the City at the Center of the World using 4th-level pregenerated characters. PREGENS 4th (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5874 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-12 The Twisted Circle Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p Recent investigations suggest that some ancient power is at play in an insular town outside Alkenstar, but there the trail runs cold. Can the PCs uncover the truth while braving the residents' eccentricities? Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5875 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-25 Orders from the Gate Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p Can the PCs salvage a site's historic wonders while also honoring their commitment to the Order of the Gate? Levels 5-9 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5876 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-98 Serpents' Ire Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p A parasitic faction known as the Korholm Agenda has tried to corrupt the upstanding Aspis Consortium from the inside out, all in the vain pursuit of revenge. A patron has assembled a team to infiltrate the operation and shut it

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down. PREGENS 8th (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5877 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5862. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5878 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-02 Ward Asunder Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p An unlikely ally has approached the Society with tales of unspoiled historical secrets and hidden treasure left within the shattered sanctuary of Yamatsumi, the mountain god. Levels 3-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5879 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5865. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5880 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5866. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5881 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-06 Reaping What We Sow Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5867. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5882 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-07 From the Tome of the Righteous Repose Elizabeth Ann Fri 2p-7p A local venture-captain has found a lost chapter to the Tome of Righteous Repose, concerning heroes of the Shining Crusade. At long last, this has earned a blessing to uncover these lost sites. Levels 3-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5725 Arcanis Roleplaying Game: LA-A3-SP2 Deep Roads, by Akira Currier Conference H Table 7 Fri 8p-12a An unknown complex within the First City has been discovered, which is believed to contain First Imperium artifacts. Who will be the first to reach the ruins and claim the treasures contained within? (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Flinn. 7 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5444 D&D 5e: CCC: Blood and Fog Conference D Fri 8p-12a See Organized Play Fri 2p 5438. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5445 D&D 5e: DDA0-01: Windows to the Past Conference D Fri 8p-12a See Organized Play Fri 2p 5439. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5447 D&D 5e: DDAL5-06: Beneath the Fetid Chelimber / DDAL5-07: Chelimber's Descent Conference D Fri 8p-12a See Organized Play Fri 9a 5436. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5449 D&D 5e: PHLAN1-1: Sepulture Conference D Fri 8p-12a The Doomguide of Kelemvor has descended into the shadows of a necropolis and gathers dark forces around him. Characters of Level 11-16. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5884 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #2-19 Shades of Ice, Part 3: Keep of the Huscarl King CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a The powerful weapon rumored to be in an abandoned tower could be disastrous if it falls into the hands of those who plot the Pathfinder Society's destruction; who will find it first? Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5885 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-03 The Technic Siege Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a Can the PCs prevent the League from stealing this valuable tome and destroying the Society's foothold in the Mwangi Expanse? Levels 5-9. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5886 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-20 Returned to Sky Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a Can the PCs brave Chesed, evade the vigilant agents of the Technic League, and survive a trip into the Numerian wastes? Levels 7-11 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5887 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-20 All for Immortality, Part 1: First Taste of Eternity Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a The ruler of Pashow has retained the services of the Pathfinder Society to ensure that the sun

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orchid elixir arrives unharmed and restores prosperity to his realm. Levels 12-15 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5888 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-98 Serpents' Ire Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 2p 5876. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5889 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 9a 5862. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5890 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-01 Portent's Peril Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a The Pathfinder Society's ally Zeeva Foxglove recently received a Harrow reading as payment for her generosity, but a rare card portended imminent doom. Save this friend and philanthropist--perhaps by changing fate entirely. Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5891 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-02 Ward Asunder Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 2p 5878. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5892 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-03 Captives of Toil Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 9a 5864. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5893 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 9a 5865. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5894 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 9a 5866. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5895 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-06 Reaping What We Sow Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 9a 5867. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5896 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-07 From the Tome of the Righteous Repose Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 2p 5882. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5883 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society We Be Goblins! Elizabeth Ann Fri 8p-1a Chuffy, Mogmurch, Poog, and Reta must prove themselves by undergoing a series of challenges. They must make a dangerous trek to claim a toad and present it to the terrifying presence that lurks within the Cave of Darkfear! PREGENS 1st (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

SATURDAy5726 Arcanis Roleplaying Game: Legends of Arcanis: Open Library Conference H Table 7 Sat 9a-1p Player's choice of adventures in the Legends of Arcanis Campaign. (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Flinn. 7 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5450 D&D 5e: CCC: Blood and Fog Conference D Sat 9a-1p New for U-Con 2016! Heavy mists have plagued the area around Phlan for weeks, even after the reported death of Vorgansharax, the Maimed Virulence. Levels 5-10. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5453 D&D 5e: CORE2-2: Songs of Law & Chaos Conference D Sat 9a-1p Omens speak of an old and forgotten power located within an played-out diamond mine. Characters of Level 1-4. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5451 D&D 5e: DDA0-01: Windows to the Past Conference D Sat 9a-1p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5439. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5455 D&D 5e: DDAL5-06: Beneath the Fetid Chelimber / DDAL5-07: Chelimber's Descent Conference D Sat 9a-1p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5436. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5452 D&D 5e: PHLAN1-2: Enemy of My Enemy Conference D Sat 9a-1p Something odd is happening to the citizens of Phlan. Some have inexplicably gone mad while others have developed strange magical abilities. Characters

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of Level 11-16. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5898 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #0-01 Silent Tide Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p The night's tide brings with it an ancient armada of some long-forgotten war and you are the only thing between their mist-shrouded ghost fleet and Absalom's utter oblivion. Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5899 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #1-29 The Devil We Know, Part 1: Shipyard Rats CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p Can you work together with the enemies of the Society to uncover the source of the kidnappings, or will you perish in the shipyards of Cassomir? Level 1-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5900 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #3-17 Red Harvest Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p In the naga-ruled nation of Nagajor in southern Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society finds itself caught between feuding factions in a remote village. Your decisions determine if the Society gains access to a valuable religious artifact. Levels 7-11 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5901 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-98 Serpents Rise Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p Years of political maneuvering, espionage, smuggling, and diplomacy have set the stage for the Aspis Consortium's most ambitious attack on their Inner Sea rivals: the Pathfinder Society. PREGENS 7th (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5902 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-06 To Judge a Soul, Part 1: The Lost Legacy Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p Venture-Captain Bakten nears the end of his noble existence and has begun investigating his past lives as a means of understanding Tian Xia's rich history and needs the PCs' help. Levels 3-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5903 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-26 All for Immortality, Part 2: All the Gods Beyond Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p On the trail of the villainous mastermind at the heart of the sun orchid scheme, the PCs infiltrate a

clandestine facility established to study the utterly otherworldly. Levels 12-15 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5904 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-98 Serpents' Ire Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5876. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5905 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5862. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5906 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5865. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 12 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5907 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5866. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 12 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5908 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-06 Reaping What We Sow Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5867. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 12 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5909 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-07 From the Tome of the Righteous Repose Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5882. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 12 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5910 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #QUEST Honor's Echo Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p Can the PCs help exonerate the Alcasti name and bring glory to Taldor once more? Level 1 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5897 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society We Be Goblins! Elizabeth Ann Sat 9a-2p The Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh have stumbled upon a great treasure--fireworks! The PCs must complete a series of dangerous dares, from swallowing bull slugs and braving the dreaded Earbiter to dancing with Squealy Nord himself. PREGENS 1st (Ages 13+). GM:

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Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5776 Arcanis RolePlaying Game: LA-A3-SP1 Dagger in the Shadows, by Cody Bergman Conference H Table 7 Sat 2p-6p The Heroes are drawn into the secret intrigues in Grand Coryan, after the death of a simple clerk. 4-5 hrs. Hard Point. Requires Legends of Arcanis campaign character. (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Flinn. 7 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5459 D&D 5e: CCC: Blood and Fog Conference D Sat 2p-6p See Organized Play Sat 9a 5450. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5461 D&D 5e: CORE2-3: Edicts of Neutrality Conference D Sat 2p-6p An island rises out of the Moonsea just outside of Melvaunt Harbor, and initial exploration indicates the island is a threat. Characters of Level 1-4. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5457 D&D 5e: DDA0-01: Windows to the Past Conference D Sat 2p-6p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5439. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5456 D&D 5e: DDAL5-01: Treasures of the Broken Hoard Conference D Sat 2p-6p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5433. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5458 D&D 5e: PHLAN1-3: Subterfuge Conference D Sat 2p-6p A grand plan for the reconstruction of Phlan is being proposed. What could possibly go wrong? Characters of Level 11-16. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5913 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #1-30 The Devil We Know, Part 2: Cassomir's Locker CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p After clearing Cassomir's dank sewers and delving into the dirty dungeons below, will you find the artifact that powers Cassomir's Locker or bring about the destruction of Taldor's port? Levels 1-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5914 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #2-20 Wrath of the Accursed Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p When Pathfinders in and around the Osirian capital of Sothis don't respond to an

emergency summons to the Sothis Lodge, you are sent to discover their whereabouts. Levels 7-11 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5915 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-99 True Dragons of Absalom Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5873. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5916 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-08 To Judge A Soul, Part 2: Karma Reclaimed Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p It is up to the Pathfinders to ascend into the ice-capped mountains to unveil the crimes of past generations and save one of the region's greatest heroes. Levels 3-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5917 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-29 All for Immortality, Part 3: Serpents Fall Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p Sending agents so deep into enemy territory risks brutal reprisal, yet it cannot compare to the evils that will arise if the Society does not intervene. Levels 12-15 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5918 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-98 Serpents' Ire Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5876. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5919 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5862. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5920 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-03 Captives of Toil Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5864. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5921 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5865. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 12 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5922 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p The PCs travel to the

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magnificent Opaline Vault as the Society?s first envoys, but in doing so they must survive the otherworldly threats that lurk in both this strange environment and within their own ranks. Levels 1-5 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 12 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5923 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-06 Reaping What We Sow Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5867. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 12 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5924 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-07 From the Tome of the Righteous Repose Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5882. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 12 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5911 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society We B4 Goblins! Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 8p 5883. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5912 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society We Be Goblins, Too! Elizabeth Ann Sat 2p-7p Reta, Chuffy, Poog, and Zarongel have left their swampy homeland to join the neighboring goblin tribe, the Birdcrunchers. Before the goblins can join, they'll need to endure a series of dangerous and humiliating tests. PREGENS 3rd (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5777 Arcanis Roleplaying Game: LA-A3-SP2 Deep Roads, by Akira Currier Conference H Table 7 Sat 8p-12a See Organized Play Fri 8p 5725. (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Flinn. 7 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5462 D&D 5e: DDEP5-01: The Iron Baron Conference D Sat 8p-12a Work together with multiple tables as you participate! Baron Ugarak has enslaved hundreds of small folk to toil in his iron mines. Characters of Level 1-4 and 5-10. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 42 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5925 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-00 The Cosmic Captive Elizabeth Ann Sat 8p-1a Astronomers have marveled as a famous comet once more soars through the solar system, yet this cycle, strange portals have been opening on each planet the comet passes, and a powerful entity desperately calls for help.

Levels 1-11 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 90 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5926 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-00 The Cosmic Captive CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Sat 8p-1a Strange portals have begun opening on each planet the comet passes, and a powerful entity trapped on the other side of these gateways desperately calls for help. Levels 1-11 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5927 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Elizabeth Ann Sat 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 9a 5865. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5928 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken Elizabeth Ann Sat 8p-1a See Organized Play Sat 2p 5922. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5929 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-07 From the Tome of the Righteous Repose Elizabeth Ann Sat 8p-1a See Organized Play Fri 2p 5882. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

SUNDAy5775 Arcanis Roleplaying Game: Legends of Arcanis: Open Library Conference H Table 7 Sun 9a-1p Players choice of adventures in the Legends of Arcanis Campaign. (Ages 13+). GM: Matthew Flinn. 7 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5468 D&D 5e: CCC: Blood and Fog Conference D Sun 9a-1p See Organized Play Sat 9a 5450. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5463 D&D 5e: DDA0-01: Windows to the Past Conference D Sun 9a-1p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5439. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5465 D&D 5e: DDAL5-02 The Black Road / DDAL5-03 Uninvited Guests Conference D Sun 9a-1p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5434. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5464 D&D 5e: PHLAN1-2: Enemy of My Enemy Conference D Sun 9a-1p See Organized Play

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Sat 9a 5452. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5931 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #1-41 The Devil We Know, Part 3: Crypt of Fools CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p With clues gathered there, you must explore Old Cassomir and find secret locations that lead you to the source of the spree: the long lost Crypt of Fools. Levels 1-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5932 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-99 True Dragons of Absalom Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5873. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5933 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-09 The Blackros Connection Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p In order to release the high-ranking Pathfinder, the Society must understand the relic and track down the fleeing operative--a mission that leads the PCs into Absalom's most prestigious archives to uncover a dark secret. Levels 5-9 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5934 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-23 Abducted in Aether Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p Can the PCs intervene and mount a rescue of a kidnapped high-ranked Pathfinder on another plane of existence before the esteemed captive disappears forever? Levels 7-11 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5935 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-98 Serpents' Ire Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p A parasitic faction known as the Korholm Agenda has tried to corrupt the upstanding Aspis Consortium from the inside out, all in the pursuit of revenge and profit. A patron has assembled a team to infiltrate the operation. PREGENS 8th (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5936 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p In this special adventure, the players portray a diverse coalition of elemental guardians that must embark on perilous journey into the maelstrom?s heart and avert a disaster that threatens the Inner Sphere. PREGENS 6th

(Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5937 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5865. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5938 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p See Organized Play Sat 2p 5922. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5939 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-06 Reaping What We Sow Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5867. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5940 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-07 From the Tome of the Righteous Repose Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p A local venture-captain has found a lost chapter to the Tome of Righteous Repose, concerning heroes of the Shining Crusade. At long last, this has earned the blessing to uncover these lost sites. Levels 3-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5941 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #QUEST Honor's Echo Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p Can the PCs help exonerate the Alcasti name and bring glory to Taldor once more? Level 1 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5930 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society We Be Goblins Free! Elizabeth Ann Sun 9a-2p Reta Bigbad, Chuffy Lickwound, Poog, and Mogmurch find themselves getting more adventure than they bargained for as they venture to the Bestest Truffle Field to pick up the slack for their bumbling minions. PREGENS 4th (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5966 Shadowrun: Welcome to the Sixth World Ballroom Table 216 Sun 9a-1p This "Welcome to the 6th world" demo event will feature 2-hours of character creation and introduction into the games near future setting and a 2 hour short game session. No experience necessary. (Ages 13+). GM: Edward Kabara. 7 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

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ardSpecial Events



Organized Play


5469 D&D 5e: DDA0-01: Windows to the Past Conference D Sun 2p-6p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5439. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5472 D&D 5e: DDAL5-02 The Black Road / DDAL5-03 Uninvited Guests Conference D Sun 2p-6p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5434. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / No XP / Simple / $3.00

5473 D&D 5e: DDAL5-06: Beneath the Fetid Chelimber / DDAL5-07: Chelimber's Descent Conference D Sun 2p-6p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5436. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5470 D&D 5e: PHLAN1-3: Subterfuge Conference D Sun 2p-6p See Organized Play Sat 2p 5458. (Ages 13+). GM: Adventurer's League. 7 seats / Some XP / Simple / $3.00

5943 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #1-48 The Devil We Know, Part 4: Rules of the Swift CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p You will explore an empty prison, delve the tunnels below, and come face-to-face with the source of Cassomir's troubles in a vile grotto deep beneath the city. Levels 1-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5944 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #6-98 Serpents Rise Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p See Organized Play Sat 9a 5901. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5945 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-27 Beyond Azlant Ridge Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p Fearing an excavation in the Terwa Uplands may be besieged once more, the Society has sent the PCs to save who they can, salvage what they must, and uncover a secret that has laid buried outside Bloodcove for millennia. Levels 3-7 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5946 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-28 Ageless Ambitions Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p The Pathfinder Society has placed its trust in the PCs to stop an internecine conflict in Thuvia. To do so, they must confront the Korholm Agenda leader in his own domain. Levels 7-11 (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5947 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-98 Serpents' Ire CORE CAMPAIGN Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p A parasitic faction known as the Korholm Agenda has tried to corrupt the upstanding Aspis Consortium from the inside out. A powerful patron has assembled a team to infiltrate the operation. PREGENS 8th (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5948 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p In this special adventure, the players portray a diverse coalition of elemental guardians that must embark on perilous journey and avert a disaster that threatens the Inner Sphere. PREGENS 6th (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5949 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-02 Ward Asunder Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 2p 5878. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Some XP / Average / $3.00

5950 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5865. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / Lots XP / Complex / $3.00

5951 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5866. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5952 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society #8-06 Reaping What We Sow Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 9a 5867. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

5942 Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Society We B4 Goblins! Elizabeth Ann Sun 2p-7p See Organized Play Fri 8p 5883. (Ages 13+). GM: Pathfinder Society. 6 seats / No XP / Average / $3.00

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About U-ConFounded in 1988, U-Con is the longest running gaming convention in Michigan. The convention is run by a non-profit organization and a committee of volunteers in their spare time. If you see someone with a Staff, Volunteer, or Gamemaster badge, please thank them for contributing their time to support our hobby and the gaming community!

U-Con Library Games DayDid you enjoy gaming at U-Con? Then come and join us to play games all year round! Arbor Brew-ing Company Microbrewery in Ypsilanti is host to U-Con Games Library Day every second Sunday of the month (see schedule for exact details . A subset of the games library is in attendance as well as any games people feel like bringing. We play from noon to 4pm – bring your family, bring your friends, bring your games and have fun with us.

VolunteersU-Con only exists through the hard work of our awesome volunteers. If that’s not incentive enough, we offer comped badges and a few additional incentives for volunteering. Talk to the Ops Captain at Registration or email us at [emailprotected] about volunteering this year or next year.

Thank You- Marriott Ann Arbor Ypsilanti

Eagle Crest and its staff

- U-Con Staff, Volunteers, Gamemasters and Exhibitors

- Special Guests: John Wick, Christopher Badell, Stacy Dellorfano, Darren Watts, Brendan LeSalle, Jonathan

Gilmour, Marc Tassin, Bill Webb, Michael Surbrook and Leonard Balsera.

- Gamemaster Groups: Pathfinder Society, Puffing Billy Team, Adventurer’s League, We Hate Bards, Amorphous Blob, TSA Games, Oakland County

Gamers, Mini Team and 9+ event GMs: Daniel Smith, Bryan Snell, Nikki Carr, Mason Whitlar, Ed Hong, and Nicholas Baker

- Artwork: Dobby Doodles

- Photography: Adam Vale

- Open Gaming: Will Niebling

Donations Thank YouLibrary Games and Prizes have been generously donated by: ACD Distribution, Black Spindle Games, iello, Asmadi Games, Bananagrams, Cheapass Games, DVG Games, Genius Games, Good-man Games, Rio Grande Games, Tasty Minstrel Games, Common Man Games, dvGiochi, Funagain Games, Chara Games, Facade Games, Fireside Games, Greater/than/games, Haba USA, Hack and Slash Games, Mayday Games, Overworld Games, Paw-Warrior Enterprises, Smirk & Dagger, Stronghold Games, Studio Woe, Thames & Kosmos, USAopoly, Aetaltis, Chaosium, Czech Games Edition, Dead of Winter, ElfinWerks, Frog God Games, Genesis of Legend Publishing, Hero Games, Looney Labs, Pelgrane Press, The Morrow Project, Zvezda, Breaking Games, Formal Ferret Games, Gigamic, Gorilla Games, Grail Games, Grandpa Beck’s Games, Ideas Never Implemented, Indie Boards& Cards, Portal Games, R&R Games, SlugFest Games, Wattsalpoag Games, Level 99 Games, Allsaid & Dunn, Bezier Games, Evil Hat Productions, and Lame Mage Productions.

See you next year! U-Con 2017, November 17-19, Marriott

Ann Arbor ypsilanti at Eagle Crest

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w w w. d e x p o s u r e . c o m / e n v o yUpgrade your gaming experience withcommunity, resources and recognition!

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Quick list: How to Repair a Damaged PDF.
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  2. Repair installation. ...
  3. Restore previous version. ...
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.